HLOAPP ;ALB/CJM-HL7 -Application Registry ;10/31/2006 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**126,132**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 6 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; GETIEN(NAME) ;given the application name, it finds the ien. Returns 0 on failure Q:'$L($G(NAME)) 0 N IEN,SUB S SUB=$E(NAME,1,60) S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^HLD(779.2,"B",SUB,IEN)) Q:'IEN Q:$P($G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,0)),"^")=NAME Q +IEN ; ACTION(HEADER,ACTION,QUEUE) ;Given the parsed header of a message it returns both the action that should be performed in response to the message and the incoming queue that it should be placed on. ; ;Input: ; HEADER() subscripts are used: "RECEIVING APPLICATION","SEGMENT TYPE", "MESSAGE TYPE", "EVENT", "VERSION" ;Output: ; Function returns 1 on success, 0 on failure ; ACTION (pass by reference) ^ ; QUEUE (pass by reference) returns the named queue if there is one, else "DEFAULT" ; N IEN S (ACTION,QUEUE)="" S IEN=$$GETIEN(HEADER("RECEIVING APPLICATION")) Q:'$G(IEN) 0 I $G(HEADER("SEGMENT TYPE"))="BHS" D .S NODE=$G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,0)) .I $P(NODE,"^",5)]"" D ..S ACTION=$P(NODE,"^",4,5) .E I $P(NODE,"^",7)]"" S ACTION=$P(NODE,"^",6,7) .I $P(NODE,"^",8)]"" D ..S QUEUE=$P(NODE,"^",8) .E I $P(NODE,"^",3)]"" S QUEUE=$P(NODE,"^",3) E I HEADER("SEGMENT TYPE")="MSH" D .I HEADER("MESSAGE TYPE")'="",HEADER("EVENT")'="" D ..N SUBIEN,NODE ..;did the application specify an action for the particular version of this message? ..I HEADER("VERSION")'="" S SUBIEN=$O(^HLD(779.2,IEN,1,"D",HEADER("MESSAGE TYPE"),HEADER("EVENT"),HEADER("VERSION"),0)) ..;if not, look on the "C" index ..S:'$G(SUBIEN) SUBIEN=$O(^HLD(779.2,IEN,1,"C",HEADER("MESSAGE TYPE"),HEADER("EVENT"),0)) ..; ..I SUBIEN D ...S NODE=$G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,1,SUBIEN,0)) ...I $P(NODE,"^",5)]"" S ACTION=$P(NODE,"^",4,5) ...I $P(NODE,"^",3)]"" S QUEUE=$P(NODE,"^",3) ..I ACTION="" S NODE=$G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,0)) I $P(NODE,"^",7)]"" S ACTION=$P(NODE,"^",6,7) ..I QUEUE="" S NODE=$G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,0)) I $P(NODE,"^",3)]"" S QUEUE=$P(NODE,"^",3) I QUEUE="" S QUEUE="DEFAULT" I ACTION="" Q 0 Q 1 ; RTRNLNK(APPNAME) ; ;given the name of a receiving application, this returns the return ;link for application acks if one is provided. Otherwise, return ;acks are routed based on the information provide in the message hdr ; Q:(APPNAME="") "" N IEN S IEN=$$GETIEN(APPNAME) Q:IEN $P($G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,0)),"^",2) Q "" ; RTRNPORT(APPNAME) ; ;Given the name of the sending application, IF the application has its ;own listener, its port # is returned. Application acks should be ;returned using that port Q:(APPNAME="") "" N IEN,LINK S IEN=$$GETIEN(APPNAME) Q:'IEN "" S LINK=$P($G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,0)),"^",9) Q:'LINK "" Q $$PORT^HLOTLNK(LINK) ; ACTIVE(APP,MSGTYPE,EVENT,VERSION) ; ;Returns 1 if the message's INACTIVE flag has NOT been set. ; ;Input: ; APP (required) the name of the sending application ; MSGTYPE (required) 3 character HL7 message type ; EVENT (required) 3 character HL7 event ; VERSION (optional) HL7 version ID as it appears in the message header ;Output: ; Function returns 1 if the message type specified by the input parameters has not been set to INACTIVE. It returns 0 otherwise. ; N IEN,ACTIVE,SUBIEN S ACTIVE=1 S IEN=$$GETIEN($G(APP)) Q:'$G(IEN) ACTIVE Q:$G(MSGTYPE)="" ACTIVE Q:$G(EVENT)="" ACTIVE ;did the application specify an action for the particular version of this message? I $G(VERSION)'="" S SUBIEN=$O(^HLD(779.2,IEN,1,"D",MSGTYPE,EVENT,VERSION,0)) ;if not, look on the "C" index S:'$G(SUBIEN) SUBIEN=$O(^HLD(779.2,IEN,1,"C",MSGTYPE,EVENT,0)) ; S:SUBIEN ACTIVE='(+$P($G(^HLD(779.2,IEN,1,SUBIEN,0)),"^",7)) Q ACTIVE