HLTP1 ;AISC/SAW-Transaction Processor Module (Cont'd) ;09/13/2006 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**34,47,91,133**;Oct 13, 1995;Build 13 ;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. GENACK(HLMIDA,HLMTIENA,HLEIDS,HLARYTYP,HLFORMAT,HLRESLTA,HLP) ; ;Entry point to generate an acknowledgement message ; ;This is a subroutine call with parameter passing. It returns a value ;in the variable HLRESLTA of null if no error occurs, or the following ;two piece value if an error occurs: error code^error description ; ;Required Input Parameters ; HLMIDA = Message ID of aknowledgement message ; HLMTIENA = IEN of entry in Message Text file where acknowledgement ; message will be stored ; HLEIDS = IEN of subscriber protocol from the Protocol file ; HLARYTYP = Array type. One of the following codes: ; LM = local array containing a single message ; LB = local array containig a batch of messages ; GM = global array containing a single message ; GB = global array containing a batch of messages ; HLFORMAT = Format of array, 1 for pre-formatted in HL7 format, ; otherwise 0 ;NOTE: The variable HLRESLTA must be passed by reference ; HLRESLTA = The variable that will be returned to the calling ; application as descibed above ;Optional Parameters ; HLP("SECURITY") = A 1 to 40 character string ; HLP("GROUTINE") = The M code to execute to generate the ; acknowledgement message ; HLP("MSACK") = 1 if this acknowledgment message is being ; generated by the Messaging System ; HLP("NAMESPACE") = Passed in by application namespace - HL*1.6*91 ; S HLRESLTA="" ; ;Check for required parameters I '$G(HLMIDA)!('$G(HLMTIENA))!('$G(HLEIDS))!($G(HLARYTYP)']"")!($G(HLFORMAT)']"") S HLRESLTA="7^"_$G(^HL(771.7,7,0))_" at GENACK^HLTP1 entry point" G EXIT ;Extract data from file 101 and store in separate variables D EVENT^HLUTIL1(HLEIDS,770,.HLN) S HLSAN=$P($G(^HL(771,+$P(HLN(770),"^",2),0)),"^"),HLQ="""""" S HLP("MSGTYPE")=$E(HLARYTYP,2) ;Update zero node of Message Text file D UPDATE^HLTF0(HLMTIENA,HLP("MTIENS"),"O",HLEIDS,"",$P(HLN(770),"^",2),"",$P($G(^HL(772,HLP("MTIENS"),0)),"^",8),"",.HLP) ;Update status to Being Generated D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENA,8) ;Check that local/global array exists and store in Message Text file ; if pre-compiled I HLFORMAT D I (+$G(HLRESLTA)) D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENA,4,+HLRESLTA) G EXIT .I $E(HLARYTYP)="G" D ..I $O(^TMP("HLA",$J,0))']"" S HLRESLTA="8^"_$G(^HL(771.7,8,0)) Q ..D MERGE^HLTF1("G",HLMTIENA,"HLA") .I $E(HLARYTYP)="L" D ..I $O(HLA("HLA",0))']"" S HLRESLTA="8^"_$G(^HL(771.7,8,0)) Q ..D MERGE^HLTF1("L",HLMTIENA,"HLA") ;If array is not pre-compiled, call message generation routine I 'HLFORMAT N HLERR D I $D(HLERR) S HLRESLTA="9^"_HLERR D STATUS^HLTF0(HLMTIENA,4,9,HLERR) G EXIT .S HLP("GROUTINE")=HLP("GROUTINE")_"("_HLMIDA_","_HLMTIENA_","_HLQ_HLARYTYP_HLQ_","_HLSAN_","_$P($G(^HL(771.2,$P(HLN(770),"^",3),0)),"^")_","_$P($G(^HL(779.001,$P(HLN(770),"^",4),0)),"^")_","_HLQ_$TR($P(HLN(770),"^",6),"id","ID")_HLQ_")" .X HLP("GROUTINE") ;Invoke communication server module to send message to subscribers K HLARYTYP,HLFORMAT,HLQ D SENDACK^HLCS(HLMTIENA,HLP("EID"),HLEIDS,.HLRESLTA) ;,$G(HLP("MSACK"))) EXIT K HLQ,HLSAN Q