GMTSRS3 ; SLC/KER - Health Summary Resequence - Misc ; 02/11/2003 ;;2.7;Health Summary;**62**;Oct 20, 1995 ; Q SI ; Structure for Items W !!," Example Health Summary Type with Components containing Selection" W !," Items which may be resequenced",! W !," Health Summary Type Rehab Summary" W !," Health Summary Component Brief Demographics" W !," Health Summary Component Lab Cum Selected" W !," 1 Selection Item Glucose" W !," 2 Selection Item B 12" W !," 3 Selection Item Liver Function" W !," Health Summary Component Health Factor Select" W !," 1 Selection Item Alcohol Screen" W !," 2 Selection Item Depression Screening" W !," Health Summary Component Progress Notes" Q SC ; Structure for Components I '$D(GMTST) D Q . W !,?3,"Example of a Health Summary Type with multiple components which ",!,?3,"may be resequenced.",! . W !,?5,"Health Summary Type",?32,"REHAB SUMMARY" . W !,?7,"Component #1",?34,"BRIEF DEMOGRAPHICS" . W !,?7,"Component #2",?34,"LAB CUM SELECTED" . W !,?7,"Component #3",?34,"HEALTH FACTOR SELECT" . W !,?7,"Component #4",?34,"PROGRESS NOTES" N GMTSI,GMTSC,GMTSN W !,?3,"This Health Summary Type has multiple Components which may be resequenced.",! W !,?5,"Health Summary Type",?32,$$UP^XLFSTR($P($G(^GMT(142,+GMTST,0)),"^",1)) S (GMTSC,GMTSI)=0 F S GMTSI=$O(^GMT(142,+($G(GMTST)),1,GMTSI)) Q:+GMTSI=0 D . S GMTSN=$P($G(^GMT(142,+($G(GMTST)),1,+GMTSI,0)),"^",2) . S GMTSN=$P($G(^GMT(142.1,+GMTSN,0)),"^",1) Q:'$L(GMTSN) . S GMTSC=GMTSC+1 . W !,?7,"Component #",GMTSC,?34,$$UP^XLFSTR(GMTSN) Q YN ; Yes/No W !,?3,"Enter either 'Y' or 'N'." Q TRIM(X) ; Remove Spaces S X=$G(X) F Q:$E(X,1)'=" " S X=$E(X,2,$L(X)) F Q:$E(X,$L(X))'=" " S X=$E(X,1,($L(X)-1)) Q X