FBXIP44 ;WCIOFO/MJE-PATCH INSTALL ROUTINE ;3/7/2002 ;;3.5;FEE BASIS;**44**;JAN 30, 1995 Q ; PS ; post-install entry point ; create KIDS checkpoints with call backs N FBX F FBX="CF" D . S Y=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL(FBX,FBX_"^FBXIP44") . I 'Y D BMES^XPDUTL("ERROR Creating "_FBX_" Checkpoint.") Q ; CF ; add conversion factors for calendar year 2002 RBRVS fee schedule ; File 162.99 is being updated in the post install because the Fee ; Basis software examines this file to determine the latest available ; fee schedule. By doing this at the end of the patch installation, ; users can continue to use the payment options during the install. D BMES^XPDUTL(" Filing conversion factor for RBRVS 2002 fee schedule.") N DD,DO,DA,DIE,DR,X,Y S DA(1)=0 F S DA(1)=$O(^FB(162.99,DA(1))) Q:'DA(1) D . S DA=$O(^FB(162.99,DA(1),"CY","B",2002,0)) . I DA'>0 D Q:DA'>0 . . S DIC="^FB(162.99,"_DA(1)_",""CY"",",DIC(0)="L",DIC("P")="162.991A",DLAYGO=162.991 . . S X=2002 . . K DD,DO D FILE^DICN . . K DIC,DLAYGO . . S DA=+Y . ; . S DIE="^FB(162.99,"_DA(1)_",""CY""," . S DR=".02///"_$S(DA(1)=1:16.6,1:36.1992) . D ^DIE Q ; ;FBXIP44