GMRVP59 ;BAY/KAM-Patch GMRV*5*9 Install Utility Routine ; 8/5/05 7:14am ;;5.0;GEN. MED. REC. - VITALS;**9**;Apr 15, 2003 ; ENV ;Main Entry point for Environment Check S XPDABORT="" D PROGCHK(.XPDABORT) ;checks programmer variables I XPDABORT="" K XPDABORT Q PROGCHK(XPDABORT) ; checks for necessary programmer variables ; I '$G(DUZ)!($G(DUZ(0))'="@")!('$G(DT))!($G(U)'="^") D . D BMES^XPDUTL("****") . D MES^XPDUTL("Your programming variables are not set up properly.") . D MES^XPDUTL("Installation aborted.") . D MES^XPDUTL("*****") . S XPDABORT=2 Q PRE ;Add 1 second to all entries in File 120.5 that do not contain a time ;entry in piece one N GMRIEN,DATETIME,X1,X2 K ^XTMP("GMRVP59",$J) I '$G(DT) S DT=$$DT^XLFDT I '$D(^XTMP("GMRVP59")) S X1=DT,X2=+90 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP("GMRVP59",0)=$G(X)_"^"_DT S GMRIEN="" F S GMRIEN=$O(^GMR(120.5,GMRIEN)) Q:GMRIEN=""!(GMRIEN'?1.N) D . S DATETIME=$P($G(^GMR(120.5,GMRIEN,0)),"^") . I +$P(DATETIME,".",2)'>0 D .. S $P(^XTMP("GMRVP59",$J,120.5,GMRIEN),"^")=$G(DATETIME) ; Before .. N GMRFDA .. S DATETIME=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DATETIME,"","","",1) .. S $P(^XTMP("GMRVP59",$J,120.5,GMRIEN),"^",2)=$G(DATETIME) ; After .. S GMRFDA(120.5,GMRIEN_",",.01)=DATETIME .. D UPDATE^DIE("","GMRFDA") Q