HLCSLNCH ;ALB/MTC/JC - START AND STOP THE LLP ;07/26/2007 17:10 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**6,19,43,49,57,75,84,109,122**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 14 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This program is callable from a menu ;It allows the user to Start and Stop the Lower Layer ;Protocol in the Background or in the foreground ; ;Required or Optional INPUT PARAMETERS ; None ; ; ;Output variables ; HLDP=IEN of Logical Link in file #870 ;(optional)HLTRACE=if SET it launches the LLP in the Foreground ;(optional) ZTSK=if defined LLP was launched in the ;background ; ; START ; Start up the lower level protocol N DIC,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,HLDP,HLDAPP,HLJ,HLQUIT,HLTRACE N HLPARM0,HLPARM4,HLTYPTR,HLBGR,X,Y,ZTCPU,ZTSK,ZTRTN,ZTDESC W !!,"This option is used to launch the lower level protocol for the" W !,"appropriate device. Please select the node with which you want" W !,"to communicate",! ; patch HL*1.6*122 S POP=0 S DIC="^HLCS(870,",DIC(0)="QEAMZ" D ^DIC G:Y<0 STARTQ S HLDP=+Y,HLDAPP=Y(0,0),HLTYPTR=+$P(Y(0),U,3),HLPARM0=Y(0) ;-- check if parameter have been setup ;-- check for LLP type I 'HLTYPTR W !!,$C(7),"A Lower Layer Protocol must be selected before start-up can occur." G STARTQ ;-- get TCP information S HLPARM4=$G(^HLCS(870,HLDP,400)) ;-- get routine (background job for LLP) S HLBGR=$G(^HLCS(869.1,HLTYPTR,100)) ;-- get environment check routine (HLQUIT should be defined in fails) S HLENV=$G(^HLCS(869.1,HLTYPTR,200)) ; I HLBGR="" W !!,$C(7),"No routine has been specified for this LLP." G STARTQ ; ;-- execute environment check routine if HLQUIT is defined then terminate I HLENV'="" X HLENV G:$D(HLQUIT) STARTQ ; patch HL*1.6*122 start ; Multi-Servers: TCP service (GT.M, DSM, and Cache/VMS) is controlled ; by the external service I $P(HLPARM4,U,3)="M",$S(^%ZOSF("OS")'["OpenM":1,1:$$OS^%ZOSV["VMS") D G STARTQ . W !,$C(7),"This LLP is a multi-threaded server. It is controlled by external service, i.e. TCPIP/UCX. You must use the external service to start this LLP." . Q ; patch HL*1.6*122 end ; I $P(HLPARM0,U,10) W !,$C(7),"The LLP was last started on ",$$DAT2^HLUTIL1($P(HLPARM0,U,10)),"." G STP1:$P(HLPARM0,U,5)'="Error" I $P(HLPARM0,U,11) W !,"The LLP was last shutdown on ",$$DAT2^HLUTIL1($P(HLPARM0,U,11)),"." ; patch HL*1.6*122 start ; comment out-should be taken care of by the code 2 line above ; I $P(HLPARM0,U,5)'="Error",'($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="C"&("N"[$P(HLPARM4,U,4))),$P(HLPARM0,U,10)]""&($P(HLPARM0,U,11)=""),$P(HLPARM0,U,12) W !,"The LLP appears to be online already !" ; I $$TASK^HLUTIL1($P(HLPARM0,U,12)) D G STARTQ ; . W !,$C(7),"NOTE: The lower level protocol for this application is already running." N HLTEMP S HLTEMP=0 I $P(HLPARM0,U,12) D G:HLTEMP STARTQ . N ZTSK . S ZTSK=$P(HLPARM0,U,12) . D STAT^%ZTLOAD . I "12"[ZTSK(1) D .. W !,$C(7),"NOTE: The lower level protocol for this application is already running." .. I '$P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),"^",10) S $P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),"^",10)=$$NOW^XLFDT .. S HLTEMP=1 ; patch HL*1.6*122 end I $P(HLPARM4,U,3)="C"&("N"[$P(HLPARM4,U,4)) D G STARTQ .;4=status 9=Time Started, 10=Time Stopped, 11=Task Number .;14=Shutdown LLP, 3=Device Type, 18=Gross Errors .N HLJ,X . ; patch HL*1.6*122-comment out . ; I $P(HLPARM0,U,15)=0 W !,"This LLP is already enabled!" Q .L +^HLCS(870,HLDP,0):2 .E W !,$C(7),"Unable to enable this LLP !" Q .S X="HLJ(870,"""_HLDP_","")" .S @X@(4)="Enabled",@X@(9)=$$NOW^XLFDT,@X@(14)=0 .D FILE^HLDIE("","HLJ","","START","HLCSLNCH") ;HL*1.6*109 .L -^HLCS(870,HLDP,0) .W !,"This LLP has been enabled!" .Q I $P(HLPARM4,U,6),$D(^%ZIS(14.7,+$P(HLPARM4,U,6),0)) S ZTCPU=$P(^(0),U) W !,"This LLP will start on node ",ZTCPU," if it is run in the Background.",! ; ; patch HL*1.6*122 start, for tcp link I HLTYPTR=4 D Q . S Y="B" . D STARTJOB ; patch HL*1.6*122 end ; W ! S DIR(0)="SM^F:FOREGROUND;B:BACKGROUND;Q:QUIT" S DIR("A")="Method for running the receiver" S DIR("B")="B" S DIR("?",1)="Enter F for Foreground (and trace)" S DIR("?",2)=" B for Background (normal) or" S DIR("?")