FBXEIPS ;WCIOFO/SAB-POST INSTALL ROUTINE ;7/17/1998 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**14**;JAN 30, 1995 Q ; EN N FBDA,FBC D BMES^XPDUTL(" Examining the FEE BASIS PATIENT file...") ; init variables S FBC("TOT")=$P($G(^FBAAA(0)),U,4) ; total # of patients to evaluate S FBC("PAT")=0 ; count of evaluated patients S FBC("HEC")=0 ; count of patients to report to HEC S XPDIDTOT=FBC("TOT") ; set total for status bar S FBC("UPD")=5 ; initial % required to update status bar ; ; loop thru patients S FBDA=0 F S FBDA=$O(^FBAAA(FBDA)) Q:'FBDA D . S FBC("PAT")=FBC("PAT")+1 . S FBC("%")=FBC("PAT")*100/FBC("TOT") ; calculate % complete . ; check if status bar should be updated . I FBC("%")>FBC("UPD") D . . D UPDATE^XPDID(FBC("PAT")) ; update status bar . . S FBC("UPD")=FBC("UPD")+5 ; increase update criteria by 5% . ; evaluate authorizations . I $$XMIT(FBDA) S FBC("HEC")=FBC("HEC")+1 D EVENT^IVMPLOG(FBDA) ; D MES^XPDUTL(" "_FBC("PAT")_" FEE BASIS PATIENTs were evaluated.") D MES^XPDUTL(" Of these, "_FBC("HEC")_" will be included in the next daily transmission to HEC.") ; Q ; XMIT(FBDA) ; Should FEE veterans be reported to HEC N FBDA1,FBRET,FBY0 S FBRET=0 ; assume no authorizations will meet criteria ; reverse loop thru authorizations - stop when any one meets criteria S FBDA1=" " F S FBDA1=$O(^FBAAA(FBDA,1,FBDA1),-1) Q:'FBDA1 D Q:FBRET . Q:$P($G(^FBAAA(FBDA,1,FBDA1,"ADEL")),U)="Y" ; ignore Austin Deleted . S FBY0=$G(^FBAAA(FBDA,1,FBDA1,0)) . Q:$P(FBY0,U,2)<2961001 ; To Date before cutoff date . Q:$P(FBY0,U,3)="" ; FEE Program required . ; passed all checks . S FBRET=1 ; Q FBRET ; ;FBXEIPS