DVB458P1 ;ALB/RBS - POST-INSTALL FOR PATCH DVB*4*58 (CONT.) ; 4/24/07 3:53pm ;;4.0;HINQ;**58**;03/25/92;Build 29 ; ;This routine is the main post-install driver that will update the ;DISABILITY CONDITION (#31) file with the new mapping of Rated ;Disabilities (VA) VBA DX CODES to specific ICD DIAGNOSIS codes. ; Q ;no direct entry ; POST(DVBTMP,DVBTOT) ;post-install driver for updating the (#31) file ;This procedure will call a series of routines that contain the data ;element values that will be used to create the new VBA-ICD9 mapping. ; ; Input: ; DVBTMP - Closed Root global reference for error reporting ; DVBTOT - Total number of ICD9 codes filed ; ; Output: ; DVBTMP - Temp file of error messages (if any) ; DVBTOT - Total number of ICD9 codes filed ; N DVBRTN,DVBCNT S DVBTMP=$G(DVBTMP) S DVBTOT=$G(DVBTOT) I DVBTOT']"" S DVBTOT=0 I DVBTMP']"" S DVBTMP=$NA(^TMP("DVB458P",$J)) K @DVBTMP ; ;loop each routine F DVBCNT=1:1:6 S DVBRTN="^DVB458P"_DVBCNT D . Q:($T(@DVBRTN)="") . D BLDXRF(DVBRTN,DVBTMP,.DVBTOT) Q ; ; BLDXRF(DVBRTN,DVBTMP,DVBTOT) ;call each routine to file VBA/ICD9 codes ; ; Input: ; DVBRTN - Post Install routine to process VBA/ICD9 codes ; DVBTMP - Closed Root global reference for error reporting ; DVBTOT - Total number of ICD9 codes filed ; ; Output: ; DVBTOT - Total number of ICD9 codes filed ; N DVBLINE ;$TEXT code line N DVBLN ;line counter incrimenter N DVBTAG ;line tag of routine to process N DVBVBA ;VBA DX code (external value) ; S (DVBLN,DVBVBA)=0 ; F S DVBTAG="TEXT+"_DVBLN_DVBRTN,DVBLINE=$T(@DVBTAG) Q:DVBLINE["$EXIT" D . ;get VBA DX CODE var setup . I DVBLINE'["~" D Q . . S DVBVBA=$P(DVBLINE,";",3),DVBLN=DVBLN+1 . . ; - if code not found setup ^TMP() file error record . . I '$O(^DIC(31,"C",DVBVBA,"")) D . . . S @DVBTMP@("ERROR",DVBVBA)="DX CODE not found in (#31) file" . . . S DVBVBA=0 . ; . ;quit back to loop if no VBA code ien found (just in case) . I 'DVBVBA S DVBLN=DVBLN+1 Q . ; . D BLDVBA(DVBVBA,DVBLINE,.DVBTOT) . S DVBLN=DVBLN+1 Q ; ; BLDVBA(DVBVBA,DVBLINE,DVBTOT) ;extract ICD9 codes from text line ; ; Input: ; DVBVBA - VBA DX code (external value) ; DVBLINE - $TEXT code line of ICD9's ; DVBTOT - Total number of ICD9 codes filed ; ; Output: ; DVBTOT - Total number of ICD9 codes filed ; Q:'$G(DVBVBA) Q:$G(DVBLINE)']"" ; N DVBDATA,DVBI,DVBICD,DVBICDEN,DVBIEN,DVBMATCH,DVBX ; ;loop in case there might be multiple VBA ien's setup S DVBIEN=0 F S DVBIEN=$O(^DIC(31,"C",DVBVBA,DVBIEN)) Q:DVBIEN="" D . S DVBX=$P(DVBLINE,";",3,999) . S (DVBI,DVBICD)=0 . F DVBI=1:1 S DVBDATA=$P(DVBX,"^",DVBI) Q:DVBDATA="" D . . Q:DVBDATA[";" . . S DVBICD=$P(DVBDATA,"~"),DVBMATCH=+$P(DVBDATA,"~",2) . . ; - get ICD9 pointer from ICD DIAGNOSIS (#80) file . . S DVBICDEN=+$$ICDDX^ICDCODE(DVBICD) . . I ('DVBICDEN)!(DVBICDEN<0) D Q . . . S @DVBTMP@("ERROR",DVBVBA,DVBIEN,DVBICD)="not found in ICD DIAGNOSIS (#80) file" . . ; . . Q:$D(^DIC(31,DVBIEN,"ICD","B",DVBICDEN)) ;ICD9 already setup . . ; . . ;call to create new multiple field (#20) RELATED ICD9 CODES . . I '$$FILEICD(DVBIEN,DVBICDEN,DVBMATCH) D Q . . . S @DVBTMP@("ERROR",DVBVBA,DVBIEN,DVBICD)="error filing to (#31) file" . . S DVBTOT=DVBTOT+1 Q ; ; FILEICD(DVBIEN,DVBICDEN,DVBMATCH) ;file code mapping to (#31) file ; ; Input: ; DVBIEN - ien of VBA DX CODE in file (#31) ; DVBICDEN - ien of ICD9 code in file (#80) ; DVBMATCH - match code (1 or 0) ; ; Output: ; Function result - 1 on success, 0 on failure ; ; New Fields created: ; (#20) RELATED ICD9 CODES - ICD;0 POINTER Multiple (#31.01) ; (#31.01) -- RELATED ICD9 CODES SUB-FILE ; Field(s): ; .01 RELATED ICD9 CODES - 0;1 POINTER TO ICD DIAGNOSIS FILE (#80) ; .02 ICD9 MATCH - 0;2 SET ('0' FOR PARTIAL MATCH; '1' FOR MATCH;) ; N DVBERR,DVBFDA,DVBRSLT S DVBRSLT=0 ; I $G(DVBIEN),$G(DVBICDEN),$G(DVBMATCH)]"" D . K DVBFDA,DVBERR . S DVBFDA(31,"?