HLEVMST0 ;O-OIFO/LJA - Event Monitor MASTER JOB ;02/04/2004 14:42 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**109**;Oct 13, 1995 ; UNQUEUE ; Unqueue master job... N DIFF,IOINHI,IOINORM,LAST0,LASTDT,LASTIEN,NEXTH,SECNEXT N SECNOW,TASKNO,ZTDTH,ZTSK ; S X="IOINHI;IOINORM" D ENDR^%ZISS ; D HDU D EXU ; W ! ; S LASTDT=$O(^HLEV(776.2,"B",":"),-1) S LASTIEN=$O(^HLEV(776.2,"B",+LASTDT,":"),-1) S LAST0=$G(^HLEV(776.2,+LASTIEN,0)) I $P(LAST0,U,4)'="Q" D QUIT ;-> . D TELL("The most recently queued master job is no longer active...","1^2^999") ; S LASTSK=$P(LAST0,U,5) I LASTSK>0 D . W !,"The current master job is task# ",$P(LAST0,U,5),", queued for " . W $$FMTE^XLFDT(+$P(LAST0,U,6)),"." ; W ! I '$$YN^HLCSRPT4("OK to stop master job now","No") D QUIT ;-> . W " no action taken..." ; W " Master job stopped..." W !!,IOINHI,"Important!!",IOINORM," You must remember to start a new master job!!" ; D UNQ^HLEVUTIL(+LASTIEN,+LASTSK,"Master job stopped by "_$P($G(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)),U)_".") ; D TELL("","0^0^999") ; Q ; HDU W @IOF,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Unqueue Master Job",IOM) W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",IOM) QUIT ; EXU N I,T F I=1:1 S T=$T(EXU+I) QUIT:T'[";;" W !,$P(T,";;",2,99) ;;If a master job has been queued to a future time, it can be unqueued now. ;; ;;Note: If you unqueue this task, no future master jobs will run until you ;; manually start a new master job. (Start new master jobs with the ;; '' menu option.) QUIT ; MSTNOW ; Start queued master job now! N DIFF,LAST0,LASTDT,LASTIEN,NEXTH,SECNEXT,SECNOW,TASKNO,ZTDTH,ZTSK ; W @IOF,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Master Job ""Run Now"" Utility",IOM) W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",IOM) W ! ; S LASTDT=$O(^HLEV(776.2,"B",":"),-1) ; Last (probably queued) job time S LASTIEN=$O(^HLEV(776.2,"B",+LASTDT,":"),-1) S LAST0=$G(^HLEV(776.2,+LASTIEN,0)) I LAST0']"" D . W !,"Couldn't find last master job entry..." ; S TASKNO=$P(LAST0,U,5) I '$D(^%ZTSK(+TASKNO)) D . W !,"Couldn't find task",$S(TASKNO:"# "_TASKNO_"...",1:".") ; S TASK0=$G(^%ZTSK(+TASKNO,0)) I TASK0']"" D . W !,"Couldn't find task# ",TASKNO,"'S zero node..." ; S NEXTH=$P(TASK0,U,6) I NEXTH'?1.N1","1.N D . W !,"Invalid future queue time ($H)..." ; S SECNEXT=$$SEC(NEXTH) S SECNOW=$$SEC($H) ; S DIFF=SECNEXT-SECNOW I DIFF<60 D QUIT ;-> . I DIFF<1 W !,"Master job will start any moment!" QUIT ;-> . W !,"Master job will start on its own in ",DIFF," seconds..." ; I '$D(^%ZTSCH(SECNEXT,TASKNO)) D . W !,"Couldn't find ^%ZTSK(SEC,ZTSK) node..." ; W !,"This utility allows you to run the master job ahead of it's currently" W !,"scheduled time to run." ; W !!,"Master task# ",TASKNO," is queued to " W $$SDT^HLEVX001($$HTFM^XLFDT(NEXTH)) W " and it will be started now..." ; W ! I '$$YN^HLCSRPT4("OK to start now","No") D QUIT ;-> . W " no action taken..." ; S ZTSK=TASKNO,ZTDTH=$H D REQ^%ZTLOAD ; W !!,"Master job requeued to 'now'..." ; Q ; STARTMST ; Start brand new master job now (interactively)! N DIFF,IOINHI,IOINORM,LAST0,LASTDT,LASTIEN,NEXTH,SECNEXT N SECNOW,TASKNO,ZTDTH,ZTSK ; S LASTDT=$O(^HLEV(776.2,"B",":"),-1) S LASTIEN=$O(^HLEV(776.2,"B",+LASTDT,":"),-1) S LAST0=$G(^HLEV(776.2,+LASTIEN,0)) S TASKNO=$P(LAST0,U,5) ; ; If this option is accessed by queued background job, just unqueue ; everything to make