HLP109EN ;OIFO-O/RJH - HL*1.6*109 ENVIRONMENTT CHECK ROUTINE ;12/11/2003 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**109**;OCT 13, 1995 ; EN ; Check environment... N ACTION ; ; If no AC,I xrefs... I $O(^HLMA("AC","I",0))'>0 D QUIT ;-> . W !!,"Environment check OK..." . W ! ; ; AC,I xrefs exist. So, if loading, just warn. Otherwise, stop! ; ; Set ACTION=1 if loading, and ACTION=2 if installing... S ACTION=$$UP^XLFSTR($G(XQY0)),ACTION=$S(ACTION["LOAD":1,1:2) ; S X="IOINHI;IOINORM" D ENDR^%ZISS S X=$$REPEAT^XLFSTR("=",35) W !!,X," ",IOINHI,"Warning",IOINORM," ",X D @("INFORM"_ACTION) ; I ACTION=2 S XPDABORT=2 ; Stop, but don't unload... ; W ! S X=$$BTE("Press RETURN to "_$S(ACTION=1:"continue",1:"exit")_"...") ; Q ; BTE(PMT) ; N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="EA",DIR("A")=PMT D ^DIR Q $S(+Y=1:1,1:"") ; INFORM1 ; General information when AC,Is exist and LOADing... W !,"There are inbound queues with un-processed messages. Before patch HL*1.6*109" W !,"can be installed, the inbound queues must be empty. You may continue loading" W !,"these patches. But, remember to clear the inbound queues before loading." W !!,"(To clear the queues, start one or more incoming filer(s) to process the" W !,"messages until there are no messages in the queue.)" Q ; INFORM2 ; General information when AC,Is exist and INSTALLing... W !,"There are inbound queues with un-processed messages. Before patch HL*1.6*109" W !,"can be installed, the inbound queues must be empty. Start one or more" W !,"incoming filer(s) to process the messages until there are no messages in the" W !,"queue. Then, try to install patch HL*1.6*109 again." Q ;