HLFNC ;AISC/SAW/OAK-OIFO/RBN-Routine of Functions and Other Calls Used for HL7 Messages ;03/26/2008 11:34 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**38,42,51,66,141**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 11 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; HLNAME(X,HLECDE) ;Convert a name in DHCP format to HL7 format ; INPUT: X - Name in DHCP format ; Optional - HLECDE - HL7 encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter than HLECH ;must be define. ; Q:'$D(X) "" Q:X="" "" I '$D(HLECH),'$D(HLECDE) Q "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE I '$D(HLECH) Q "" N %,X1,X2,Y S X1=$P(X,",",2),X2=$L(X1," "),Y=$P(X,",")_$E(HLECH)_$P(X1," ") I X2 F %=2:1:X2 Q:$P(X1," ",%)']"" S Y=Y_$E(HLECH)_$P(X1," ",%) Q Y ; FMNAME(X,HLECDE) ;Convert a name in HL7 format to DHCP format ; INPUT: X - Name in HL7 format ; Optional - HLECDE - HL7 encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter than HLECH ;must be define. ; Q:'$D(X) "" Q:X="" "" I '$D(HLECH),'$D(HLECDE) Q "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE I '$D(HLECH) Q "" N %,X1 S X1=$L(X,$E(HLECH)),Y="" F %=1:1:X1 D .I $P(X,$E(HLECH),%)]"",$P(X,$E(HLECH),%)'="""""" D ..;Only last name,first name. ..I %<3 S Y=Y_$P(X,$E(HLECH),%)_$S(%=1:",",1:"") Q ..S Y=Y_" "_$P(X,$E(HLECH),%) Q Y ; HLDATE(X,Y) ;Convert date, date/time or time only in FM format to HL7 format ;Optional Variables: ;Y = The type of format to be returned if you want to force return of a ; specific format. Y must be equal to one of the following: ; DT - Date only ; TM - Time only ; TS - Date and time I X="" Q "" S Y=$G(Y) N %,Z I $L(X)<7 D Q % ;Time input . S %=$S(X=2400:"0000",$L(X)<4:$E(X_"000",1,4),1:X) S:$L(%)=5 %=%_0 . Q I Y="TM" D Q % ;Only time . S %=$P(X,".",2),%=$S(%="":"",$E(%,1,2)=24:"0000",$L(%)<4:$E(%_"000",1,4),1:%) S:$L(%)=5 %=%_0 . Q S %=$$FMTHL7^XLFDT(X) Q $S(Y="DT":$E(%,1,8),1:%) ; FMDATE(X) ; Convert a date, date/time or time only in HL7 format to FM format I X="" Q "" N % S %=$P($TR(X,"+-","^"),"^") I $L(X)<7 Q % Q $$HL7TFM^XLFDT(X) ; M10(X,HLECDE) ; M10 check digit scheme ; INPUT : X - ID number ; Optional HLECDE - Encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter then HLECH ;must be defined. ;Return X if encoding character is not defined ;Return X with encoding characters concatenated if X is alphanumeric ; N HLCNT,HLODD,HLEVEN,HLX1,HLDIGIT Q:'$D(X) "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE ;Return X if encoding character is not defined I '$D(HLECH) Q X ;Return X with encoding characters concatenated if X is alphanumeric I '(X?1.N) Q X_$E(HLECH)_$E(HLECH) ; S HLX1=+X S HLODD="" F HLCNT=$L(HLX1):-2:1 S HLODD=HLODD_$E(HLX1,HLCNT) S HLODD=HLODD*2 S HLEVEN="" F HLCNT=($L(HLX1)-1):-2:1 S HLEVEN=HLEVEN_$E(HLX1,HLCNT) S HLX1=HLEVEN_HLODD S HLDIGIT=0 F HLCNT=1:1:$L(HLX1) S HLDIGIT=HLDIGIT+$E(HLX1,HLCNT) S HLDIGIT=((HLDIGIT\10+1)*10-HLDIGIT)#10 Q X_$E(HLECH)_HLDIGIT_$E(HLECH)_"M10" ; M11(X,HLECDE) ; M11 check digit scheme ; INPUT : X - ID number ; Optional HLECDE - Encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter then HLECH ;must be defined. ;Return X if encoding character is not defined ;Return X with encoding characters concatenated if X is alphanumeric ; N HLX1,HLCNT,HLWT,HLDIGIT Q:'$D(X) "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE ;Return X if encoding character is not defined I '$D(HLECH) Q X ;Return X with encoding characters concatenated if X is alphanumeric I '(X?1N.N) Q X_$E(HLECH)_$E(HLECH) ; S HLX1=+X S HLDIGIT=0,HLWT=2 F HLCNT=$L(HLX1):-1:1 D . I HLWT>7 S HLWT=2 . S HLDIGIT=HLDIGIT+($E(HLX1,HLCNT)*HLWT) . S HLWT=HLWT+1 S HLDIGIT=HLDIGIT#11 I HLDIGIT=0 S HLDIGIT=1 S HLDIGIT=(11-HLDIGIT)#10 Q X_$E(HLECH)_HLDIGIT_$E(HLECH)_"M11" ; OLDM10(X,HLECDE) ;Calculate