HLCS ;ALB/RJS,MTC,JRP - COMMUNICATIONS SERVER - ;10/04/2007 14:34 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**2,9,14,19,43,57,109,132,122**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 14 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;The SEND function is invoked by the transaction processor. ;It's function is to $O through the ITEM multiple of the Event Driver ;Protocol and create child entries in the Message Text file (#772) ;for the message at HLMTIEN. These child messages point back ;to the parent message so that message text does not need to ;be duplicated when a message is sent to multiple applications. ; ;The SENDACK function is also invoked by the transaction processor. ;It's function is to create a child entry in the Message Text file ;for the message at HLMTIENA and deliver the message to the ;application the requested/sent information. ; ;For DHCP to DHCP messaging (i.e. internal to internal), an incoming ;message is created in the Message Text file which is a duplication ;of the outgoing message. The incoming message is then processed by ;calling the transaction processor. ; ;For DHCP to COTS messaging (i.e. internal to external), the message ;is filed in the Message Text file with the Logical Link defined and ;a status of PENDING TRANSMISSION. These entries are picked up by ;the background filer and transmitted to the appropriate COTS system. ; SEND(HLMTIEN,HLEID,HLRESULT) ;Send an HL7 message ;HLMTIEN=The IEN of the parent message in file # 772 ;HLEID=The IEN of the Event Driver protocol in file #101 ;HLRESULT=Variable for any error text (pass by reference) ; ;Declare variables N HLARY,HLERROR,HLEIDS,HLCLIENT,HLOGLINK,HLMTIENS,HLMSGPTR S HLERROR="" ;Direct connect I HLPRIO="I" D Q . D DC^HLMA2 . S HLRESULT=HLERROR ;Get all subscribers to the message D ITEM^HLUTIL2(HLEID,"PTR") ;Quit if no subscribers (considered successful delivery) G:($G(HLARY(0))'>0) EXIT ;Deliver message to each subscriber S HLEIDS=0 F S HLEIDS=$O(HLARY(HLEIDS)) Q:(HLEIDS'>0) D .; .;**132 excluded subscribers ** .N I,EXCLUDE .S (EXCLUDE,I)=0 . ; . ; patch HL*1.6*122 . ; F S I=$O(HLP("EXCLUDE SUBSCRIBER",I)) Q:'I I $G(HLP("EXCLUDE SUBSCRIBER",I))=HLEIDS S EXCLUDE=1 Q . F S I=$O(HLP("EXCLUDE SUBSCRIBER",I)) Q:'I D Q:EXCLUDE .. N TEMP .. S TEMP=HLP("EXCLUDE SUBSCRIBER",I) .. I 'TEMP,TEMP]"" S TEMP=$O(^ORD(101,"B",TEMP,0)) .. I TEMP=HLEIDS S EXCLUDE=1 . ; patch HL*1.6*122 . ; .Q:EXCLUDE .;** 132 end ** .; .;Get pointer to receiving application .S HLCLIENT=+HLARY(HLEIDS),HL("EIDS")=HLEIDS,HLERROR="" .Q:(HLCLIENT'>0) .;Check and execute ROUTING LOGIC **CIRN** .S HLX=$G(^ORD(101,HLEIDS,774)) .I HLX]"" D Q ..N HLQUIT,HLNODE,HLNEXT ..S HLQUIT=0,HLNODE="",HLNEXT="D HLNEXT^HLCSUTL" ..X HLX I $D(HLL("LINKS")) D FWD^HLCS2 K HLL ;**CIRN** .;Get pointer to logical link .S HLOGLINK=$P(HLARY(HLEIDS),"^",2) .;Determine if receiving application is internal or external .; Logical link has a value for external applications .; Logical link is NULL for internal applications .I (HLOGLINK) D COTS Q .;Create 'incoming' message based on 'outgoing' message (internal) .D DHCP(HLMTIEN,HLEIDS,HLCLIENT) .Q:(HLERROR) .;Process the 'incoming' message .S HLERROR="" .D PROCESS^HLTP0(HLMSGPTR,"DHCP","",.HLERROR) .;Update Status of 'incoming' message to SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED .; or ERROR DURING TRANSMISSION .D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSGPTR,$S(HLERROR:4,1:3),$S(HLERROR:+HLERROR,1:""),$S(HLERROR:$P(HLERROR,"^",2),1:""),,$S($G(HLERR("SKIP_EVENT"))=1:1,1:0)) .I $D(HLL("LINKS")) D FWD^HLCS2 K HLL ;**CIRN** D ADD^HLCS2 ;**CIRN** EXIT S HLRESULT=HLERROR Q COTS ;Internal to external communication ;Create child entry in Message Text file N HLTCP,HLTCPI,HLTCPO D SEND^HLMA2(HLEIDS,HLMTIEN,HLCLIENT,"D",.HLMTIENS,HLOGLINK) I ((+HLMTIENS)'>0) S HLERROR=HLMTIENS Q ;'Pass' message to background filer by setting status of child ; to PENDING TRANSMISSION D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENS,1) Q DHCP(HLMTIEN,HLEIDS,HLCLIENT) ;Internal to internal communication ; ;Input : HLMTIEN - Pointer to parent outgoing message (file #772) ; HLEIDS - Pointer to subscribing