GMVVDEFK ;BPOIFO/JG,HIOFO/FT - KIDS POST INSTALL FOR VDEF PATCH ; 04 Oct 2004 3:16 PM ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;**5**;Oct 31, 2002 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; #4447 - POSTKID^VDEF (controlled) ; #10141 - XPDUTL calls (controlled) ; ; This program is used as the KIDS Post-Install routine ; for the second VDEF patch that installs GMV application ; specific components that are required by VDEF to construct ; a message. ; POSTKID ; Entry point ; Inputs that are required by POSTKID^VDEFVU: ; MSGTYP - HL7 message type (ADT, ORU, etc) ; EVNTYP - HL7 event type (A60, R01, etc) ; SUBTYP - VDEF Event Subtype (ALGY, PPAR, etc) ; PROTO - VistA HL7 Event Driver Protocol Name ; CUSTPKG - Custodial Package Name ; EXTROUT - VDEF Message Extraction Program ; EVDESC - Event description ; SUBDESC - Subtype description (Required only if new subtype) ; ; If needed, POSTKID^VDEFVU will generate error message (BMES^XPDUTL) ; and set KIDABORT=1 ; K XPDABORT I $G(XPDNM)="" D BMES^XPDUTL("Must be run as a KIDS Post-Install process.") S XPDABORT=1 Q N MSGTYP,EVNTYP,SUBTYP,PROTO,CUSTPKG,EXTROUT,EVDESC,SUBDESC,ERRMSG,KIDABORT ; ; Create Vitals Event S MSGTYP="ORU" S EVNTYP="R01" S SUBTYP="VTLS" S EXTROUT="GMVVDEF1" S PROTO="GMRV ORU R01 VITALS VS" S CUSTPKG="GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS" S EVDESC="PATIENT VITALS" S SUBDESC="VITALS MEASUREMENTS" D POSTKID^VDEFVU(MSGTYP,EVNTYP,SUBTYP,PROTO,CUSTPKG,EXTROUT,EVDESC,SUBDESC,.KIDABORT) Q:$G(KIDABORT) ; ; Success!! D BMES^XPDUTL("VDEF Event(s) successfully installed in VDEF globals.") Q