GMTSHCPR ;BP/WAT - Sensitive Data in HS Type Hard Copies ; 3/29/07 ;;2.7; Health Summary; **85**; Oct 20, 1995;Build 24 ; ;EXTERNAL REFERENCES ; ICR 2198 $$BROKER^XWBLIB ; ICR 10078 OP^XQCHK ; $$HF^GMTSU ; DEM^GMTSU ; ; DFN, GMTSSN, GMTSPNM, GMTSPHDR, GMTSTYP, OBJ and VADM variables are set elsewhere in GMTS* code and therefore are not Newed here ; DFN - of the current pt - will only be used here if VADM and GMTSSN/GMTSPNM are all null ; GMTSSN - SSN of current pt ; GMTSPNM - name of patient: LAST,FIRST ;GMTSPHDR - array that is expected to hold pt name, ssn, dob, etc for the report header. Values are set in DEM^GMTSU and should exist ;at the time this routine is called. ;GMTSTYP - IEN of health summary type and is set prior to this routine ;;OBJ - set when dealing with a HS object and should exist at the time this routine is called ;VADM - pt data array set in DEM^GMTSU - should exist at the time of execution. ;GMTSSN85 = SSN value from pt data array VADM(2) ;GMTSNM85 = pt name from pt data array VADM(1) ;GMTSUPRT - internal value of SUPPRESS SENSITIVE DATA PRINT field in file 142 ;set of codes ;0 or null = do nothing ;1 = 4 digit ssn/no dob ;2 = no ssn/no dob ;GMTSGUI - result of $$BROKER^XWBLIB - 1 = Broker or VistALink GUI; 0 = not ;GMTSUHF - result of $$HF^GMTSU - 0=gui printing; 1=not ;GMTS4DIG - local variable for 4-digit ssn EN ;; N GMTSUPRT,GMTSGUI,GMTSUHF,GMTS4DIG,GMTSSN85,GMTSNM85 ;abort if current option is Network Health Exchange-related N XQOPT D OP^XQCHK Q:$P($G(XQOPT),U)["AFJX" Q:$G(GMTSTYP)="" S GMTSUPRT=$G(^GMT(142,GMTSTYP,2)) S GMTSGUI=$$BROKER^XWBLIB S GMTSUHF=$$HF^GMTSU ; store SSN and Name into local variables S GMTSSN85=$S($L($G(VADM(2)))>0:$P($G(VADM(2)),U,2),1:$G(GMTSSN)) S GMTSNM85=$S($L($G(VADM(1)))>0:$G(VADM(1)),1:$G(GMTSPNM)) ;VADM can be killed by processing some clinical reminder components so make sure we have SSN and Name values ;If GMTSSN or GMTSPNM are still undefined, refresh VADM I $G(GMTSSN85)=""!($G(GMTSNM85)="") D .Q:$G(DFN)="" D DEM^GMTSU ;if you get here and DFN is somehow null, there won't be any pt name or ssn in the report header .I $L($G(VADM(2)))>0 S GMTSSN85=$P($G(VADM(2)),U,2) .I $L($G(VADM(1)))>0 S GMTSNM85=$G(VADM(1)) ;if either is null by here, artifically suppress DOB, put info message in Name/SSN variable, and QUIT I $G(GMTSSN85)=""!($G(GMTSNM85)="") S GMTSPHDR("NMSSN")="SENSITIVE DATA SUPPRESSION FAILED, CONTACT IRM IF PERSISTENT",GMTSPHDR("DOB")=$JUSTIFY(" ",$L($G(GMTSPHDR("DOB")))) Q D:$G(GMTSGUI)=1 GUISTRP I $G(GMTSGUI)=0&($E(IOST,1,2)'="C-")&$G(GMTSUPRT)>0 D .D:+$G(GMTSUPRT)=1 FOURDIG .D:+$G(GMTSUPRT)=2 NOSSN E D:$G(OBJ)'="" .D:+$G(GMTSUPRT)=1 FOURDIG .D:+$G(GMTSUPRT)=2 NOSSN Q GUISTRP ;if GUI is printing remove dob and adjust ssn as needed I '$D(GMTSUHF)!(+$G(GMTSUHF)'=0) Q D:+$G(GMTSUPRT)=1 FOURDIG D:+$G(GMTSUPRT)=2 NOSSN Q FOURDIG ;create 4 digit ssn S GMTSPHDR("DOB")=$JUSTIFY(" ",$L($G(GMTSPHDR("DOB")))) ;replace data w/15 spaces to maintain formatting D GT4SSN S GMTSPHDR("NMSSN")=$G(GMTSNM85)_$JUSTIFY(" ",$L($G(GMTSSN85))-5)_$G(GMTS4DIG) ;concat name, 4 dig ssn, and spaces for formatting Q NOSSN ;remove ssn S GMTSPHDR("DOB")=$JUSTIFY(" ",$L($G(GMTSPHDR("DOB")))) ;replace data w/15 spaces to maintain formatting S GMTSPHDR("NMSSN")=$G(GMTSNM85) Q GT4SSN ;; get 4 digit ssn I $G(GMTSSN85)'["P" D .S GMTS4DIG=$E($G(GMTSSN85),($L($G(GMTSSN85))-3),$L($G(GMTSSN85))) ;create 4 dig ssn E S GMTS4DIG=$E($G(GMTSSN85),($L($G(GMTSSN85))-4),$L($G(GMTSSN85))) ;create 4 dig pseudo ssn Q