HLUOPT1 ;AISC/SAW - Purging Entries in file #772 and #773 ;02/04/2004 09:58 ;;1.6;HEALTH LEVEL SEVEN;**10,13,21,36,19,47,62,109,108**;Oct 13, 1995 ; ; Purge data of the HL7 message in file #772 and #773. ; ; Patch 47 - For Purging Option scheduled on a recurring basis, ; numbers of days kept for various Status of message are stored ; in file #869.3, fields 41, 42, and 43. Default values for these ; fields are 7, 30, and 90, respectively. ; ; Patch 36 - a message will never be purged if the new field, "Don't ; Purge" (#772,15), is set to 1. ; PURGE ; ; HLPDT("COMP") - 'completed' status cutoff date ; HLPDT("WAIT") - 'awaiting ack' status cutoff date ; HLPDT("ERR") - 'error' status cutoff date ; (=0 means don't delete msgs in 'error' status) ; HLPDT("ALL") - all other status (except 'error') cutoff date N HLPDT,HLTASK,HLEXIT ; S (HLTASK,HLEXIT)=0 D INIT(.HLPDT,.HLTASK,.HLEXIT) Q:HLEXIT ; ; HL*1.6*109 lock logic... L +^HL("HLUOPT1"):2 I '$T D:'$D(ZTQUEUED) LOCKTELL^HLUOPT4 QUIT ;-> L -^HL("HLUOPT1") ; Locked again at the top of DQ ; ; HL*1.6*109 I '$D(ZTQUEUED) I $$BTE^HLCSMON("Press RETURN to "_$S(HLTASK:"queue job",1:"start purging")_", or enter '^' to exit... ",1) D QUIT ;-> . I HLTASK W " no task started..." . I 'HLTASK W " exiting..." ; I HLTASK D TASKIT Q K HLTASK,HLEXIT ; not needed D DQ ; Q ; INIT(HLPDT,HLTASK,HLEXIT) ; Get data from file #869.3 D INIT^HLUOPT4 ; HL*1.6*109 Q ; TASKIT ; Queue task to run in the background N ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE S ZTRTN="DQ^HLUOPT1",ZTIO="",ZTSAVE("HLPDT(")="",ZTDTH=$H S ZTDESC="Purge HL7 message text on or before "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(HLPDT("COMP"),"5D") D ^%ZTLOAD I $D(ZTSK) W !," Task #",ZTSK," queued to run now...",! Q ; HL*1.6*109 W !," Queuing of Purge task failed.",! ; HL*1.6*109 Q DQ ; Entry point for running purge of HL7 message text N HLDELCNT,HLEXIT,HLOOPCT ; S HLOOPCT=0 ; ; HL*1.6*109 N XTMP D XTMPBEGN^HLUOPT4 ; ; Lock to ensures no other purge job can run... L +^HL("HLUOPT1"):10 I '$T D QUIT ;-> . D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"NO-LOCK","DONE") . I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" ; ; Purge 773s... S (HLDELCNT,HLEXIT)=0 D CHK773(.HLPDT,.HLDELCNT,.HLEXIT) ; ; Update piece 4 of file's zero node... D UPDP4(773) ; ; Purge 772s... I 'HLEXIT D CHK772(.HLPDT,.HLDELCNT,.HLEXIT) ; ; Update piece 4 of file's zero node... D UPDP4(772) ; ; HL*1.6*109 L -^HL("HLUOPT1") ; D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"FINISHED","DONE") I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q ; W !!," #",HLDELCNT," entries