HLEVX ;O-OIFO/LJA - VistA HL7 Event Monitor Code ;02/04/2004 15:25 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**109**;Oct 13, 1995 ; ; All official event code for the VistA HL7 package will be included ; in the LIST subroutine below (for internal team use.) ; CTRL D LIST F QUIT:($Y+3)>IOSL W ! S X=$$BTE^HLCSMON("Press RETURN to exit... ") Q ; LIST N I,T W @IOF,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Official VistA HL7 Event Monitor Code",IOM),!,$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",IOM) F I=1:1 S T=$T(LIST+I) Q:T'[";;" S T=$P(T,";;",2,99) W !,$P(T,U,1,2),?18,$P(T,U,3) ;; ;;The "monitors" that are officially included in the VistA HL7 package are ;;listed below. ;; ;;Routine Monitor-Name ;;============================================================================== ;;SYSTEM^HLEVX001^EVENT MONITOR ;;CHK870^HLEVX000^STUB 870 SEARCH & MORE ;;CHKXREF^HLEVX002^XREF CHECK - FILE 772 & 773 Q ; EOR ;HLEVX - VistA HL7 Event Monitor Code ;5/30/03 15:25