GMVXPST ;HOIFO/FT-POST INSTALLATION FOR VITALS ;10/28/02 12:33 ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;;Oct 31, 2002 ; ; This routine uses the following IAs: ; #10141 - ^XPDUTL calls (supported) ; #2263 - ^XPAR calls (supported) ; ; This post-installation: ; 1) deletes the data dictionary entries and data for File 120.5, ; Fields 1.1 and 1.3 ; 2) deletes the data dictionary entries and data for File 120.51, ; Fields 2 and 6 ; 3) updates the parameters for the required client version ; 4) deletes some bogus data dictionary nodes in FILE 120.5 ; XPAR ; Setup preliminary parameters ; This submodule is called during the KIDS installation ; process. ; ; Variables: ; GMV: [Private] Scratch ; GMVGUI: [Private] Current version of GUI being installed ; GMVLST: [Private] Scratch List ; ; New private variables NEW GMV,GMVGUI,GMVLST ; Announce my intentions D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating system parameters.") ; Set current client version S GMVGUI="" ; Deactivate all previous versions from XPAR D GETLST^XPAR(.GMVLST,"SYS","GMV GUI VERSION") F GMV=0:0 S GMV=$O(GMVLST(GMV)) Q:'GMV D .D EN^XPAR("SYS","GMV GUI VERSION",$P(GMVLST(GMV),"^",1),0) ; Add and/or activate current client versions D EN^XPAR("SYS","GMV GUI VERSION","VITALS.EXE:"_GMVGUI,1) D EN^XPAR("SYS","GMV GUI VERSION","VITALSMANAGER.EXE:"_GMVGUI,1) ; Set latest Vital Home Page D EN^XPAR("SYS","GMV WEBLINK",1,"") ; ; Kill bogus DD nodes K ^DD(120.5,1,0) K ^DD(120.5,1,21,0) K ^DD(120.5,1,21,1,0) K ^DD(120.5,1,21,2,0) K ^DD(120.5,"B","SITE",1) K ^DD(120.5,"GL",1,0,1) K ^DD(120.5,"SB",120.505,1) ; QUEUE ; Queue post-install N GMVMSG,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSK I +$$VERSION^XPDUTL("GMRV")>4.9 Q ;post-install was done before D BMES^XPDUTL("Will queue data cleanup as a background job.") S ZTDESC="V/M v5.0 Data Cleanup" S ZTRTN="EN^GMVXPST",ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H D ^%ZTLOAD S:ZTSK GMVMSG="Task #: "_ZTSK S:'ZTSK GMVMSG="Could not task the data cleanup." D MES^XPDUTL(GMVMSG) Q EN ; Driver subroutine for post-installation S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" D DATA,DD Q DD ; Delete obsolete data dictionary fields ; delete *SITE (#2) and *QUALITY (#6) from File 120.51 N DA,DIK S DIK="^DD(120.51," F DA=2,6 D .S DA(1)=DA .D ^DIK .Q ; delete *SITE (#1.1) and *QUALITY (#1.3) from File 120.5 S DIK="^DD(120.5," F DA=1.1,1.3 D .S DA(1)=DA .D ^DIK .Q Q DATA ; Delete data from obsolete fields ; delete data from File 120.51, Fields 2 and 6 N DA,DIE,DR,GMVNODE S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^GMRD(120.51,DA)) Q:'DA D .S DIE="^GMRD(120.51,",DR="2///@;6///@" .D ^DIE .Q ; delete data from File 120.5, Fields 1.1 and 1.3 S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^GMR(120.5,DA)) Q:'DA D .S GMVNODE=$G(^GMR(120.5,DA,0)) .I $P(GMVNODE,U,7)="",$P(GMVNODE,U,9)="" Q ;no data to delete .S DIE="^GMR(120.5,",DR="1.1///@;1.3///@" .D ^DIE .Q Q