DVBHQDL ;ISC-ALBANY/PKE-HINQ IDCU,RDPC LOGON ; 10/27/05 4:12pm ;;4.0;HINQ;**9,12,32,33,34,38,49**;03/25/92 S X="A" X ^%ZOSF("LPC") K X S U="^" I $D(IO)<11 S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS K IOP S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=300 I $D(DUZ)#2'=1 W !,"DUZ not defined",! Q I $D(^VA(200,DUZ,.1)) S DVBNUM=$P(^(.1),U,9) I DVBNUM E W !," HINQ Employee Number not in New Person file",!," Notify System manager",! Q ; EN W !,"This option will take 30 seconds to activate - using IP Addressing" U IO(0) W !!,"Do you wish to continue" S %=1 D YN^DICN I %'>0 G:%<0 EX1 W !," Enter YES to select option" G EN I %>1 G EX1 S DVBTSK=0 S DVBIOSL=IOSL,DVBIOST=IOST,DVBIOF=IOF ENTSK ;entry from taskman D SILENT^DVBHQTM I $D(DVBSTOP) S DVBABORT=1 K DVBSTOP D:'DVBTSK MESS G EX S DVBIDCU=^DVB(395,1,"HQVD")_"^"_$P(^("HQ"),"^",11) S DVBLOG=$P(DVBIDCU,U),DVBPU=$P(DVBIDCU,U,2),DVBID=$P(DVBPU,"-"),DVBPW=$P(DVBPU,"-",2) I DVBLOG'?3U1"."4U W:'DVBTSK !,"IDCU ADDRESS not correct in HINQ Parameter file #395" H 3 S DVBABORT=1 G END I $P(DVBIDCU,"^",6) S DVBLOG="VHA"_$P(DVBLOG,"DMS",2) I 'DVBTSK U IO(0) W !!,"Connecting to VBA database" ; ;Set up the error trap for cache I 'DVBTSK,$$NEWERR^%ZTER N $ETRAP,$ESTACK S $ETRAP="D ERR^DVBHQDL" I 'DVBTSK,'$$NEWERR^%ZTER S X="ERR^DVBHQDL",@^%ZOSF("TRAP") ; S DVBIP=$P($G(^DVB(395,1,"HQIP")),"^",1) I DVBIP,DVBIP?1.3N1P1.3N1P1.3N1P1.3N E W:'DVBTSK !?3,"RDPC IP Address not defined or invalid in DVB parameter file #395" H 3 G EX1 ; S DVBSTN=$P(^DVB(395,1,0),U,2) ; ;with patch DVB*4*49 new routing and interface engines have been ;established for the HINQ process. It was decided that multiple ;ports would be added to handle the volume of HINQs. Three ports ;be used exclusively for the HEC, six for the VAMCs. A new field ;(#23 - AAC PORT DESIGNATOR) has been added to act as a counter for ;the HINQ connections that have been requested. #3 or #6 + this field ;yeilds a code that is then interpreted into a port number depending ;on the station number. S DVBPORT=$$PORT(DVBSTN) ; D CALL^%ZISTCP(DVBIP,DVBPORT,"33") I POP G BUSY S X=0 U IO X ^%ZOSF("EOFF"),^%ZOSF("TYPE-AHEAD"),^%ZOSF("RM") H 3 S C=0 ;leave this off of next line NAM ; HEL ; N DVBFLG,DVBHEL,DVBQUIT I DVBTSK D . K X U IO F Z=1:1:50 R X(Z):3 D Q:$G(DVBQUIT)=1 . . I X(Z)["**HELLO**" K X S DVBABORT=0,DVBQUIT=1 Q . . I '$L(X(Z)) Q . . I $G(DVBFLG)>0 D HELLO2(Z) . . I $G(DVBHEL)["**HELLO**" K X S DVBABORT=0,DVBQUIT=1 Q . . S DVBFLG=0 . . I X(Z)["**H" D HELLO(Z) . . I $E(X(Z),$L(X(Z)))="*" D HELLO(Z) . I Z'<50 S DVBVBA="NO" I 'DVBTSK D . U IO(0) W !!,"One moment, please...",!! U IO . K X F Z2=1:1:50 