HLCSDL2 ;ALB/MTC/JC - X3.28 LOWER LAYER PROTOCOL UTILITIES 2.2 - 2/28/95 ;04/25/96 10:52 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**2**;Oct 13, 1995 Q ; SENDNAK ;-- This function will send an nack for the block specified ; by the parameter HLBK. ; OUTPUT: NONE ; ; U IO W $C(HLNAK)_$C(HLTERM) D LOG^HLCSDL1($C(HLNAK)_$C(HLTERM),"WRITE: ") Q ; SENDACK(HLBK) ;-- This function will send an ack for the block specified ; by the parameter HLBK. ; INPUT : HLBK current sequence (block) ; OUTPUT: NONE ; N HLACKN ; S HLACKN="HLACK"_(HLBK#8) U IO W $C(HLDLE)_$C(@(HLACKN))_$C(HLTERM) D LOG^HLCSDL1($C(HLDLE)_$C(@(HLACKN))_$C(HLTERM),"WRITE: ") Q ; READACK(HLBK) ;-- This function will read the input device for an ackN ; specified by HLBK. ; INPUT : HLBK - Expected AckN ; OUTPUT: 1- Ok 0-Fails ; N HLACKN,X,Y,RESULT,HLTRM ; S RESULT=0,HLTRM="" S HLACKN=@("HLACK"_(HLBK#8)) ;-- do read for HLDLE S X=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMA,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(X_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") D TRACE^HLCSDL2("FINISHED READ FOR DLE:"_HLTRM_U_X_U) I HLTRM'=HLDLE G RDACKQ S X=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMA,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(X_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") I X'=$C(HLACKN),HLTRM'=HLTERM G RDACKQ S RESULT=1 ; RDACKQ Q RESULT ; READENQ() ;-- This function will read the input device for an ENQ ; ; INPUT : NONE ; OUTPUT: 1- Ok 0-Fails ; N X,Y,RESULT,HLTRM,HLX ; S HLX=0 RETRY S RESULT=0,HLTRM="" ;-- do read for HLENQ S X=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMA,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(X_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") D TRACE^HLCSDL2("FINISHED READ FOR ENQ:"_HLTRM_U_X_U) S HLX=HLX+1 I HLX>5 G RDENQ I HLTRM'=+HLENQ G RETRY ;-- do read for HLTERM S X=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMA,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(X_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") I HLTRM'=+HLTERM G RDENQ S RESULT=1 ; RDENQ Q RESULT ; READBK(HLTEXT,LEN,BLOCK,CHKSUM,BTERM) ; This function will read a block of data from the input device ; and store the result in the array specified by HLTEXT. ; INPUT : HLTEXT - Array reference to store data ; LEN - Passed by reference will get message lenght ; BLOCK - Passed by refence will get message block # ; CHKSUM - Passed by refence will get message BCC ; BTERM - Passed by reference will block termination char ; OUTPUT : 1 - OK, 0 - Fails ; If EOT is encountered HLTEXT=EOT ; If TimeOut is encountered then HLTEXT="-1^TIMEOUT" ; N RESULT,HLX,HLTRM S (RESULT,LEN,CHKSUM,BTERM,BLOCK)=0 ;-- read expect either SOH or STX will ignore header info S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") ;-- check for timeout I HLX["TIMEOUT" S @HLTEXT=HLX G READBKQ ;-- check for eot I HLTRM=+HLEOT S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM),@HLTEXT=HLEOT,RESULT=1 D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") G READBKQ ;-- if header read and ignore I HLTRM=+HLSOH S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") I HLX["TIMEOUT" S @HLTEXT=HLX ;-- start of data block I HLTRM'=+HLSTX G READBKQ ;-- read expect either HLDBLOCK characters or CR for end of data S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") ;-- check for timeout I HLX["TIMEOUT" S @HLTEXT=HLX G READBKQ ;-- get block and length -- S HLI=0 S BLOCK=$E(HLX),LEN=$E(HLX,2,6) ; BLOOP ;-- block read loop ; ;-- first pass get data leave blk and lenght I HLI=0 S HLX=$E(HLX,7,$L(HLX)) ;-- save data BLOOP2 S HLI=HLI+1,@HLTEXT@(HLI)=HLX ;-- long line I HLTRM=0 D . S HLDONE=0,HLJ=0 . F S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D I HLDONE Q .. D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") .. I +HLX<0 S HLDONE=1 Q .. S HLJ=HLJ+1,@HLTEXT@(HLI,HLJ)=HLX .. I HLTRM=+HLTERM S HLDONE=1 ; ;-- read upto next ctrl char S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") ;-- check for timeout I HLX["TIMEOUT" S @HLTEXT=HLX G READBKQ ;-- more data to read I (HLTRM=+HLTERM)!