protocol (file #101) ; HLCLIENT - Pointer to receiving application (file # 771) ; ;Output : HLMTIENS - Pointer to child outgoing message (file #772) ; HLMSGPTR - Pointer to [parent] incoming message (file #772) ; HLERROR - ErrorCode ^ ErrorText ; ;Notes : This module only copies the outgoing message into an incoming ; message. Delivery of the message (i.e. processing of it) ; must be done by the calling application. ; : Message/batch header (MSH/BSH) is built and placed in the ; incoming message ; : HLMTIENS, HLMSGPTR, and HLERROR will be initialized ; : Existance and validity of input is assumed ; ;Declare variables N MSGID,MSGDT,MSGDTH,HDR2BLD,TMP,HLHDR,BHSHDR S HLERROR="" S HLMTIENS=0 S HLMSGPTR=0 ;Create child entry in Message Text file D SEND^HLMA2(HLEIDS,HLMTIEN,HLCLIENT,"D",.HLMTIENS) I ((+HLMTIENS)'>0) S HLERROR=HLMTIENS Q ;'Receive' message by making an incoming message ;Determine type of header to build S TMP=$G(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,0)) S HDR2BLD=$P(TMP,"^",14) ;Build message header (MSH) I (HDR2BLD="M") D Q:(HLERROR) .S TMP="" .D HEADER^HLCSHDR(HLMTIENS,.TMP) .Q:(TMP="") .;Error building header .S HLERROR="4^Unable to build message header => "_TMP .D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENS,4,0,$P(HLERROR,"^",2)) ;Build batch header (BHS or FHS) I (HDR2BLD'="M") D Q:(HLERROR) .S TMP="" .D BHSHDR^HLCSHDR(HLMTIENS) .S:($E(HLHDR(1),1)="-") TMP=$P(HLHDR(1),"^",2) .Q:(TMP="") .;Error building header .S HLERROR="4^Unable to build batch header => "_TMP .D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENS,4,0,$P(HLERROR,"^",2)) ;Create entry for 'incoming' message D CREATE^HLTF(.MSGID,.HLMSGPTR,.MSGDT,.MSGDTH) ;Move header and rest of message into 'incoming' message I (HDR2BLD="M") D .;Use MSH as header .D MRGINT^HLTF1(HLMTIEN,HLMSGPTR,"HLHDR") I (HDR2BLD'="M") D .;Use BHS or FHS as header .D MRGINT^HLTF1(HLMTIEN,HLMSGPTR,"BHSHDR") ;Set status of outgoing message to AWAITING ACKNOWLEDGEMENT D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENS,$S($P(^HL(772,HLMTIEN,0),U,7):3,1:2)) ;Set status of 'incoming' message to AWAITING PROCESSING D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSGPTR,9) Q SENDACK(HLMTIENA,HLEID,HLEIDS,HLRESULT) ;Send an HL7 acknowledgement/response ;HLMTIENA=The IEN of the parent acknowledgment/response message in ; file # 772 ;HLEIDS=The IEN of the Subscribing protocol in file # 101 ;HLEID=The IEN of the Event Driver protocol in file #101 ;HLRESULT=Variable for any error text (pass by reference) ; N HLERROR,HLOGLINK,HLCLIENT,HLMTIENS,HLMSGPTR,HLCLNODE I $G(HLMTIENA)=""!($G(HLEID)="")!($G(HLEIDS)="") S HLERROR="0^7^"_$G(^HL(771.7,7,0))_"at SENDACK^HLCS entry point" G EXIT2 S HLCLNODE=$G(^ORD(101,HLEID,770)) ;Get pointers to Logical Link & receiving application S HLOGLINK=$P($G(^ORD(101,HLEIDS,770)),U,7) ;Application needed to dynamically address the ACK (tcp/ip) ;(set HLL("LINKS") array before calling GENACK) I $D(HLL("LINKS")) D Q:'HLOGLINK .S HLOGLINK=$P(HLL("LINKS",1),"^",2) Q:HLOGLINK="" .K HLL("LINKS") .I +HLOGLINK'=HLOGLINK S HLOGLINK=$O(^HLCS(870,"B",HLOGLINK,0)) S HLCLIENT=$P(HLCLNODE,U,1) Q:('HLCLIENT) ;Determine if receiving application is internal or external ; Logical link has a value for external applications ; Logical link is NULL for internal applications I (HLOGLINK) D COTSACK Q ;Create 'incoming' message based on 'outgoing' message (internal) D DHCP(HLMTIENA,HLEID,HLCLIENT) ;Process the 'incoming' message I (HLMSGPTR) D .S HLERROR="" .D PROCESS^HLTP0(HLMSGPTR,"DHCP","",.HLERROR) ;Update Status of 'incoming' message to SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED ; or ERROR DURING TRANSMISSION D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMSGPTR,$S(HLERROR:4,1:3),$S(HLERROR:+HLERROR,1:""),$S(HLERROR:$P(HLERROR,"^",2),1:"")) EXIT2 ; S HLRESULT=$G(HLERROR) Q COTSACK ;Internal to external communication of acknowledgements/responses ;Create child entry in Message Text file D SEND^HLMA2(HLEID,HLMTIENA,HLCLIENT,"D",.HLMTIENS,HLOGLINK) ;'Pass' message to background filer by setting status of child ; to PENDING TRANSMISSION D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENS,1) Q