HLPOSTQ ;ALB/JRP - POST-INIT QUESTIONS;23-MAR-95 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;;Oct 13, 1995 RUNAGAIN(RUNDATE) ;ASK USER IF POST-INIT SHOULD BE RUN AGAIN ;INPUT : RUNDATE - Date post-init was originally run ;OUTPUT : 1 = Yes ; 0 = No ; -1 = Error (bad input/time out/user abort) ; ;CHECK INPUT Q:('$G(RUNDATE)) -1 Q:(RUNDATE'?7N.1".".6N) -1 ;DECLARE VARIABLES N X,Y,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S Y=RUNDATE X ^DD("DD") S RUNDATE=$P(Y,"@",1)_" @ "_$P(Y,"@",2) S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you wish to continue ? " S DIR("A",1)="Post-init was already run on "_RUNDATE S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?",1)="This post-init has already been run. Answering 'YES' will allow you to" S DIR("?",2)="selectively re-run portions of the post-init. If you do not want to do" S DIR("?")="this, answer 'NO' (the default response)." W !! D ^DIR ;USER ABORT Q:($D(DIRUT)) -1 ;RETURN Y Q (+Y) PROTINST() ;ASK USER IF PROTOCOLS SHOULD BE RE-INSTALLED ;INPUT : None ;OUTPUT : 1 = Yes ; 0 = No ; -1 = Error (bad input/time out/user abort) ; ;DECLARE VARIABLES N X,Y,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to re-install PROTOCOLS ? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="This package distributes a set of protocols which may have already" S DIR("?",2)="been installed. Answering 'YES' (the default and recommended response)" S DIR("?")="will re-install these protocols." W !! D ^DIR ;USER ABORT Q:($D(DIRUT)) -1 ;RETURN Y Q (+Y) LISTINST() ;ASK USER IF LIST TEMPLATES SHOULD BE RE-INSTALLED ;INPUT : None ;OUTPUT : 1 = Yes ; 0 = No ; -1 = Error (bad input/time out/user abort) ; ;DECLARE VARIABLES N X,Y,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to re-install LIST TEMPLATES ? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="This package distributes a set of list templates which may have already" S DIR("?",2)="been installed. Answering 'YES' (the default and recommended response)" S DIR("?")="will re-install these list templates." W !! D ^DIR ;USER ABORT Q:($D(DIRUT)) -1 ;RETURN Y Q (+Y) FILECNV() ;ASK USER IF FILE CONVERSIONS SHOULD BE RE-RUN ;INPUT : None ;OUTPUT : 1 = Yes ; 0 = No ; -1 = Error (bad input/time out/user abort) ; ;DECLARE VARIABLES N X,Y,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT S DIR(0)="YA" S DIR("A")="Do you want to re-run the file conversions ? " S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?",1)="Installation of this package requires that a set of file conversions be" S DIR("?",2)="run. Answering 'YES' (the default and recommended response) will allow" S DIR("?",3)="these conversions to be re-run. Answer 'NO' if the file conversions" S DIR("?")="have already run to completion." W !! D ^DIR ;USER ABORT Q:($D(DIRUT)) ;RETURN Y Q (+Y)