purged...",! ; HL*1.6*109 ; Q ; UPDP4(FNO) ; Update piece 4 of file's zero node... N GBL,NODE,NODEL,P4 S GBL=$S(+FNO=772:"^HL(772,0)",+FNO=773:"^HLMA(0)",1:"") QUIT:GBL']"" ;-> S NODEL=$G(XTMP(+FNO,"DEL")) QUIT:NODEL'>0 ;-> L +@GBL:30 ; If don't get lock, update piece 4 anyway... S NODE=$G(@GBL) ; Get node... S P4=$P(NODE,U,4)-NODEL,P4=$S(P4>0:+P4,1:"") ; Recalc piece 4... S $P(NODE,U,4)=P4 ; Reset node's piece 4... S @GBL=NODE ; Store in file's zero node... L -@GBL Q ; CHK773(HLPDT,HLDELCNT,HLEXIT) ; Check file 773 N FPDATE,HLIEN,HLPTR,HLMADT,HLY,HLMADT1,HLLT773 ; ; HL*1.6*109 I '$G(HLTASK) W !,"Looping through file 773..." D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"RUNNING","START-773") ; ;calculate cuttoff date for records reserved by Fast Purge - records with a more recent FAST PURGE DT/TM then this should be left to the Fast Purge to delete S FPDATE=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-2) ; S HLLT773=$O(^HLMA(";"),-1) ; last ien for 773 S HLIEN=0 F S HLIEN=$O(^HLMA(HLIEN)) Q:'HLIEN D Q:HLEXIT Q:$$FAIL(773) ;HL*1.6*109 . D CHK4STOP(.HLEXIT) Q:HLEXIT . S XTMP(773,"REV")=$G(XTMP(773,"REV"))+1,XTMP(773,"LAST")=HLIEN,XTMP(773,"FAIL")=$G(XTMP(773,"FAIL"))+1 ; HL*1.6*109 . ; . ;check if the record is reserved for FAST PURGE . I ($P($G(^HLMA(HLIEN,2)),"^",2)\1)>FPDATE Q . ; . S HLPTR=+$G(^HLMA(HLIEN,0)) Q:'HLPTR . S HLMADT=+$G(^HL(772,HLPTR,0)) . ;HLY=status, HLMADT1=processed date . S HLY=+$G(^HLMA(HLIEN,"P")),HLMADT1=+$G(^("S")) . ;error status, quit if flag set to no . I HLY>3,HLY<8,'HLPDT("ERR") Q . ;check if date entered is less than purge all date . I HLMADT7)!('HLMADT1) Q . ;awaiting ack, no purge date or date>purge date . I HLY=2,HLMADT1>HLPDT("WAIT") Q . ;successfully transmitted . I HLY=3,HLMADT1>HLPDT("COMP") Q . ;error status . I HLY>3,HLY<8,HLMADT1>HLPDT("ERR") Q . D KILL773(HLIEN,HLLT773,.HLDELCNT) D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"RUNNING","END-773") ; HL*1.6*109 Q KILL773(HLIEN,HLLT773,HLDELCNT) ; delete in file 773 ; ; quit if don't purge flag is set or the entry is the last one Q:$G(^HLMA(HLIEN,2))!(HLIEN=HLLT773) ; S X=$G(^HLMA(+HLIEN,0)),X=+$G(^HL(772,+X,0)),XTMP(773,"LAST","TIME")=$S(X?7N1"."1.N:+X,1:"") ; D DEL773^HLUOPT3(HLIEN) ; Purge w/direct kills... ; S HLDELCNT=HLDELCNT+1 ; S XTMP(773,"DEL")=$G(XTMP(773,"DEL"))+1,XTMP(773,"FAIL")=0 ; Q ; CHK772(HLPDT,HLDELCNT,HLEXIT) ; Check file 772 for parents and children N FPDATE,HLOOP2,HLPTR,HLINK,HLIEN,HLMADT,HLY,HLLT772 ; ; HL*1.6*109 I '$G(HLTASK) W !,"Looping through file 772..." D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"RUNNING","START-772") ; ;calculate