=" Q to quit without starting the receiver" D ^DIR K DIR Q:(Y=U)!(Y="Q") ; STARTJOB ; S HLX=$G(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0)) ;-- foreground I Y="F" S HLTRACE=1 D G STARTQ . S $P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),"^",10)=$$NOW^XLFDT . D MON^HLCSTCP("Start") . X HLBGR ;-- background I Y="B" D G STARTQ . S ZTRTN=$P(HLBGR," ",2),HLTRACE="",ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H . S ZTDESC=HLDAPP_" Low Level Protocol",ZTSAVE("HLDP")="" . D ^%ZTLOAD . ; patch HL*1.6*122 start . I $D(ZTSK) D .. K HLTRACE .. D MON^HLCSTCP("Tasked") .. S $P(^HLCS(870,HLDP,0),"^",10)=$$NOW^XLFDT . ; patch HL*1.6*122 end . W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Job was queued as "_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue job.") ; Q ; STARTQ ; I $G(POP) W !,?5,"-Unable to Open the Device !",!,!,?6,"Check that Port is Logged Out, and that the",!,?6,"Lower Level Protocol is not Already Running." Q ; STOP ; Shut down a lower level protocol.. N DIC,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,HLDP,HLDAPP,HLJ,HLPARM0,HLPARM4,X,Y W !!,"This option is used to shut down the lower level protocol for the" W !,"appropriate device. Please select the link which you would" W !,"like to shutdown.",! S DIC="^HLCS(870,",DIC(0)="QEAMZ" D ^DIC K DIC Q:Y<0 S HLDP=+Y,HLDAPP=Y(0,0),HLPARM0=Y(0),HLPARM4=$G(^HLCS(870,HLDP,400)) ; patch HL*1.6*122 ; Multi-Servers: TCP service (GT.M, DSM, and Cache/VMS) is controlled ; by the external service I $P(HLPARM4,U,3)="M",$S(^%ZOSF("OS")'["OpenM":1,1:$$OS^%ZOSV["VMS") D Q . W !,$C(7),"This LLP is a multi-threaded server. It is controlled by external service, i.e. TCPIP/UCX. You must use the external service to disable this LLP." . Q ; I $P(HLPARM0,U,15) W !,$C(7),"The lower level protocol is already ",$P(HLPARM0,U,5),"." Q I $P(HLPARM0,U,10) W !,$C(7),"The lower level protocol was started on ",$$DAT2^HLUTIL1($P(HLPARM0,U,10)),"." STP1 ; W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Okay to shut down this job" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !!,"The job will not be shut down." Q S ; F L +^HLCS(870,HLDP,0):2 Q:$T ;4=status,10=Time Stopped,9=Time Started,11=Task Number,3=Device Type,14=shutdown S X="HLJ(870,"""_HLDP_","")",@X@(4)="Halting",@X@(10)=$$NOW^XLFDT,(@X@(11),@X@(9))="@",@X@(14)=1 I $P(HLPARM4,U,3)="C"&("N"[$P(HLPARM4,U,4)),'$P(HLPARM0,U,12) S @X@(4)="Shutdown" D FILE^HLDIE("","HLJ","","STOP","HLCSLNCH") ; HL*1.6*109 ; patch HL*1.6*122 start ; I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM",(($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="M"&($$OS^%ZOSV'["VMS"))!($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="S")) D ; I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["DSM",(($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="M"&($$OS^%ZOSV'["VMS"))!($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="S")) D I ($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="S")!(($P(HLPARM4,U,3)="M")&($S(^%ZOSF("OS")'["OpenM":0,1:$$OS^%ZOSV'["VMS"))) D . ;pass task number to stop listener . S:$P(HLPARM0,U,12) X=$$ASKSTOP^%ZTLOAD(+$P(HLPARM0,U,12)) . ; D CALL^%ZISTCP($P(HLPARM4,U),$P(HLPARM4,U,2),10) . ; I POP D HOME^%ZIS U IO W !,"Unable to shutdown logical link!!!",$C(7),$C(7) Q . ; U IO W "**STOP**" . ; W ! . ; D CLOSE^%ZISTCP . ; patch HL*1.6*122 end L -^HLCS(870,HLDP,0) W !,"The job for the "_HLDAPP_" Lower Level Protocol will be shut down." Q ; STOPQ Q