HLCSMON ;SF-DISPLAY DRIVER PROGRAM ;12/11/2007 17:07 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**34,40,48,49,65,66,73,109,122**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 14 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;This Program drives a real-time display monitor for the HL7 ;Package. All the data used by this display is stored in file ;# 870. Several callable entry points were broken ;out of this routine and placed into HLCSMON1 ; ;This routine has no required input parameters other than require that ;U be defined, it does not instantiate any parameters either. ; ; ;HLARY=array of all,HLARYD=array of display,HLARYO=array of old values ;HLPTR1=top of display,HLPTR2=bottom of display,HLPTR3=last in HLVARY INIT N HLARY,HLARYD,HLARYO,HLCOFF,HLCON,HLDISP,HLPTR1,HLPTR2,HLPTR3,HLRESP N HLDEV,HLERR,HLEVL,HLHDR,HLNODE,HLOCK N HLPARAM,HLPROC,HLPROD,HLSEND,HLSENT,HLSITE N HLI,HLREC,HLRUNCNT,HLSTAT,HLTMSTAT,HLLMSTAT,HLVIEW,HLXX,HLYY,X,Y,DX,DY ; ; patch HL*1.6*122 start D HOME^%ZIS W @IOF ; patch HL*1.6*122 end ; D ^HLCSTERM ;Sets up variables to control display attributes INIT1 ; ; Next 4 lines copied here from top of START by patch 73... ;HLRUNCNT=number of in filers^out filers, HLDISP=display mode S HLRUNCNT="-1^-1",HLPTR1=1 S:'$D(HLDISP) HLDISP="S" D BUILDARY ;Build an array for display QUIT:$$LOCKED(.HLOCK) ;-> Anything locked? ; W HLCOFF ;Shut Cursor off D HEADER^HLCSTERM ;Write header D WDATA^HLCSMON1(5,17,"","","Incoming filers running => ") D WDATA^HLCSMON1(5,18,"","","Outgoing filers running => ") D WDATA^HLCSMON1(5,20,"","","Select a Command:") D WDATA^HLCSMON1(1,21,"","","(N)EXT (B)ACKUP (A)LL LINKS (S)CREENED (V)IEWS (Q)UIT (?) HELP: ") ;HLRUNCNT=number of in filers^out filers, HLDISP=display mode S HLRUNCNT="-1^-1",HLPTR1=1 S:'$D(HLDISP) HLDISP="S" START ; D BUILDARY ;Build an array for display D DISPLAY^HLCSMON1 ;Display the array just built D READ ;HLRESP=user response I '$L(HLRESP) G START G:HLRESP="Q" EXIT ;any of following commands, kill old values K HLARYO,HLTMSTAT,HLLMSTAT I HLRESP="?" D HELP G INIT1 I HLRESP="V" D VIEW G INIT1 I "AS"[HLRESP K HLARY,HLEVL S HLDISP=HLRESP G INIT1 I "NB"[HLRESP D NEXT G START ; READ ;Prompt the user for the next action D WDATA^HLCSMON1(71,21,"","","",1) W HLCON R X#1:3 W HLCOFF S HLRESP=$S(X="":X,"Qq^"[X:"Q","Bb"[X:"B","Nn"[X:"N","Aa"[X:"A","Vv"[X:"V",X="?":"?","Ss"[X:"S",1:"") Q ; VIEW ;select new view W HLCON,!! N DIC S DIC="^HLCS(869.3,1,6,",DIC(0)="QEA" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S HLVIEW=+Y,HLDISP="V" W HLCOFF Q ; NEXT ; ;Next page I HLRESP="N" D . ;no more . I HLPTR2=HLPTR3 D EOB Q . S Y=HLPTR2+10,HLEVL(HLPTR1)="" . ;exceed list, get last 10 . I Y>HLPTR3 S HLPTR2=HLPTR3,HLPTR1=HLPTR2-9 Q . S HLPTR1=HLPTR2,HLPTR2=Y ; ;Backup a page I HLRESP="B" D . ;top of list . I HLPTR1=1 D EOB Q . I HLDISP="S" S HLPTR1=$O(HLEVL(HLPTR1),-1) Q . S Y=HLPTR1-9 . ;can't go back 10, reset to top . I Y'>0 S HLPTR1=1,HLPTR2=10 Q . S HLPTR2=HLPTR1,HLPTR1=Y ; ;Erase what might be displayed on line 22 D WDATA^HLCSMON1(1,22,IOELALL,"","") Q EOB D WDATA^HLCSMON1(5,22,IORVON,IORVOFF,"CANNOT "_$S(HLRESP="N":"ADVANCE",1:"BACKUP")_" BEYOND END OF BUFFER") W $C(7) H 2 Q ; BUILDARY ; K HLARYD ; ;if view is defined, get links I $G(HLVIEW) D S HLVIEW=0,HLDISP="V" . N HLTMP . K HLARY,HLEVL S HLI=0 . F S HLI=$O(^HLCS(869.3,1,6,HLVIEW,1,HLI)) Q:'HLI S HLYY=+$P($G(^(HLI,0)),U,2) D .. S Y=$P($G(^HLCS(870,HLI,0)),U) Q:Y="" .. ;build array by DISPLAY ORDER and then by NAME .. I HLYY S HLTMP(HLYY,HLI)="" Q .. S HLTMP(Y,HLI)="" . S (HLI,HLYY)=0 . ;rebuild array to put in proper order . F S HLI=$O(HLTMP(HLI)),HLXX=0 Q:HLI="" D .. F S HLXX=$O(HLTMP(HLI,HLXX)) Q:'HLXX S HLYY=HLYY+1,HLARY(HLYY,HLXX)="" . S HLPTR3=HLYY ; I '$D(HLARY) S