cuttoff date for records reserved by Fast Purge - records with a more recent FAST PURGE DT/TM then this should be left to the Fast Purge to delete S FPDATE=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-2) ; S HLLT772=$O(^HL(772,";"),-1) ; last ien for 772 F HLOOP2=1:1:2 D Q:HLEXIT ; Kill children first, then parents . S XTMP(772,"FAIL")=0 ; HL*1.6*109 . S HLPTR=0 . F S HLPTR=$O(^HL(772,"B",HLPTR)) Q:HLPTR'>0 D Q:HLEXIT Q:$$FAIL(772) ; HL*1.6*109 . . D CHK4STOP(.HLEXIT) Q:HLEXIT . . S HLIEN=0 . . F S HLIEN=$O(^HL(772,"B",HLPTR,HLIEN)) Q:'HLIEN D . . . S XTMP(772,"REV")=$G(XTMP(772,"REV"))+1,XTMP(772,"LAST")=HLIEN,XTMP(772,"FAIL")=$G(XTMP(772,"FAIL"))+1 ; HL*1.6*109 ... ; ... ;check if the record is reserved for FAST PURGE ... I ($P($G(^HL(772,+HLIEN,2)),"^",2)\1)>FPDATE Q ... ; . . . S HLMADT=+$G(^HL(772,+HLIEN,0)) Q:'HLMADT . . . I HLMADT>HLPDT("COMP") Q . . . S HLY=$P($G(^HL(772,HLIEN,"P")),U) . . . I HLY?1U S HLY=$TR(HLY,"PASE",1234) . . . I HLY>3,HLY<8,'HLPDT("ERR") Q . . . I HLMADTHLPDT("COMP") Q . . . I HLY=2,HLMADT>HLPDT("WAIT") Q . . . I HLY>3,HLY<8,HLMADT>HLPDT("ERR") Q . . . I HLY=1!(HLY>7) Q . . . I $O(^HL(772,"AI",HLIEN,HLIEN)) Q . . . D KILL772(HLIEN,HLLT772,.HLDELCNT) D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"RUNNING","END-772") ; HL*1.6*109 S HLINK=0 F S HLINK=$O(^HL(772,"A-XMIT-OUT",HLINK)) Q:'HLINK D . S HLIEN=0 . F S HLIEN=$O(^HL(772,"A-XMIT-OUT",HLINK,HLIEN)) Q:'HLIEN D . . I '$D(^HL(772,HLIEN)) K ^HL(772,"A-XMIT-OUT",HLINK,HLIEN) Q KILL772(HLIEN,HLLT772,HLDELCNT) ; ; ; quit if the corresponding entry in #773 exists I $O(^HLMA("B",HLIEN,0)) Q ; ; quit if don't purge flag is set or the entry is the last one Q:+$G(^HL(772,HLIEN,2))!(HLIEN=HLLT772) ; N XMDUZ,XMK,XMZ,DIK,DA,HLX ; S HLX=$G(^HL(772,HLIEN,0)) S XMZ=$P(HLX,U,5) I XMZ S XMK=1,XMDUZ=.5 D KLQ^XMA1B ; S XTMP(772,"LAST","TIME")=$S(+HLX?7N1"."1.N:+HLX,1:"") ; D DEL772^HLUOPT3(+HLIEN) ; S HLDELCNT=HLDELCNT+1 S XTMP(772,"DEL")=$G(XTMP(772,"DEL"))+1,XTMP(772,"FAIL")=0 ; HL*1.6*109 ; Q ; CHK4STOP(HLEXIT) ; ; HL*1.6*109 modified from 60 to 120... ; S HLOOPCT=HLOOPCT+1 I '$D(ZTQUEUED) W:'(HLOOPCT#2000) "." ; S:$G(HLEXIT("LASTCHK"))']"" HLEXIT("LASTCHK")=$H ; Q:$$HDIFF^XLFDT($H,$G(HLEXIT("LASTCHK")),2)<120 ; ; HL*1.6*109 modified... I $$S^%ZTLOAD D Q . S HLEXIT=1 . D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"ABORTED-TASKMAN","CHK4STOP") ; S HLEXIT("LASTCHK")=$H ; D XTMPUPD^HLUOPT4(.XTMP,"RUNNING","CHK4STOP") ; HL*1.6*109 ; Q ; FAIL(FILE) ; Has number entries w/o purging any been exceeded? QUIT $S($G(XTMP(FILE,"FAIL"))>200000:1,1:"") ;