HDISVF05 ;ALB/RMO - 7115.6 File Utilities/API Cont.; 1/11/05@2:37:00 ;;1.0;HEALTH DATA & INFORMATICS;;Feb 22, 2005 ; ;---- Begin HDIS File/Field file (#7115.6) API(s) ---- ; ADDFFNM(HDISFILN,HDISFLDN,HDISFIEN,HDISERRM) ;Add a New File/Field Entry ; Input -- HDISFILN File Number ; HDISFLDN Field Number (Optional- Default .01) ; Output -- 1=Successful and 0=Failure ; If Successful: ; HDISFIEN HDIS File/Field file IEN ; If Failure: ; HDISERRM Error Message (Optional) N HDISFDA,HDISFFNM,HDISIEN,HDISMSG,HDISOKF ;Initialize output S (HDISFIEN,HDISERRM)="" ;Check for missing variable, exit if not defined I $G(HDISFILN)'>0 D G ADDFFNMQ . S HDISERRM="Required Variable Missing." ;Set Field Number to default of .01, if needed S HDISFLDN=$S('$D(HDISFLDN):.01,1:HDISFLDN) ;Set File/Field Name to file#~field# (i.e. 10.3~.01) S HDISFFNM=HDISFILN_"~"_HDISFLDN ;Check for existing File Number and Field Number, return error and exit if it exists I $D(^HDIS(7115.6,"AFIL",HDISFILN,HDISFLDN)) D G ADDFFNMQ . S HDISERRM="File Number and Field Number already exists." ;Set array for File/Field Name, File Number and Field Number S HDISFDA(7115.6,"+1,",.01)=$G(HDISFFNM) S HDISFDA(7115.6,"+1,",.02)=$G(HDISFILN) S HDISFDA(7115.6,"+1,",.04)=$G(HDISFLDN) D UPDATE^DIE("E","HDISFDA","HDISIEN","HDISMSG") ;Check for error I $D(HDISMSG("DIERR")) D . S HDISERRM=$G(HDISMSG("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) ELSE D . S HDISFIEN=+$G(HDISIEN(1)) . S HDISOKF=1 D CLEAN^DILF ADDFFNMQ Q +$G(HDISOKF) ; GETIEN(HDISFILN,HDISFLDN,HDISFIEN) ;Get IEN for a File/Field by File Number and Field Number ; Input -- HDISFILN File Number ; HDISFLDN Field Number (Optional- Default .01) ; Output -- 1=Successful and 0=Failure ; If Successful: ; HDISFIEN HDIS File/Field file IEN ;Initialize output S HDISFIEN="" ;Check for missing variable, exit if not defined I $G(HDISFILN)'>0 G GETIENQ ;Set Field Number to .01 default if needed S HDISFLDN=$S('$D(HDISFLDN):.01,1:HDISFLDN) ;Check for entry by File Number and Field Number S HDISFIEN=$O(^HDIS(7115.6,"AFIL",HDISFILN,HDISFLDN,0)) GETIENQ Q +$S($G(HDISFIEN)>0:1,1:0) ; GETFF(HDISFIEN,HDISFILN,HDISFLDN) ;Get File Number and Field Number for a File/Field by IEN ; Input -- HDISFIEN HDIS File/Field file IEN ; Output -- 1=Successful and 0=Failure ; If Successful: ; HDISFILN File Number ; HDISFLDN Field Number N HDIS0 ;Initialize output S (HDISFILN,HDISFLDN)="" ;Check for missing variable, exit if not defined I $G(HDISFIEN)'>0 G GETFFQ ;Check for File Number and Field Number by IEN I $D(^HDIS(7115.6,HDISFIEN,0)) S HDIS0=$G(^(0)) D . S HDISFILN=$P(HDIS0,"^",2) . S HDISFLDN=$P(HDIS0,"^",4) GETFFQ Q +$S($G(HDISFILN)'=""&($G(HDISFLDN)'=""):1,1:0) ; ;---- End HDIS File/Field file (#7115.6) API(s) ----