M10 checksum ; INPUT : X - String to calc checksum ; Optional HLECDE - Encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter than HLECH ;must be define. ; Q:'$D(X) "" I '$D(HLECH),'$D(HLECDE) Q "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE I '$D(HLECH) Q "" N %,Y S Y=0 F %=1:1:$L(X) S Y=Y+$E(X,%) Q X_$E(HLECH)_(Y#10)_$E(HLECH)_"M10" ; OLDM11(X,HLECDE) ;Calculate M11 checksum ; INPUT : X - String to calc checksum ; Optional HLECDE - Encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter than HLECH ;must be define. ; Q:'$D(X) "" I '$D(HLECH),'$D(HLECDE) Q "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE I '$D(HLECH) Q "" N %,Y S Y=0 F %=1:1:$L(X) S Y=Y+$E(X,%) Q X_$E(HLECH)_(Y#11)_$E(HLECH)_"M11" UPPER(X) ;Convert lowercase letters to uppercase Q:'$D(X) "" Q $TR(X,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") HLPHONE(X,B,C) ;Convert DHCP Phone Number to HL7 Format ;Required parameters: ;X = Seven digit phone number at a minimum. Optionally, in addition, ; a three digit area code, two digit country code and other ; formatting characters (e.g., dashes) ;Optional Variables: ;B = Beeper number ;C = Comments Q:'$D(X) "" Q:$L(X)<7 "" N I,Y,Y1,Z S B=$S('$D(B):"",1:"B"_B),C=$S('$D(C):"",1:"C"_C) ; ; patch HL*1.6*141 start ; S Y="" F I=1:1:$L(X) S Y=Y_$S($E(X,I)?1N:$E(X,I),"X,x"[$E(X,I)&('$D(Z)):"X",1:"") I "X,x"[$E(X,I) S Z="" N CH S Y="" F I=1:1:$L(X) D . S CH=$E(X,I) . ; Next line modified by RBN . ;S Y=Y_$S(CH?1N:CH,"Xx"[CH&('$D(Z)):"X",1:"") . S Y=Y_$S(CH?1N:CH,"Xx,*"[CH&('$D(Z)):"X",1:"") . I "Xx"[CH S Z="" ; ; the number, following "X" character, should be greater than 0 I Y["X",+$P(Y,"X",2)<1 S Y=$P(Y,"X") ; patch HL*1.6*141 end ; I $L(Y)<7 Q "" S Y1=$S(Y["X":"X"_$P(Y,"X",2),1:""),Y=$P(Y,"X") I $L(Y)<7 Q "" I $L(Y)=8,189[$E(Y) S Y=$E(Y,2,8) I $L(Y)=11,189[$E(Y) S Y=$E(Y,2,11) I $L(Y)=7 Q $E($E(Y,1,3)_"-"_$E(Y,4,7)_Y1_B_C,1,40) I $L(Y)=10 Q $E("("_$E(Y,1,3)_")"_$E(Y,4,6)_"-"_$E(Y,7,10)_Y1_B_C,1,40) I $L(Y)=12 Q $E($E(Y,1,2)_" ("_$E(Y,3,5)_")"_$E(Y,6,8)_"-"_$E(Y,9,12)_Y1_B_C,1,40) Q "" HLADDR(AD,GL,HLECDE) ;Convert DHCP address fields to HL7 address format ;Required parameters: ;AD = One to four street address lines separated by uparrows (^). ;GL = Three to four geographic location components separated by ; uparrows (^). City^State or Province^Zip Code^Country Code. ; If the fourth component is not defined, it will be set to 'USA'. ; The second component must be null or an IEN in the ; State file (#5). The third component must be null or pattern ; match 5N, 9N or 5N1"-"4N. ; ; Optional HLECDE - Encoding chars ;**** NOTE: **** ;If this function is called without HLECDE as parameter than HLECH ;must be define. ; ; ;A string will be returned with six components separated by the HL7 ;component separator. The length of the string (including separators) ;may exceed 106 characters. ; Q:'$D(AD) "" Q:'$D(GL) "" I '$D(HLECH),'$D(HLECDE) Q "" I $D(HLECDE) N HLECH S HLECH=HLECDE I '$D(HLECH) Q "" I $D(XRTL) D T0^%ZOSV N I,X,Y I $P(GL,"^",4)="" S $P(GL,"^",4)="USA" I $P(GL,"^",4)="USA" S X=$P(GL,"^",3) S:X?9N X=$E(X,1,5)_"-"_$E(X,6,9) S $P(GL,"^",3)=$S(X?5N!(X?5N1"-"4N):X,1:"") S X=+$P(GL,"^",2) S $P(GL,"^",2)=$S('X:"",$P($G(^DIC(5,X,0)),"^",2)]"":$E($P(^(0),"^",2),1,2),1:"") S Y=$E(HLECH)_$P(GL,"^")_$E(HLECH)_$P(GL,"^",2)_$E(HLECH)_$P(GL,"^",3)_$E(HLECH)_$P(GL,"^",4) S X=$P(AD,"^",1,4) F I=1,2 I X["^^" S X=$P(X,"^^")_"^"_$P(X,"^^",2,3) I $E(X,$L(X))="^" S X=$E(X,1,($L(X)-1)) I $D(XRT0) S XRTN="HLFNC" D T1^%ZOSV I $L(X,"^")=1 Q $P(X,"^")_$E(HLECH)_Y I $L(X,"^")=2 Q $P(X,"^")_$E(HLECH)_$P(X,"^",2)_Y I $L(X,"^")=3 Q $P(X,"^")_", "_$P(X,"^",2)_$E(HLECH)_$P(X,"^",3)_Y I $L(X,"^")=4 Q $P(X,"^")_", "_$P(X,"^",2)_$E(HLECH)_$P(X,"^",3)_", "_$P(X,"^",4)_Y