PRC0A ;WISC/PLT-General Questions Utility ; 24-Aug-1994 10:34 AM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ;invalid entry ;the following are for DIR call for data type D,E,F,L,N,P,S,Y,# ;A for DIR("A") - prompt text. ;B for DIR(0) without 1st characters - input modifiers^parameters^transform. ; modifiers A: prompt not append, O:response optional ; set of codes X: exact match, B: code listed horizontally ; M: mix case match without X ; free text U: if '^' allowed in free text ;C for DIR("B") - default response ;.x(1...) for DIR("A") propmt array or value returned ;.y(1...) for DIR("?") array or value returned ; ;date ;B is ^1=A, O or "", ^2=mini date:maximum date, ^3=mumps code DT(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR,D S DIR(0)="D"_B,DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C S DIR("?")="Enter a date",D=$P(B,U,2,3) I $P(D,":")]"" S Y=$P(D,":") D DD^%DT S Y=$S($P(D,":",2)]"":" between ",1:" after ")_Y,DIR("?")=DIR("?")_Y I $P(D,":",2)]"" S Y=$P(B,":",2) D DD^%DT S Y=$S($P(D,":",1)="":" before ",1:" and ")_Y,DIR("?")=DIR("?")_Y D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;end of page ;B is ^1= A OR "", ^2="", ^3="" EOP(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="E"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C S DIR("?")="Enter 'return' to continue or '^' to exit." D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;free text ;B is ^1=A, O or U, ^2=minimum legth:maximum length, ^3=mumps code FT(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="F"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;list of range ;B is ^1=A, O or "", ^2=mini value:maxi value, ^3=mumps code LR(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="L"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;numeric ;B is ^1=A, O or "", ^2=mini value:maxi value:maxi decimals, ^3=mumps code NUM(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="N"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;pointer ;B is ^1=A, O or "", ^2=file #/subfile root:dic(0) data, ^3=mumps code PTR(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="P"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;set of codes ;B is ^1=A,O,X,B, or M, ^2=code:description;code:description;..., ^3=mumps code SC(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="S"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;yes/no ;B is ^1=A, O or "", ^2"", ^3="" YN(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)="Y"_B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' for yes, 'N' for no." D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; ;data field definition ;B is ^1=(sub)file number,field numberAO, ^2="", ^3="" DD(X,Y,A,B,C) N DIR S DIR(0)=B S:A]"" DIR("A")=A S:$G(C)]"" DIR("B")=C D DIRA:$D(X(1)),DIRQ:$D(Y(1)),^DIR QUIT ; DIRA N A S A=0 F S A=$O(X(A)) Q:A="" S DIR("A",A)=X(A) K X QUIT DIRQ N A F A=1:1 Q:'$D(Y(A)) S DIR("?",A)=Y(A) S DIR("?")=Y(A-1) K DIR("?",A-1) K Y QUIT ; ;.x user typed value, .y=-1 if invalid, yymmdd.hhmmss ;A=prompt text, B=^1:fault value (external form), ^2=[-]fm date ;C=string of AEFNPRST, any combination ; A for ask, E for echo, F for future assum, N for pure num not allowed ; P for past assum, R time required, S seconds required ; T time is optional ;D= Y if year only, YM if year and month only, YMD if date[@time] only YMDT(X,Y,A,B,C,D) ;reader for year/month/date/time N %DT,DTOUT YMDT1 S %DT("A")=A,%DT("B")=$P(B,"^") S:$P(B,"^",2)]"" %DT(0)=$P(B,"^",2) S %DT=C S:$G(D)="YMD" %DT=%DT_"X" D ^%DT I Y'=-1,$G(D)="Y",Y#10000'=0 W " Enter year only!" G YMDT1 I Y'=-1,$G(D)="YM",Y#100'=0 W " Enter month and year only!" G YMDT1 QUIT