+1,",.01)=DVBIEN . S DVBFDA(31.01,"+2,?+1,",.01)=DVBICDEN . S DVBFDA(31.01,"+2,?+1,",.02)=DVBMATCH . D UPDATE^DIE("","DVBFDA","","DVBERR") . S:'$D(DVBERR) DVBRSLT=1 Q DVBRSLT ; ; ;FOR TESTING ONLY DELETE ;delete (#20) field sub-file (#31.01) ICD9 entries ; N DVBIEN,CNT N DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y ; ;delete all ICD9 entries first S (CNT,DVBIEN)=0 F S DVBIEN=$O(^DIC(31,DVBIEN)) Q:DVBIEN="" D . I $O(^DIC(31,DVBIEN,"ICD",0)) D . . S DA(1)=DVBIEN,DIK="^DIC(31,"_DA(1)_",""ICD"",",DA=0,CNT=CNT+1 . . I CNT=1 D BMES^XPDUTL(" >>> *** Removing data from field #20 in the DISABILITY CONDITION (#31) file... "),MES^XPDUTL(" ") . . F S DA=$O(^DIC(31,DA(1),"ICD",DA)) Q:'DA D ^DIK . . ; . . ;now kill the (#20) RELATED ICD9 CODES field node . . I '$O(^DIC(31,DA(1),"ICD",0)) K ^DIC(31,DA(1),"ICD",0) Q ; ; ;NOTE: ;The DISABILITY CONDITION FILE (#31) will have a new multiple field ;added that will contain the Rated Disabilities (VA) field DX CODE ;mapping of a specific ICD9 diagnosis code and a Match code value. ; ; New Fields created: ; (#20) RELATED ICD9 CODES - ICD;0 POINTER Multiple (#31.01) ; (#31.01) -- RELATED ICD9 CODES SUB-FILE ; Field(s): ; .01 RELATED ICD9 CODES - 0;1 POINTER TO ICD DIAGNOSIS FILE (#80) ; .02 ICD9 MATCH - 0;2 SET ('0' FOR PARTIAL MATCH; '1' FOR MATCH;) ; ;The following TEXT lines are a combination of a single 4 digit VBA ;rated disabilities code (DX CODE) on one line followed by on the ;next sequential line(s), all of the related ICD9 DIAGNOSIS codes ;that are to be mapped together. Each IDC9 code also has a (1/0) ;match value that will be filed with it. ; ;Example: ; ;;5000 = a single (VBA) Rated Disabilities (VA) DX CODE ; ;;003.24~1^376.03~1^730.00~1^... = string of ICD9 DIAGNOSIS CODES ; (delimited by (^) up-arrow) ; Each (^) piece contains 2 pieces of data delimited by (~): ; $P(1) = a single ICD9 diagnosis code ; $P(2) = (1/0) match code value ; ; Note: If the TEXT line ends with a (;) semi-colon, this means the ; next sequential line is associated with the same DX CODE. ; (No sequential line(s) are carried over to the next ; post-install Routine.) ; TEXT ;;5000 ;;003.24~0^376.03~0^730.00~0^730.01~0^730.02~0^730.03~0^730.04~0^730.05~0^730.06~0^730.07~0^730.08~0^730.09~1^730.10~0^730.11~0^730.12~0^730.13~0^730.14~0^730.15~0^730.16~0^730.17~0^730.18~0^730.19~1^; ;;730.20~0^730.21~0^730.22~0^730.23~0^730.24~0^730.25~0^730.26~0^730.27~0^730.28~0^730.29~1 ;;5001 ;;015.00~0^015.01~0^015.02~0^015.03~0^015.04~0^015.05~0^015.06~0^015.10~0^015.11~0^015.12~0^015.13~0^015.14~0^015.15~0^015.16~0^015.20~0^015.21~0^015.22~0^015.23~0^015.24~0^015.25~0^015.26~0^015.50~0^; ;;015.51~0^015.52~0^015.53~0^015.54~0^015.55~0^015.56~0^015.60~0^015.61~0^015.62~0^015.63~0^015.64~0^015.65~0^015.66~0^015.70~0^015.71~0^015.72~0^015.73~0^015.74~0^015.75~0^015.76~0^015.80~0^015.81~0^; ;;015.82~0^015.83~0^015.84~0^015.85~0^015.86~0^015.90~0^015.91~0^015.92~0^015.93~0^015.94~0^015.95~0^015.96~0 ;;5002 ;;714.0~0^714.1~0^714.2~0^714.30~0^714.31~0^714.32~0^714.33~0^714.4~0 ;;5003 ;;715.00~0^715.04~0^715.09~0^715.10~0^715.11~0^715.12~0^715.13~0^715.14~0^715.15~0^715.16~0^715.17~0^715.18~0^715.20~0^715.21~0^715.22~0^715.23~0^715.24~0^715.25~0^715.26~0^715.27~0^715.28~0^715.30~0^; ;;715.31~0^715.32~0^715.33~0^715.34~0^715.35~0^715.36~0^715.37~0^715.38~0^715.80~0^715.89~0^715.90~0^715.91~0^715.92~0^715.93~0^715.94~0^715.95~0^715.96~0^715.97~0^715.98~0 ;;5004 ;;098.50~0 ;;$EXIT