sure, and start a new master job for NOW... I $D(ZTQUEUED) D QUIT ;-> . D UNQ^HLEVUTIL(+LASTIEN,+TASKNO,"Reboot unqueue/requeue master job.") . D STARTJOB^HLEVMST ; S X="IOINHI;IOINORM" D ENDR^%ZISS ; D HD D EX ; W ! ; I $P(LAST0,U,4)="Q" D QUIT ;-> . D TELL("It appears as if task# "_$P(LAST0,U,5)_" has already been queued.","1^2^999") ; I $P(LAST0,U,5)>0 D . W !!,"The ",IOINHI,"last",IOINORM . W " master job was task# ",$P(LAST0,U,5),", queued " . W $$FMTE^XLFDT(+LAST0),"." ; W ! I '$$YN^HLCSRPT4("OK to start a "_IOINHI_"new"_IOINORM_" master task now","No") D QUIT ;-> . W " no action taken..." ; D STARTJOB^HLEVMST ; D TELL("Press RETURN to exit... ","0^0^999") ; Q ; HD W @IOF,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Master Job Start",IOM) W !,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",IOM) QUIT ; EX N I,T F I=1:1 S T=$T(EX+I) QUIT:T'[";;" W !,$P(T,";;",2,99) ;;This option will queue a new master job task if no master job is currently ;;running and no master job is queued for the future. ;; ;;Note: A master job is queued every time the event monitoring software is ;; installed, and every time the system is rebooted. So, normally it ;; is not necessary to use this option to create a new master job. ;; (The most common reason for using this option is if the queued ;; master job was 'dequeued'.) QUIT ; SEC(HORO) ; Convert $H to seconds... QUIT:HORO'?5.N1","1.N "" ;-> QUIT ((86400*+HORO)+$P(HORO,",",2)) ; SECTHORO(SEC) ; Convert seconds to $H... N DAYS,SECH QUIT:SEC'?1.N "" ;-> S DAYS=SEC\86400,SECH=SEC#86400 QUIT DAYS_","_SECH ; TELL(TXTINFO,ACT,TXTBT) ; Print TXTINFO, FF to bottom, and $$BTE(TXTBT)... ; ; ACT = #1 ^ #2 ^ #3 ^ #4 -> Controls pre-$$BTE positioning... ; ; #1 => 0 = Spaces before printing TXTINFO (See #2). ; 1 = Lines before printing TXTINFO (see #2). [DEFAULT] ; #2 => # = # Spaces (if #1=0) or lines (if #1=1-DEFAULT) ; #3 => # = # lines before printing TXTBT (see #4). ; (# lines printed will never exceed IOSL unless ; overridden by #4. Entering #3=999 just ensures that ; line feeds will be issued until cursor is at bottom ; of screen. ; #4 => # = # lines that **must** be printed before TXTBT. ; ; Examples... ; ; 0^3^999^5 - Prints 3 spaces, TXTINFO and FFs to bottom. If the ; screen was full when TELL was called, only one FF would ; normally be issued (minimum, for spacing purposes). ; However, the '5' ensures that at least 5 LFs are issued. ; Then, TXTBT printed. ; ; 1^2^2 - Prints 2 LFs, TXTINFO, and 2 LFs, then TXTBT. (If the ; screen was full when TELL called, only 1 LF would be ; printed before printing TXTBT.) ; N I,X ; S ACT=$G(ACT),TXTINFO=$G(TXTINFO) S TXTBT=$S($G(TXTBT)]"":TXTBT,1:"Press RETURN to exit... ") ; ; Default to line feeds... S:$P(ACT,U)'=0&($P(ACT,U)'=1) $P(ACT,U)=1 ; ; Default to 1 line feed or 3 spaces... S:$P(ACT,U,2)'?1.N $P(ACT,U,2)=$S(+ACT=0:3,1:1) ; ; Default to bottom of form trailing lines... S:$P(ACT,U,3)'?1.N $P(ACT,U,3)=999 ; ; Default to minimum lines after printing TXTINFO... S:$P(ACT,U,4)'?1.N $P(ACT,U,4)=1 ; I +ACT=0 X "F I=1:1:$P(ACT,U,2) W "" """ W TXTINFO I +ACT=1 X "F I=1:1:$P(ACT,U,2) W !" W TXTINFO ; S ACT=$P(ACT,U,3,4) ; ; If positive, always issue at least one line feed... I ACT W ! S $P(ACT,U)=$P(ACT,U)-1 ; F I=1:1:ACT Q:($Y+3)>IOSL&(ACT>$P(ACT,U,2)) W ! ; S X=$$BTE^HLCSMON(TXTBT) ; Q ; EOR ;HLEVMST0 - Event Monitor MASTER JOB ;5/16/03 14:42