HLCSTCPA ;OIFO-O/RJH - (TCP/IP) VMS ;07/10/2003 10:12 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**84**;Oct 13, 1995 ; ; 1. port number is input from VMS HLSxxxxDSM.COM or HLSxxxxCACHE.COM ; file, where xxxx is port number. ; 2. find the ien of #870(logical link file) for the HL7 multi-listener ; 3. call the appropriate entry: ; for Cache: CACHEVMS^HLCSTCP(ien of #870) ; for DSM: EN^HLCSTCP Q PORT ; ;HLIEN870: ien in #870 (logical link file) ;HLPORT: port number of multi-listener ;HLPRTS: port number in entry to be tested ;input of DSM: % = device^port number of multi-listener ;input of Cache: port number of TCPIP ; I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM" D . S HLPORT=$ZF("GETSYM","PORT") I ^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM" D . S HLPORT=$P(%,"^",2) I 'HLPORT D ^%ZTER Q S HLIEN870=0 F S HLIEN870=$O(^HLCS(870,"E","M",HLIEN870)) Q:'HLIEN870 D Q:(HLPRTS=HLPORT) . S HLPRTS=$P(^HLCS(870,HLIEN870,400),"^",2) I 'HLIEN870 D ^%ZTER Q ; K HLPORT,HLPRTS ; ;for Cache/VMS I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM" D Q .D CACHEVMS^HLCSTCP(HLIEN870) ; ;for DSM I ^%ZOSF("OS")["DSM" D Q . S $P(%,"^",2)=HLIEN870 ;set % = device^ien of #870 . K HLIEN870 . D EN^HLCSTCP ; D ^%ZTER Q