DVBHPRE ;ALB/JLU;Pre init for HINQ v4.0 ;;V4.0;HINQ;;03/25/92 EN ; I $D(DUZ)>10,$D(DUZ(0)),DUZ(0)="@" E W !!,$C(7,7),?10,"DUZ must be set, DUZ(0) Must be set to @ !" K DIFQ Q ; ;Checks to see if version of HINQ was 3.2 or greater. S ^TMP("DVBHINQ")=$S($D(^DD(395,0,"VR")):^("VR"),1:"") ;Will ask if site wants to purge only keeping 7 days P S DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Do you wish to purge the HINQ Suspense file only keeping 7 days? " D ^DIR S ^TMP("DVBHINQPURGE")=$S(Y=1:"YES",1:"NO") ;sets compile routine size if inter systems. S I ^%ZOSF("OS")["M/11" W !!!,"The compiled routines will need to be compiled at 2401.",!,"At the routine size input 2401 and return past the rest." D ^DIEZ Q