HBHCUTL4 ; LR VAMC(IRMS)/MJT-HBHC Utility module, Entry points: EN1 & KILL, called from: ^HBHCRP17 & ^HBHCRP22 ; Apr 2000 ;;1.0;HOSPITAL BASED HOME CARE;**11,15,16**;NOV 01, 1993 EN1 ; Entry point 1 D START^HBHCUTL G:(HBHCBEG1=-1)!(HBHCEND1=-1) EXIT S HBHCMSG="CPT Code must contain 5 numerics for use in a range." W ! K DIR,DIRUT S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("A")="Will CPT Codes selected be a Range of codes (Y/N)",DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' for Yes, a range of CPT Codes is requested, 'N' for No, individual CPT codes will be selected." D ^DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S HBHCDIR=Y W ! K DIC,DTOUT,DUOUT S DIC="^ICPT(",DIC(0)="AEMNQZ",DIC("A")="Select Beginning CPT Code: " BEGCPT ; Prompt for beginning CPT code of range I HBHCDIR=1 D ^DIC G:(Y=-1)!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) EXIT I +$P(Y,U)'?3.5N W $C(7),!!,HBHCMSG,! G BEGCPT S:HBHCDIR=1 HBHCCPTB=$P(Y,U),DIC("A")="Select Ending CPT Code: " ENDCPT ; Prompt for Ending CPT Code of range I HBHCDIR=1 D ^DIC G:(Y=-1)!($D(DTOUT))!($D(DUOUT)) EXIT I +$P(Y,U)'?3.5N W $C(7),!!,HBHCMSG,! G ENDCPT I HBHCDIR=1 S:($P(Y,U)'