DVBYPGD2 ;ALB/CMM; New Disability Codes file 31 ;9/25/95 ;;V4.0;HINQ;**27**;03/25/92 ; EN ;start of routine N LP,LP1,JCNT,CODE,TEXT S JCNT=0 W !!,"Adding to the Disability Condition file.",!! F LP=1:1 S LP1=$T(TXT+LP) Q:LP1="" DO .S CODE=$P(LP1,";;",2) .S TEXT=$P(CODE,";",2) .S CODE=$P(CODE,";",1) .I $L(TEXT)>45 S TEXT=$E(TEXT,1,45) .K JSTOP .D CHK .I $D(JSTOP) Q .S DIC="^DIC(31,",DIC("DR")="2///"_CODE,X=TEXT,DLAYGO=31,DIC(0)="L" .K DD,DO .D FILE^DICN .K DO,DD,DLAYGO .I +Y>0 S JCNT=JCNT+1 W "." .I +Y<0 W !,"Not able to add Disability Condition "_CODE_"." W !!!,"The Disability Condition file (31) update has finished. ",!," "_JCNT_" disability codes were added." K DIC,JSTOP,DLAYGO,X,Y,DIE,DR,DA Q ; CHK ;checks for the existance of the codes in the c cross ref. I $D(^DIC(31,"C",CODE)) S JSTOP=1 I $D(^DIC(31,"B",$E(TEXT,1,30))) S JSTOP=1 I $D(JSTOP) W !,"Disability Condition "_CODE_" was not added. Entry already exists." Q ; TXT ;new exams to be added. ;;6354;CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME (CFS) ;;7628;BENIGN NEOPLASMS OF THE GYNECOLOGICAL SYSTEM OR BREAST ;;7629;ENDOMETRIOSIS