HLYY=0,HLXX="" D . ;build array in alphabetical order . F S HLXX=$O(^HLCS(870,"B",HLXX)) Q:HLXX="" S Y=$O(^(HLXX,0)),HLYY=HLYY+1,HLARY(HLYY,Y)="" . S HLPTR3=HLYY ; S HLI=HLPTR1,HLYY=6 ;HLYY=6TH Line of display ;HLARYD(6) through HLARYD(15) with 6 through 15 also representing line ;numbers on the display F HLI=HLI:1 S HLXX=$O(HLARY(HLI,0)) Q:HLYY=16!'HLXX D COPY S HLPTR2=HLI-1 ;Set all HLARY elements not defined on this pass to null F HLYY=HLYY:1:15 S HLARYD(HLYY)="" Q COPY ; Q:'$D(^HLCS(870,HLXX)) ; ;These lock tags lock nodes in the global so that the screen is ;refreshed in real-time. The lock forces the buffer to be refreshed, ;so that the display is up to date. ; ;**109** ;L +^HLCS(870,HLXX,0):0 L -^HLCS(870,HLXX,0) D CHKLOCK ; ; Set, even if not able to lock... S Y=$G(^HLCS(870,HLXX,0)) ; ;name^rec^proc^send^sent^device^state^error S HLARYD(HLYY)=$P(Y,U)_"^^^^^"_$P(Y,U,4)_"^"_$P(Y,U,5)_"^"_$P(Y,U,19) ; ;**109** ;L +^HLCS(870,HLXX,"IN QUEUE BACK POINTER"):0 D CHKLOCK ;L -^HLCS(870,HLXX,"IN QUEUE BACK POINTER") ; S $P(HLARYD(HLYY),U,2)=$G(^HLCS(870,HLXX,"IN QUEUE BACK POINTER")) ; ;**109** ;L +^HLCS(870,HLXX,"IN QUEUE FRONT POINTER"):0 D CHKLOCK ;L -^HLCS(870,HLXX,"IN QUEUE FRONT POINTER") ; S $P(HLARYD(HLYY),U,3)=$G(^HLCS(870,HLXX,"IN QUEUE FRONT POINTER")) ; ;**109** ;L +^HLCS(870,HLXX,"OUT QUEUE BACK POINTER"):0 D CHKLOCK ;L -^HLCS(870,HLXX,"OUT QUEUE BACK POINTER") ; S $P(HLARYD(HLYY),U,4)=$G(^HLCS(870,HLXX,"OUT QUEUE BACK POINTER")) ; ;**109** ;L +^HLCS(870,HLXX,"OUT QUEUE FRONT POINTER"):0 D CHKLOCK ;L -^HLCS(870,HLXX,"OUT QUEUE FRONT POINTER") ; S $P(HLARYD(HLYY),U,5)=$G(^HLCS(870,HLXX,"OUT QUEUE FRONT POINTER")) ; S X=HLARYD(HLYY),Y=$P(X,U,2)+$P(X,U,3)+$P(X,U,4)+$P(X,U,5) ;if Select and the Y=0, nothing to report I 'Y,HLDISP="S" S HLARYD(HLYY)="" Q S HLYY=HLYY+1 Q ; CHKLOCK ; Call here immediately after trying to lock. And, BE SURE that ; nothing might occur that would change $T after the lock attempt!! ; $T,HLXX -- req N NM870 QUIT:$T ;-> Lock obtained... S NM870=$P($G(^HLCS(870,+HLXX,0)),U) S NM870=$S(NM870]"":NM870_" (IEN #"_HLXX_")",1:"IEN #"_HLXX) S HLOCK(NM870)="" QUIT ; HELP ; W HLCON,@IOF W !,"You have the following options when monitoring the Messaging System:" W !,"Enter the command letter parentheses: N,B,Q,A,S,V or ?" W !!,"(N) takes you to the next page of the display of Logical Links." W !!,"(B) takes you back one page." W !!,"(Q) terminates the monitor." W !!,"(A) provides a display of all links defined on your system." W !!,"(S) displays only those links that have had message traffic." W !!,"(V) prompts for a view name and displays links defined in view." W !!," Note that (S) is the default display at startup." W !!,"**PRESS TO CONTINUE**" R X:DTIME W @IOF W !,?25,"Device Types and corresponding prefixes:" W !!,?30,"PC -- Persistent TCP/IP Client" W !!,?30,"NC -- Non-Persistent TCP/IP Client" W !!,?30,"SS -- Single-threaded TCP/IP Server" W !!,?30,"MS -- Multi-threaded TCP/IP Server" W !!,?30,"SH -- Serial HLLP" W !!,?30,"SX -- Serial X3.28" W !!,?30,"MM -- MailMan" W !!,"**PRESS TO CONTINUE**" R X:DTIME W HLCOFF Q EXIT ; ;Turn Cursor back on W HLCON D KVAR^HLCSTERM Q ; LOCKED(HLOCK) ; Anything locked? ; ; ; Nothing locked... I '$D(HLOCK) QUIT "" ;-> ; W !!,"Editing of logical link data is occurring right now. For this reason, some of" W !,"the information on the 'System Link Monitor' report might not be accurate for" W !,"the following node(s)..." W ! ; S HLOCK="" F S HLOCK=$O(HLOCK(HLOCK)) Q:HLOCK']"" D . W !,?5,HLOCK ; S ACTION=$$BTE("Press RETURN to print report or '^' to exit... ",1) ; QUIT $S(ACTION=1:1,1:"") ; BTE(PMT,FF) ; N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y F X=1:1:$G(FF) W ! S DIR(0)="EA",DIR("A")=PMT D ^DIR QUIT $S(Y=1:"",1:1) ;