GMTSOBH ; SLC/KER - HS Object - Help ; 01/06/2003 ;;2.7;Health Summary;**58**;Oct 20, 1995 ; ; External References ; DBIA 10103 $$FMTE^XLFDT ; DBIA 10103 $$NOW^XLFDT ; DBIA 10088 ENDR^%ZISS ; Q PLB ; Print Object Label D ATTR W !," Do you want to print a label before printing a Health Summary Object?" W !," Both the label and object will be embedded in another document.",! W !," ",$G(BOLD) W !," ",$G(NORM) W !," " W !," " D KATTR Q LBH ; Object Label D ATTR W !," Enter a label for this object, 3 to 60 characters in length (optional)." W !," This label will be embedded in another document along with the Health" W !," Summary Type and will be printed as the first line of the object, before" W !," the Health Summary Prints.",! W !," ",$G(BOLD) W !," ",$G(NORM) W !," " W !," ",! D KATTR Q LBLH ; Label Blank Line D ATTR W !," If there is a Label for the object and the Label is to be printed," W !," then a blank line may be printed after the object label.",! W !," " W !," ",$G(BOLD) W !," ",$G(NORM) W !," " W !," " D KATTR Q HSTH ; Health Summary Type W !," Enter the name of an existing Health Summary Type (file 142)" W !," that you wish to embedded in another document as an object.",! Q ALL ; Suppress all of hte Health Summary Header N GMTSDLD S GMTSDLD=$$EDT^GMTSU($$NOW^XLFDT) W !," Print the following lines from the standard Health Summary" W !," Header with the Object?" W !," " W !," 1 "_GMTSDLD W !," 2 ***************** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ******************" W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SSN-SSAN WARD/LOCATTION DATE OF BIRTH" W !," 4 " W !," 5 PN - Progress Notes (max 10 occurrences or 1 year)" W !," 6 " W !," " Q RD ; Report Date and Time N GMTSDLD S GMTSDLD=$TR($$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"5ZM"),"@"," ") D ATTR W !," Print the report date/time with Health Summary Objects?" W !," " W !," "_$G(BOLD)_">>>>> 1 DATE/TIME <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************" W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB" W !," 4 " W !," 5 PN - Progress Notes (max 10 occ or 1 yr)" W !," 6 " W !," " D KATTR Q RH ; Report Header D ATTR W !," Print the report header with Health Summary Objects?" W !," " W !," 1 DATE/TIME" W !," 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************" W !,$G(BOLD)_" >>>>> 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !,$G(BOLD)_" >>>>> 4 <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," 5 PN - Progress Notes (max 10 occ or 1 yr)" W !," 6 " W !," " D KATTR Q RC ; Confidentiality Banner D ATTR W !," Print the confidentiality banner with Health Summary Objects?" W !," " W !," 1 DATE/TIME" W !,$G(BOLD)_" >>>>> 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************ <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB" W !," 4 " W !," 5 PN - Progress Notes (max 10 occ or 1 yr)" W !," 6 " W !," " D KATTR Q CHU ; Component Header Underlined N GMTSCHU S GMTSCHU="" CH ; Component Header D ATTR W:'$D(GMTSCHU) !," Print the standard component header with Health Summary Objects?" W:$D(GMTSCHU) !," Underline the standard component header with a single line of dashes?" W !," " W !," 1 DATE/TIME" W !," 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************" W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB" W !," 4 " W:'$D(GMTSCHU) !,$G(BOLD)_" >>>>> "_$G(NORM)_" 5 "_$G(BOLD)_"PN - Progress Notes "_$G(NORM)_"(max 10 occ or 1 yr) "_$G(BOLD)_"<<<<<"_$G(NORM) W:'$D(GMTSCHU) !,$G(BOLD)_" "_$G(NORM)_" "_$G(BOLD)_"|-------------------| "_$G(NORM) W:$D(GMTSCHU) !," 5 PN - Progress Notes" W:$D(GMTSCHU) !,$G(BOLD)," >>>>> ------------------- <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," " D KATTR Q LM ; Time and Occurence Limits D ATTR W !," Print report time and occurence limits with the component header?" W !," " W !," 1 DATE/TIME" W !," 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************" W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB" W !," 4 " W !," "_$G(BOLD)_" >>>>> "_$G(NORM)_" 5 PN - Progress Notes "_$G(BOLD)_"(max 10 occ or 1 yr) "_$G(NORM)_" "_$G(BOLD)_"<<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," "_$G(BOLD)_"|--------------------| "_$G(NORM) W !," " D KATTR Q BL ; Blank Line D ATTR W !," Print a Blank Line after the Component Header?" W !," " W !," 1 DATE/TIME" W !," 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************" W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB" W !," 4 " W:$D(GMTSOBJ("LIMITS")) !," 5 PN - Progress Notes (max 10 occurrences or 1 year)" W:'$D(GMTSOBJ("LIMITS")) !," 5 PN - Progress Notes" W !," "_$G(BOLD)_" >>>>> 6 <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," " D KATTR Q DE ; Deceased D ATTR W !," Print the date deceased with Health Summary Objects?" W !," " W !," 1 DATE/TIME" W !," 2 *********** CONFIDENTIAL HEALTH SUMMARY ************" W !," 3 PATIENT NAME SSN-SS-SSAN WARD/LOCATION DOB" W !," 4 " W !," 5 PN - Progress Notes (max 10 occ or 1 yr)" W !," 6 " W !,$G(BOLD)_" * >>>>> 7 ** DECEASED DATE/TIME ** <<<<<"_$G(NORM) W !," " W !," "_$G(BOLD)_"*"_$G(NORM)_" This is a conditional line of the Health Summary report " W !," header which is only printed for deceased patients" W !," " D KATTR Q SC ; Suppress Components Without Data D ATTR W !," If this field is set to 1 (YES) and a Health Summary component does " W !," not have any data, the component will be suppressed.",! W !," If this field is NOT set to 1 (Null or 0 = NO) and the component does" W !," not have any data, then the component will print with the statement" W !," ""No data available""",! W !," Example:",! W !,$G(BOLD)," PN - Progress Notes",$G(NORM) W !,$G(BOLD)," No data available",$G(NORM) D KATTR Q TRIM(X) ; Trim Spaces S X=$G(X) F Q:$E(X,1)'=" " S X=$E(X,2,$L(X)) F Q:$E(X,$L(X))'=" " S X=$E(X,1,($L(X)-1)) Q X ATTR ; Set Screen Attributes N X,IOINHI,IOINORM S X="IOINHI;IOINORM" D ENDR^%ZISS S BOLD=$G(IOINHI),NORM=$G(IOINORM) D ENDR^%ZISS Q KATTR ; Kill Screen Attributes K NORM,BOLD Q