DVBHUTIL ;ALB/JLU -This is a general utility program ;3/19/90 ;;4.0;HINQ;**3,12,17,32**;03/25/92 ;entry point for DVBHQUP to set up intensity for screens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ntry point from update template for three part question Q W !!,"Is this the patient to update (YES, NO, IGNORE, DISPLAY, ALERT)? YES//" R DVBUQ:DTIME S DVBOUT=DVBUQ I DVBUQ["^" S Y="@10" Q I "Yy"[DVBUQ!(""[DVBUQ) S $P(^DVB(395.5,DFN,0),U,5)="I" W " YES" DO Q .I '$D(DVBDATA) Q .I 'DVBDATA Q .S DIE("NO^")="" .S Y=+DVBDATA .S Y=$S("1234"[Y:"@"_(Y-1),Y=5:"@104",Y=6:"@1006",1:"@10") .Q:Y="@10" .S DVBDATA=$P(DVBDATA,"^",2,10)_"^"_$P(DVBDATA,"^",10,99) .I Y="@" S Y="@8" I "Nn"[DVBUQ S Y="@10" W " NO" Q I "Ii"[DVBUQ S Y="@10" S $P(^DVB(395.5,DFN,0),U,5)="I" W " IGNORE" Q ; I "Dd"[DVBUQ W " DISPLAY" S DVBMM=1,DVBJIO=IO(0) D EN^DVBHIQM,WRT1^DVBHQD1,TEM^DVBHIQR K ^TMP($J),DVBMM,DVBJIO S Y="@101" Q I "Aa"[DVBUQ,$D(DVBDATA),1 W " ALERT" DO Q .D ACHK^DVBHT1 .D DISPLAY^DVBHT I $D(DVBNOALR) S Y="@10" Q .I $D(DVBJ2),DVBJ2 D ACKNOW^DVBHT S Y="@101" Q .D PAGE^DVBHT S Y="@101" Q E I "Aa"[DVBUQ DO G Q .W !!,"You are not processing an Alert, 'A'lert update and display not available." ; W *7,!," 'Y'es, Will continue with this patient",!," 'N'o, Go next patient",!," 'I'gnore, Patient will NOT appear in ALL option until reHINQ",!," 'D'isplay will show you the HINQ mail message." W !," 'A'lert, will update and display the Alert if processing alerts",!," '^' to quit" G Q ;header for ^DVBHQZ6 2 W !,?9,"**************************************************************" W !,?9,"* This option will print out a report, identical to the mail *" W !,?9,"* messages, of the patients in the suspense file with a *" W !,?9,"* successful HINQ request. *" W !,?9,"**************************************************************" Q ; SIGN ;General sign converter var to be worked on/defined DVBV1,DVBV2 ;DVBV1 contains the string of characters ;DVBV2 contains the character at which the sign resides. ;Must be sure there is a sign there before sending to this routine N CT,A1,V I '$D(DVBS) S CT=1,DVBS("{")=0 F A1=65:1:73 S DVBS($C(A1))=CT S CT=CT+1 I '$D(DVBS($E(DVBV1,DVBV2))) D W2 Q S V=DVBS($E(DVBV1,DVBV2)),DVBV2=$S(DVBV2=1:1,1:DVBV2-1),DVBV1=$S(DVBV2=1:"",1:$E(DVBV1,1,DVBV2))_V Q ; SCRHD W @$S('$D(IOF):"#",IOF="":"#",1:IOF) W ?1,$E(DVBDIQ(2,DFN,.01,"E"),1,30) W ?22,"Patient File" W ?35,DVBON,"((",DVBSCRN,"))",DVBOFF X DVBLIT1 W ?49,"HINQ Response" W ?68,"SSN: ",DVBON,$E(DVBDIQ(2,DFN,.09,"E"),6,9),DVBOFF W !,"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------" Q ; CHK ;This entry point will print an error message for the edit template ;if the diag. were BIRLS only and the DIAG. Verif. ind. was not 'Y' ; W !!,*7,?7,"BIRLS only response and the 'Diagnostic Verified Indicator' is NO.",!,?16,"Verify SC at folder location: ",DVBFL,!,?28,DVBON,"No updating allowed.",DVBOFF X DVBLIT1 S DVB=D0,DVBLP=2,DVBMM=1 D QB^DVBHQZ6 S Y="@50" Q ; POW ;This entry point is to determine the variable for the input to the ;patient file. Whether POW or not. ; I $D(DVBPOW) S DVBPOW1=$S(DVBPOW=1!(DVBPOW=2):"Y",1:"N") I $D(DVBPOWD) S DVBPOW1=$S(+DVBPOWD:"Y",1:"N") Q ; VERR ;This entry point prints an error message if mas not >5.1 cause .305 unemployable field is not there. W !!,*7,?2,"Your version of MAS is NOT greater than 5.1, thus the Unemployable field" W !,?2,"is not in your patient file. No uploading of this field allowed." R !,?25,"",DVBQ:DTIME K DVBQ Q ; SCRQ ;The screens will call this entry point to read the answer from the user. W !!,DVBON," ",DVBOFF X DVBLIT1 W "to CONTINUE, " W DVBON,"'^' ",DVBOFF X DVBLIT1 W "to QUIT, " W DVBON,"N N-N N,N,N,N or (A)-ALL",DVBOFF X DVBLIT1 W " to update: " R ANS:DTIME S Y=$S(ANS="^"!($T=0):"@10",ANS=""&$T=1:"@4",ANS["?":"@6",1:"@8") I Y="@4",$D(DVBDATA),DVBDATA DO .S Y=+DVBDATA .S DVBDATA=$P(DVBDATA,"^",2,10)_"^"_$P(DVBDATA,"^",10,99) .S Y=$S("1234"[Y:"@"_(Y-1),Y=5:"@104",Y=6:"@1006",1:"@10") I Y="@8" ;;;,$D(DVBDATA),DVBDATA S $P(DVBDATA,"^")="" Q S Y=$S(DVBJS=11:"@1",DVBJS=28:"@2",DVBJS=35:"@3",DVBJS=44:"@104",DVBJS=53:"@1006",1:"@10") Q ; W2 ;error message for missing data found in sign subroutine S DVBERCS=1 I '$G(DVBTSK) D .W !!!!,?15,"HINQ data does NOT seem right." .I +DFN>0 D ..W !,?15,"Data appears to be missing for ",$S($D(^DPT(DFN,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:DFN) ..W !,?15,"Please re-HINQ for this patient.",! H 3 Q