HLOCNRT ;DAOU/ALA-Generate HL7 Optimized Message ;07/24/2007 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**126,132,134,137**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 21 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; This program takes a current HL7 1.6 message and converts ; it to use the new HL Optimized code if it follows the standard ; 1.6 methodology of protocols. ; ; **If the VistA HL7 Protocol does not exist, calls to HL Optimized ; will have to be coded separately and this program cannot be used** Q ; EN(HLOPRTCL,ARYTYP,HLP,HLL,RESULT) ;Entry Point ; Input Parameters ; HLOPRTCL = Protocol IEN or Protocol Name ; ARYTYP = The array where HL7 message resides ; HLP = Additional HL7 message parameters (optional, pass by reference) ; These optional subscripts to HLP are supported for input: ; "APP ACK RESPONSE" = to call when the app ack is received ; "CONTPTR" ; "SECURITY" ; "SEQUENCE QUEUE" - queue used to maintain the order of the messages via application acks. If used, the application MUST specify that both an accept ack and application ack be returned. ; ; HLL (optional, pass by reference) Additional message recipients being dynamically added ; ; Output ; RESULT (pass-by-reference)=^^^<0 if sucess, error code if failure>^ ; If the message was sent to more than 1 destination, ; the addtional mssage ids returned as RESULT(1), RESULT(2), etc. ; ZTSTOP = Stop processing flag (used by HDR) ; Function returns 1 on success, else returns an error message ; NEW HLORESL,HLMSTATE,APPARMS,WHOTO,ERROR,WHO S ZTSTOP=0,HLORESL=1,RESULT="" ; ; Get IEN of protocol if name is passed I '$L(HLOPRTCL) S HLORESL="^99^HL7 1.6 Protocol not found",RESULT="^^"_HLORESL,ZTSTOP=1 Q HLORESL I ('HLOPRTCL)!(HLOPRTCL'=+HLOPRTCL) S HLOPRTCL=+$O(^ORD(101,"B",HLOPRTCL,0)) I 'HLOPRTCL S HLORESL="^99^HL7 1.6 Protocol not found",RESULT="^^"_HLORESL,ZTSTOP=1 Q HLORESL I '$D(^ORD(101,HLOPRTCL)) S HLORESL="^99^HL7 1.6 Protocol not found",RESULT="^^"_HLORESL,ZTSTOP=1 Q HLORESL ; ; If the VistA HL7 Protocol exists, call the Conversion Utility ; to set up the APPARMS, WHOTO arrays from protocol logical link, ; and the optional HLL and HLP arrays D APAR^HLOCVU(HLOPRTCL,.APPARMS,.WHO,.WHOTO,.HLP,.HLL) ; ; If special HLP parameters are defined, convert them I $D(HLP) D . I $G(HLP("SECURITY"))'="" S APPARMS("SECURITY")=HLP("SECURITY") . I $G(HLP("CONTPTR"))'="" S APPARMS("CONTINUATION POINTER")=HLP("CONTPTR") . I $G(HLP("QUEUE"))'="" S APPARMS("QUEUE")=HLP("QUEUE") . I $G(HLP("SEQUENCE QUEUE"))'="" S APPARMS("SEQUENCE QUEUE")=HLP("SEQUENCE QUEUE") . I $G(HLP("APP ACK RESPONSE"))'="" S APPARMS("APP ACK RESPONSE")=HLP("APP ACK RESPONSE") ; ; Create HL Optimized message I '$$NEWMSG^HLOAPI(.APPARMS,.HLMSTATE,.ERROR) S HLORESL="^99^"_ERROR,ZTSTOP=1,RESULT="^^"_HLORESL Q HLORESL I $E(ARYTYP,1)="G" S HLOMESG="^TMP(""HLS"",$J)" I $E(ARYTYP,1)="L" S HLOMESG="HLA(""HLS"")" ; ; Move the existing message from array into HL Optimized D MOVEMSG^HLOAPI(.HLMSTATE,HLOMESG) ; ; Send message via HL Optimized I $D(WHOTO) D .N COUNT .I '$$SENDMANY^HLOAPI1(.HLMSTATE,.APPARMS,.WHOTO) D ..S HLORESL="^99^Unable to send message",ZTSTOP=1 .I $G(WHOTO(1,"IEN")) D ..S RESULT=WHO(1)_"^"_$P($G(^HLB(WHOTO(1,"IEN"),0)),"^")_"^"_$S($G(WHOTO(1,"QUEUED")):0,1:1)_"^"_$G(WHOTO(1,"ERROR")) .E D ..S RESULT=WH0(1)_"^^1^"_$G(WHOTO(1,"ERROR")) ..S HLORESL="^99^"_$G(WHOTO(1,"ERROR")),ZTSTOP=1 .S COUNT=1 .F S COUNT=$O(WHOTO(COUNT)) Q:'COUNT D ..I $G(WHOTO(COUNT,"IEN")) D ...S RESULT(COUNT-1)=WHO(COUNT)_"^"_$P($G(^HLB(WHOTO(COUNT,"IEN"),0)),"^")_"^"_$S($G(WHOTO(COUNT,"QUEUED")):0,1:1)_"^"_$G(WHOTO(COUNT,"ERROR")) ..E D ...S RESULT(COUNT-1)=WH0(COUNT)_"^^1^"_$G(WHOTO(COUNT,"ERROR")) ; E S HLORESL="^99^Unable to send message",ZTSTOP=1,RESULT="^^"_HLORESL Q HLORESL