HLPRS ;IRMFO-ALB/CJM -RTNs for parsing messages;03/24/2004 14:43 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**118**;Oct 13, 1995 ; STARTMSG(MSG,IEN,HDR) ; ;Description: This function begins the parsing of the message, parsing ;the header and returning the individual values in the array HDR(). ;Input: ; IEN - The internal entry number of the message in file 773. ;Output: ; Function returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. Failure would indicate that the message was not found. ; MSG - (pass by reference, required) This array is used by the HL7 package to track the progress of parsing the message. The application MUST NOT touch it! ; HDR (pass by reference, optional) This array contains the results of parsing the message header. K MSG,HDR Q:'$G(IEN) 0 Q:'$$GETMSG^HLMSG(IEN,.MSG) 0 N SEG M SEG=MSG("HDR") Q:'$$PARSEHDR(.SEG,.HDR) 0 ;after parsing the header, reset these subscripts: I HDR("SEGMENT TYPE")="BHS" D .S MSG("BATCH")=1 .S MSG("BATCH","CURRENT MESSAGE")=0 E D .S MSG("BATCH")=0 ; K MSG("HDR") M MSG("HDR")=HDR Q 1 ; NEXTSEG(MSG,SEG) ; ;Description: Advances parsing to the next segment and returns the parsed values from that segment. ;Input: ; MSG - (pass by reference, required) This array is used by the HL7 package to track the current position in the message. The application MUST NOT touch it! ;Output: ; Function returns 1 on success, 0 if there are no more segments in this message. For batch messages, a return value of 0 does not preclude the possibility that there are additional individual messages within the batch. ; MSG - (pass by reference, required) ; SEG - (pass by reference, required) The segment is returned in this array. ; N TEMP,CODES K SEG I '$$NEXTSEG^HLMSG(.MSG,.TEMP) Q 0 S CODES=MSG("HDR","ENCODING CHARACTERS") Q $$PARSE^HLOPRS1(MSG("HDR","FIELD SEPARATOR"),$E(CODES,2),$E(CODES,1),$E(CODES,4),$E(CODES,3),.TEMP,.SEG) ; NEXTMSG(MSG,MSH) ; ;Description: Advances to the next message within the batch, with the MSH segment returned. ;Input: ; MSG (pass by reference, required) This array is used by the HL7 package to track the current position in the message. The application MUST NOT touch it! ;OUTPUT: ; Function returns 1 on success, 0 if there are no more messages ; MSG - (pass by reference) (remember, off limits to the application developer!) ; MSH - (pass by reference, required) Returns the parsed message header ; K MSH N HDR Q:'$$NEXTMSG^HLMSG(.MSG,.HDR) 0 Q:'$$PARSEHDR(.HDR,.MSH) 0 Q 1 ; PARSEHDR(SEG,HDR) ; ;Parses the segment (SEG, pass by reference) into the HDR() array using meaningful subscripts. ;Input: ; SEG (pass by reference, required) contains the segment in the format SEG(1), SEG(2),... ;Output: ; HDR (pass by reference, required) This array will contain all the individual values. ; Function - returns 1 if the segment is indeed an MSH or BHS segment, 0 otherwise ; N VALUE,TO K HDR S VALUE=$E($G(SEG(1)),1,3) I VALUE'="MSH",VALUE'="BHS" Q 0 S HDR("SEGMENT TYPE")=VALUE S HDR("FIELD SEPARATOR")=$E(SEG(1),4) Q:$L(HDR("FIELD SEPARATOR"))'=1 0 S VALUE=$E(SEG(1),5,8) S HDR("ENCODING CHARACTERS")=VALUE S HDR("COMPONENT SEPARATOR")=$E(VALUE,1) S HDR("REPETITION SEPARATOR")=$E(VALUE,2) S HDR("ESCAPE CHARACTER")=$E(VALUE,3) S HDR("SUBCOMPONENT SEPARATOR")=$E(VALUE,4) I $$PARSE^HLOPRS1(HDR("FIELD SEPARATOR"),$E(VALUE,2),$E(VALUE,1),$E(VALUE,4),$E(VALUE,3),.SEG,.TO) D .S HDR("SENDING APPLICATION")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,3) .S HDR("SENDING FACILITY",1)=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,4,1) .S HDR("SENDING FACILITY",2)=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,4,2) .S HDR("SENDING FACILTY",3)=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,4,3) .S HDR("RECEIVING APPLICATION")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,5) .S HDR("RECEIVING FACILITY",1)=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,6,1) .S HDR("RECEIVING FACILITY",2)=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,6,2) .S HDR("RECEIVING FACILITY",3)=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,6,3) .S HDR("DT/TM OF MESSAGE")=$$FMDATE^HLFNC($$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,7)) .S HDR("SECURITY")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,8) .I HDR("SEGMENT TYPE")="MSH" D ..S HDR("MESSAGE TYPE")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9,1) ..S HDR("EVENT")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9,2) ..S HDR("MESSAGE STRUCTURE")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9,3) ..S HDR("MESSAGE CONTROL ID")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,10) ..S HDR("PROCESSING ID")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,11) ..S HDR("PROCESSING MODE")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,11,2) ..S HDR("VERSION")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,12) ..S HDR("CONTINUATION POINTER")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,14) ..S HDR("ACCEPT ACK TYPE")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,15) ..S HDR("APP ACK TYPE")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,16) ..S HDR("COUNTRY")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,17) .I HDR("SEGMENT TYPE")="BHS" D ..S VALUE=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9) ..S HDR("BATCH NAME/ID/TYPE")=VALUE ..S HDR("PROCESSING ID")=$S((VALUE["PROCESSING ID="):$E($P(VALUE,"PROCESSING ID=",2),1),1:$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9,2)) ..S HDR("ACCEPT ACK TYPE")=$S((VALUE["ACCEPT ACK TYPE="):$E($P(VALUE,"ACCEPT ACK TYPE=",2),1,2),1:$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9,3,1,2)) ..S HDR("APP ACK TYPE")=$S((VALUE["APP ACK TYPE="):$E($P(VALUE,"APP ACK TYPE=",2),1,2),1:$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,9,4,1,2)) ..S HDR("BATCH COMMENT")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,10) ..S HDR("BATCH CONTROL ID")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,11) ..S HDR("REFERENCE BATCH CONTROL ID")=$$GET^HLOPRS(.TO,12) ..; Q 1