DVBHQREC ;ALB/JLU This routine recompiles all the print and input templates. ;3/19/90 ;;V4.0;HINQ;;03/25/92 1 W !!!,DVBLN,!,?20,"Recompilation of '",$S(DVBF="^DIE(":"Edit' templates",1:"Print' templates"),!,DVBLN S DVBA="DVBHI" F DVB=1:1 S DVBA=$O(@(DVBF_"""B"",DVBA)")) Q:DVBA=""!($E(DVBA,1,5)'="DVBHI") S DVBN=+$O(^(DVBA,0)) I DVBN>0,$D(@(DVBF_"+DVBN,""ROUOLD"")")),^("ROUOLD")]"",$D(^(0)) S X=$P(^("ROUOLD"),U) D 2 Q 2 W !!,"----Recompiling '",DVBA,"' ",$S(DVBF["^DIE":"Input",1:"Output")," Template----" I ^%ZOSF("OS")["M/11" S DMAX=3500 E S DMAX=4000 S Y=+DVBN D @($S(DVBF["^DIE":"EN^DIEZ",1:"EN^DIPZ")) I $D(@(DVBF_DVBN_",""ROU"")")) W !!,?3," '",DVBA,"' has been recompiled in the ",^("ROU"),"* routines.",! Q E S:'$D(DTIME) DTIME=300 S $P(DVBLN,"*",80)="",%=1,U="^" W !,"Do you want to Recompile the HINQ edit and print templates" D YN^DICN G:%<0!(%=2) K1 I %=0 W !!,"A YES answer will recompile all the HINQ edit and print templates.",! G E ;start RT monitor D:$D(XRTL) T0^%ZOSV S DVBF="^DIE(" D 1 S DVBF="^DIPT(" D 1 S:$D(XRT0) XRTN=$T(+0) D:$D(XRT0) T1^%ZOSV K1 K X,Y,DVB,DVBA,DVBF,DVBLN,DVBN,%,%Y Q