U IO R X(Z2):3 U IO(0) W "." D Q:$G(DVBQUIT)=1 . . I X(Z2)["**HELLO**" D CONT S DVBQUIT=1 Q . . I '$L(X(Z2)) Q . . I $G(DVBFLG)>0 D HELLO2(Z2) . . I $G(DVBHEL)["**HELLO**" D CONT S DVBQUIT=1 Q . . S DVBFLG=0 . . I X(Z2)["**H" D HELLO(Z2) . . I $E(X(Z2),$L(X(Z2)))="*" D HELLO(Z2) . I Z2'<50 U IO(0) W !,"HINQ not allowed at this time" D MESS U IO END ; I DVBTSK Q I DVBLOG["VHA" U IO W "$%$DIS",$C(13),! I DVBLOG'["VHA" U IO W "$$$BYEF",$C(13) U IO(0) W !!,"Terminating VBA session...",! U IO U IO F Z=1:1:6 R X(Z):1 Q:'$T I X(Z)["0900 BYE" U IO(0) W !,"VBA DISCONNECTED",! Q ;U IO Q ;I '$D(DVBIO) Q ; EX I DVBTSK S DVBABORT=1 Q EX1 K %,DVBNUM,DVBTSK,DVBLOG,DVBDEV,DVBVDI,DVBABORT,X,Y,Z,C,G,DVBIP,DVBIOSL,DVBIOST,DVBIOF D CLOSE^%ZISTCP Q Q XXX I 'DVBTSK U IO(0) W !,X U IO RESET S C=C+1 I C>2 G END H 5 G NAM ; BUSY I 'DVBTSK W !," ",IO," Device is busy" D SUS H 1 G EX YYY I 'DVBTSK U IO(0) W !,"Bad Network User ID/Password notify Site Manager " H 1 G EX Q SUS I 'DVBTSK U IO(0) W !,"Enter requests in the Suspense file" Q Q ERR ;Come here on error, screen with error screens S DVBHERR=$$EC^%ZOSV I DVBHERR["READ"!(DVBHERR["ENDOFFIL") DO . U IO(0) W !,"Disconnect trapped..." D ^%ZTER D CLOSE^%ZISTCP G UNWIND^%ZTER Q MESS ;DVB*38 HINQ UNAVAILABLE MESSAGE MLR 5.10.01 I $G(DVBTSK)>0 Q U IO(0) W !! W $$CJ^XLFSTR("ATTENTION: HINQ IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE!",80,".") W !!,$$CJ^XLFSTR("Please enter HINQ request in Suspense File",80) W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("or try again later.",80) W !! Q ;MESS ; CONT ;display messages and continue with HINQ U IO(0) W !!,"You may continue with your HINQ request...",!! U IO S DVBIO=IO D ^DVBHQD1 U IO(0) W ! S IO=DVBIO Q ; HELLO(IND) ;if **HELLO** string was broken up, save it to a var to combine ;with next read ;input parameter indicates whether called from task or direct S DVBFLG=1 I X(IND)["**H" S DVBHEL="**H"_$P(X(IND),"**H",2) Q I $E(X(IND),$L(X(IND))-1)="*" S DVBHEL="**" Q S DVBHEL="*" Q HELLO2(IND) ;add string from next read to string in HELLO I $G(DVBHEL)["" S DVBHEL=DVBHEL_$E(X(IND),1,9-$L(DVBHEL)) Q ; PORT(DVBSTN) ; K DVBERR S DVBPORT=50010 S DVBPT=$$GET1^DIQ(395,"1,",23,,,"DVBERR") I $D(DVBERR) D Q DVBPORT . S DVBFDA(395,"1,",23)=0 . D FILE^DIE(,"DVBFDA","DVBERR") S DVBFDA(395,"1,",23)=DVBPT+1 D FILE^DIE("E","DVBFDA","DVBERR") I $G(DVBSTN)=742 D . ;station 742 is the HEC - these 3 ports are reserved for the HEC . S DVBPORT=$G(DVBPT)#3 ;50000 - 50002 . S DVBPORT=50000+DVBPORT I $G(DVBSTN)'=742 D . ;these 6 ports are for the use of VAMCs . S DVBPORT=$G(DVBPT)#6 . S DVBPORT=50010+DVBPORT ;50010 - 50015 Q DVBPORT