HDI1004A ;BPFO/GRR,ALB/RMO - PATCH 4 POST INSTALL;2/08/2006 ;;1.0;HEALTH DATA & INFORMATICS;**4**;Feb 22, 2005 ; POST ;Main entry point for post-install routine ; Input: None ; All variables set by Kernel for KIDS post-installs ;Output: None N HDIMSG,HDISERR,HDDOM,HDISDFFS S HDDOM="TIU" S HDISDFFS(8925.6)="" S HDISDFFS(8926.1)="" S HDISDFFS(8926.2)="" S HDISDFFS(8926.3)="" S HDISDFFS(8926.4)="" S HDISDFFS(8926.5)="" S HDISDFFS(8926.6)="" S HDISERR=0 S HDIMSG(1)=" " S HDIMSG(2)="~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" S HDIMSG(3)="Post-Installation (POST^HDI1004A) will now be run" S HDIMSG(4)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.HDIMSG) K HDIMSG ;Updates HDIS DOMAIN file and HDIS FILE/FIELD file I '$$UPDTDOM^HDISVCUT(HDDOM,.HDISDFFS) D PSTHALT Q ;Updates Sets of Codes I '$$VUID^HDISVCUT(HDDOM,"HDI1004B") D PSTHALT Q S HDIMSG(1)=" " S HDIMSG(2)="Post-Installation ran to completion" S HDIMSG(3)="~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" S HDIMSG(4)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.HDIMSG) K HDIMSG Q ; PSTHALT ;Print post-install halted text N HDIMSG S HDIMSG(1)=" " S HDIMSG(2)="*****" S HDIMSG(3)="***** Post-installation has been halted" S HDIMSG(4)="***** Please contact Enterprise VistA Support" S HDIMSG(5)="*****" S HDIMSG(6)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.HDIMSG) Q