HLCSRPT4 ;OIFO-O/LJA - Error Listing code ;3/18/02 10:19 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**85**;Oct 13, 1995 ; ; Patch HL*1.6*85 created a significant amount of code; enough ; that this routine had to be created to hold it. ; LOADERR ; Find latest NUMERR statuses in ERRDTB->ERRDTE date range. ;HL*1.6*85 ;ERRDTB,ERRDTE,HLCSER,HLCSTER1,NUMERR -- req ; N CT,ERR,ERR4,IEN,TIME ; KILL ^TMP("HLERR",$J),^TMP("ERRLST",$J) ; S HLERR=3.9,CT=0 F S HLERR=$O(^HLMA("AG",HLERR)) QUIT:HLERR'>0!(HLERR>7) D . S IEN773=0 . F S IEN773=$O(^HLMA("AG",HLERR,IEN773)) Q:IEN773'>0 D . . S ERR4=$P($G(^HLMA(+IEN773,"P")),U,4) QUIT:ERR4'>0 ;-> . . D CHKERR(ERR4,IEN773,ERRDTB,ERRDTE) . . S CT=CT+1 W:'(CT#1000) "." ; S ERR=0 F S ERR=$O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR)) Q:ERR'>0 D . S TIME=0 . F S TIME=$O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR,TIME)) Q:TIME'>0 D . . S IEN=0 . . F S IEN=$O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR,TIME,IEN)) Q:IEN'>0 D . . . S ^TMP("ERRLST",$J,+ERR,+IEN)="" ; KILL ^TMP("HLERR",$J) ; QUIT ; CHKERR(ERR4,IEN773,DTB,DTE) ; Should this entry be included? ;HL*1.6*85 ;NUMERR -- req ; N ERRNO,OLD773,OLDPDT,PROCDT ; ; Processing date/time check... S PROCDT=$$PROCDT(IEN773) QUIT:PROCDT'>0 ;-> I PROCDTDTE) QUIT ;-> ; OK. Date check passes. But, is it among NUMERR latest? ; ; How many errors recorded for error status? S ERRNO=$G(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4)) ; ; Number of errors recorded less than # maximum per status... I ERRNO ; ; Find oldest entry's process date/time & last 773 IEN... S OLDPDT=$O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,0)) QUIT:OLDPDT'>0 ;-> S OLD773=$O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,+OLDPDT,0)) QUIT:OLD773'>0 ;-> ; ; Now see if "this" error is newer... QUIT:PROCDT I PROCDT=OLDPDT,IEN773 ; ; Max number errors reached, but this error is newer than newest... ; ; Zilch oldest entry, then record "this" error... D KILLERR(ERR4,OLDPDT,OLD773) D RECERR(ERR4,IEN773) ; QUIT ; KILLERR(ERR4,OLDPDT,OLD773) ; Remove entry and adjust counts... ;HL*1.6*85 N NUM ; KILL ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,OLDPDT,OLD773) ; I $O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,OLDPDT,0))'>0 D . KILL ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,OLDPDT) I $O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,OLDPDT,0))>0 D . S NUM=$G(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,OLDPDT))-1,NUM=$S(NUM'<0:+NUM,1:0) . S ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,OLDPDT)=NUM ; I $O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,0))'>0 D . KILL ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4) I $O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,0))>0 D . S NUM=$G(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4))-1,NUM=$S(NUM'<0:+NUM,1:0) . S ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4)=NUM ; I $O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,0))'>0 D . KILL ^TMP("HLERR",$J) I $O(^TMP("HLERR",$J,0))>0 D . S NUM=$G(^TMP("HLERR",$J))-1,NUM=$S(NUM'<0:+NUM,1:0) . S ^TMP("HLERR",$J)=NUM ; QUIT ; RECERR(ERR4,IEN773) ; Store error in ^TMP("HLERR",$J,STATUS,IEN773) ;HL*1.6*85 S ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4)=$G(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4))+1 S ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,PROCDT)=$G(^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,PROCDT))+1 S ^TMP("HLERR",$J,ERR4,PROCDT,IEN773)="" QUIT ; SETUP() ; Setup "limit" variables... ;HL*1.6*85 S TYPEINFO=$$TYPEINFO QUIT:TYPEINFO']"" "" ;-> ; S (ERRDTB,ERRDTE,NUMERR)="" W !!," If you answer NO below, you will be allowed to specify the number of" W !," errors to be included in the report." W ! S NUMERR=$$YN("Print all errors","No") QUIT:NUMERR']"" "" ;-> S NUMERR=$S(NUMERR=1:9999999,1:$$NUMERR) QUIT:NUMERR'>0 "" ;-> I NUMERR=9999999 D . W !!," All errors in the date range you specify next will be included" . W !," in the report." I NUMERR'=9999999 D . W !!," The newest ",NUMERR," errors, for every error status, in the date range you" . W !," specify next will be included in the report." W !!,"The first entry at your site is from ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($O(^HL(772,"B",2840000))),"." W ! S1 S ERRDTB=$$DATE("Enter START DATE/TIME",,$$FMADD^XLFDT($$DT^XLFDT,-90)) QUIT:ERRDTB'>0 "" ;-> W ! S ERRDTE=$$DATE("Enter END DATE/TIME",ERRDTB,"NOW") QUIT:ERRDTE'>0 "" ;-> I ERRDTB=ERRDTE D G S1 ;-> . W !!,"You cannot enter the same values for the beginning and ending times!" . W ! QUIT 1 ; NUMERR() ; How many errors, maximum, does user want to see ;HL*1.6*85 ; HLCSER -- req N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y W !!,"Enter the maximum number errors to report for every error status." W ! S DIR(0)="N",DIR("A")="Enter maximum number errors/status" S DIR("B")=999 S DIR("?",1)="If you enter '1000' for the maximum number errors/status..." S DIR("?",2)="" I HLCSER="ALL" D . S DIR("?",3)="... The most recent 1000 errors for every error type will be included in the" . S DIR("?",4)="... report. If two different error types exist, and each error type has" . S DIR("?",5)="... more than 1000 entries, then 2000 errors will be reported." . S DIR("?")="... (I.e., 1000 errors per error type.)" I HLCSER'="ALL" D . S DIR("?",3)="... The most recent 1000 errors for the error type you just selected" . S DIR("?")="... will be included in the report." D ^DIR QUIT $S(Y>0:+Y,1:"") ; DATE(PMT,BDT,PDT) ; Entry of date for looping ;HL*1.6*85 N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S BDT=$S($G(BDT)?7N.E:BDT,1:"") S DIR(0)="DA^"_$G(BDT)_"::ET" I $G(BDT)>0 D . N TXT . S TXT="Enter a date/time after "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(BDT)_"..." . S DIR("?")=TXT S DIR("A")=PMT_": " I $G(PDT)?7N.E S DIR("B")=$P($$FMTE^XLFDT(PDT),":",1,2) I $G(PDT)="NOW" S DIR("B")="NOW" D ^DIR I Y?7N.E,$G(PMT)="NOW",$G(PDT)="NOW" QUIT 9999999.24 ;-> QUIT $S(Y>0:+Y,1:"") ; YN(PMT,DEF,FF) ; Generic YES/NO DIR call... ;HL*1.6*85 N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y F X=1:1:$G(FF) W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=PMT S:$G(DEF)]"" DIR("B")=DEF D ^DIR QUIT:$D(DIRUT)!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) "" ;-> QUIT $S(Y=1:1,1:0) ; TMPLOG ; Reset ^TMP("TMPLOG") data created in ERRRPT to ^TMP("TLOG") format ; expected by the browser. (See DISPLAY^HLCSRPT) ; [This subroutine created by HL*1.6*85.] N HLCSLN,PROCDT,IEN773 S HLCSLN=0,PROCDT="zzzzz" F S PROCDT=$O(^TMP("TMPLOG",$J,PROCDT),-1) Q:PROCDT']"" D . S IEN773=":" . F S IEN773=$O(^TMP("TMPLOG",$J,PROCDT,IEN773),-1) Q:IEN773'>0 D . . S HLCSLN=HLCSLN+1 . . S ^TMP("TLOG",$J,+HLCSLN)=$G(^TMP("TMPLOG",$J,PROCDT,IEN773)) KILL ^TMP("TMPLOG",$J) QUIT ; OKDATE(IEN773,DTBEG,DTEND) ; Does 773 processing time fall in date range? ;HL*1.6*85 N PROCDT ; ; Check what's passed in... QUIT:'$D(^HLMA(+IEN773,0)) "" ;-> QUIT:$G(DTBEG)'?7N.E "" ;-> QUIT:$G(DTEND)'?7N.E "" ;-> ; ; Get processing date/time... S PROCDT=$$PROCDT(IEN773) QUIT:PROCDT'?7N.E "" ;-> ; ; Compare dates... I PROCDT=DTBEG!(PROCDT=DTEND) QUIT 1 ;-> QUIT:PROCDT QUIT:PROCDT>DTEND "" ;-> ; QUIT 1 ; PROCDT(IEN773) ; Return 773'S processing date (1st), or if not available ; return the 772 creation date/time. ;HL*1.6*85 N PROCDT S PROCDT=$P($G(^HLMA(+IEN773,"S")),U) QUIT:PROCDT?7N.E PROCDT ;-> QUIT $P($G(^HL(772,+$G(^HLMA(+IEN773,0)),0)),U) ; DTORTM(DTB,DTE,PDT) ; Show date or time? QUIT $S($E(DTB,1,7)=$E(DTE,1,7):$$TM(PDT),1:$$DT(PDT)) ; TM(PDT) ; Show the 5 character hh:mm time QUIT $E($P($$FMTE^XLFDT(+PDT),"@",2),1,5) ; DT(PDT) ; Show the 8 character mm/dd/yy date QUIT $E(PDT,4,5)_"/"_$E(PDT,6,7)_"/"_$E(PDT,2,3) ; TYPEINFO() ; Display error type or application information? N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y W !!,"Select the report view now. There are two report views. Both list the " W !,"internal entry number from the HL7 Message Administration file (#773) entry," W !,"message ID, processing date or time, and logical link. The two report views" W !,"differ in the remainder of the information displayed on the report. " S DIR(0)="S^1:Display message, event, & application data;2:Display error type" S DIR("A")="Select data to display",DIR("B")=1 S DIR("?",1)="Select the data to be displayed in the last few columns of the report after" S DIR("?")="the IEN, message ID, processing date or time, and logical link." D ^DIR QUIT $S(Y>0:+Y,1:"") ; EOR ;HLCSRPT4 - Error Listing code ;3/18/02 10:19