(HLTRM=0) G BLOOP2 ;-- read expect ETX or ETB I (HLTRM=+HLETB)!(HLTRM=+HLETX) S BTERM=HLTRM D .;-- read expect . S HLX=$$READ^HLCSUTL(HLTIMB,HLDBLOCK,.HLTRM) . D LOG^HLCSDL1(HLX_$C(HLTRM),"READ: ") .;-- get BCC . S CHKSUM=HLX ;-- OK S RESULT=1 ; READBKQ Q RESULT ; BUILD(HLTEXT,HLSEQ,HLEND,HLHEAD,HLFOOT) ;-- This function will build the block to write. ; INPUT : HLTEXT - Array to write/format ; : HLSEQ - Sequence in message ; : HLEND - ETX or ETB ; : HLHEAD - Passed by reference - will be the header portion ; : HLFOOT - Passed by reference - will be the footer portion ; ; OUTPUT: HLHEAD = ; HLFOOT = ; N HLBL,HLHEX,X,Y ;-- get checksum information S HLCHK=$$CHKSUM^HLCSUTL(HLTEXT) ;-- determine block number S HLBL=HLSEQ#8 ;-- determine length S HLLN=$P(HLCHK,U,2) S HLLN=$E("00000",1,5-$L(HLLN))_$P(HLCHK,U,2) S X=HLBL_HLLN_$C($P(HLCHK,U))_$C(HLEND) X ^%ZOSF("LPC") ;-- build two byte check sum S HLHEX=$$HEXCON(Y) ;-- build string S HLHEAD=$C(HLSTX)_HLBL_HLLN,HLFOOT=$C(HLEND)_HLHEX_$C(HLTERM) Q ; ENQ ;-- this function will send an ENQ to the secondary station ; to establish a master/slave relationship for transmissions. ; U IO W $C(HLENQ)_$C(HLTERM) D LOG^HLCSDL1($C(HLENQ)_$C(HLTERM),"WRITE: ") Q ; EOT ;-- this function will send an EOT to the secondary station ; to end the master/stave relationship. ; U IO W $C(HLEOT)_$C(HLTERM) D LOG^HLCSDL1($C(HLEOT)_$C(HLTERM),"WRITE: ") Q ; HEXCON(%) ;-- converts a decimal #<128 to a two byte hex # ; INPUT : % - Decimal to convert ; ; N H,H1,H2 ;-- error if # not between 0 - 127 I (%<0)!(%>127)!(%'=+%) S (H1,H2)=0 G HEXQ I %<10 S H1=0,H2=% G HEXQ S H=%\16 S:H>9 H=$E(" ABCDEF",H) S H1=H S H=%#16 S:H>9 H=$E(" ABCDEF",H) S H2=H HEXQ Q H1_H2 ; RUN() ;-- This function will determine if this occurance of the LLP ; should still be running. ; INPUT : NONE ;OUTPUT : 1 - Yes, 0 No ; N RESULT ;-- default to Yes S RESULT=1 ;-- check if should shut down I $P($G(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0)),U,15)=1 S RESULT=0 ;-- if running in forground ask I $G(HLTRACE) U IO(0) W !,"Type Q to Quit: " R X:1 I $G(X)'=""&("Qq"[X) S $P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),U,15)=1,RESULT=0 ; Q RESULT ; VALID(HLTEXT,HLBLK,LEN,BLOCK,CHKSUM,BTERM) ;-- This function will validate the incoming message as in should ; conform to the X3.28 protocol. No other error checking is perfomred ; for this validation. If this function is successful a ; 1 is returned else 0. ; INPUT : HLTEXT - The block that was read in from the device ; : HLBLK - Current block expected ; : LEN - xmitted length ; : BLOCK - xmitted block number ; : CHKSUM - xmitted checksum ; : BTERM - Block termination char (ETX or ETB) ; OUTPUT : 1 ok, 0 fails ; ; The following validation checks are made by this function: ; 1 - BCC matches calculated BCC ; 2 - Message lenght matches calculated message length ; 3 - Block matches the expected block number ; 4 - Block termination is either ETX or ETB ; N HLBCC,HLLEN,HLBCC1,RESULT,X,Y S RESULT=0 ;-- calculate checksum S HLBCC=$$CHKSUM2^HLCSUTL(HLTEXT) ;-- add in BLOCK LEN and BTERM S X=BLOCK_LEN_$C($P(HLBCC,U))_$C(BTERM) X ^%ZOSF("LPC") S HLBCC1=Y ;-- convert to hex S HLBCC1=$$HEXCON(HLBCC1) ;-- checksum I HLBCC1'=CHKSUM G VALIDQ ;-- length I $P(HLBCC,U,2)'=+LEN G VALIDQ ;-- block I HLBLK'=BLOCK G VALIDQ ;-- ok S RESULT=1 ; VALIDQ Q RESULT ; TRACE(HLSTATE) ;-- This function is used during for debug. It will print ; the current state of the X3.28 protocol. Each state is passed in ; through the variable HLSTATE ; ; INPUT - HLSTATE : Current state of FSM ; OUTPUT - If HLTRACE is defined then write HLSTATE to IO(0) ; I '$G(HLTRACE) Q U IO(0) W !,"In State : ",HLSTATE Q ;