DVBHDEL ;ALB/JLU - Deletetion routine for HINQ suspence file ;;V4.0;HINQ;;03/25/92 ; EN ;entry point to this routine. W !,"This option will delete an entry from the HINQ suspense file.",! S DIC="^DVB(395.5,",DIC(0)="AEMQ" F D ^DIC Q:Y'>0 D:+Y DEL EX K DIC,Y,DIK,DA,DVBT,% Q ; DEL S (DVBT,DA)=+Y,DIK="^DVB(395.5," ASK W !!,"Is this the entry you want deleted? ",$P(^DPT(DVBT,0),U) S %=2 D YN^DICN Q:%=2!(%=-1) I %=0 W !!,"Yes to delete the entry or No to leave it in the suspense file." G ASK D ^DIK W !!,"Deletion completed on ",$P(^DPT(DVBT,0),U),! Q