PRC0B1 ;WISC/PLT-UTILITY ; 06/30/94 12:40 PM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ; invalid entry ; ;prca=~1 file number;file root;file record id;field # of multiple for adding ; ~2 subfile number;subfile root;subfile RI;field # of multiple for adding ; ~3 ... ;.x = .01 value or array of dic and X("DR") to input for other fields ;.y = value returned; -1 no new entry added, ^1=ri,^2=.01 value,^3=1 for new if added ADD(X,Y,PRCA,DINUM) ;add new entry N DD,DO,DIC,%,D0,DA,DI,DIE,DLAYGO,DQ,DR,A,B,C,I S:PRCA'?.E1"~" PRCA=PRCA_"~" S A=$L(PRCA,"~")-1 I A>1 F B=1:1:A-1 S C=$P(PRCA,"~",B),DA(A-B)=$P(C,";",3) S:$P(C,";",4)]"" DIC("P")=$$DICP^PRC0B1(+C,$P(C,";",4)) S B=$P(PRCA,"~",A),DIC=$P(B,";",2) S:DIC=""&(A=1) DIC=+B S DLAYGO=PRCA,DIC(0)="FIL" S:$D(X(0)) DIC(0)=X(0) S:$D(X("DR")) DIC("DR")=X("DR") K X(0),X("DR") D FILE^DICN QUIT ; ;prca = ~1 file number(option);file root;file record id ; ~2 subfile number(option);subfile root;subfile RI ; ~... ;.x = value return; 1 if deleted, 0 if not, -2 if lock fail DELETE(X,PRCA) ;delete entry N %,DA,DIC,Y N DIK,DIA,PRCLOCK,A,B,C S:PRCA'?.E1"~" PRCA=PRCA_"~" S A=$L(PRCA,"~")-1,PRCLOCK="" I A>1 F B=1:1:A-1 S C=$P(PRCA,"~",B),DA(A-B)=$P(C,";",3) S B=$P(PRCA,"~",A),DIK=$P(B,";",2),DA=$P(B,";",3),PRCLOCK=DIK_DA_"," S X=3 D ICLOCK^PRC0B(PRCLOCK,.X) I 'X S X=-2 QUIT D ^DIK,DCLOCK^PRC0B(PRCLOCK) S X=1 QUIT ; ;A=global root (including cross reference) ending with ',' ;B=start value FIRST(A,B) ;$O-first node after B-value N C S @("C=$O("_A_"B))") QUIT C ; DICP(A,B) ;EF value=2nd piece of 0-node of the multiple field's dd entry QUIT $S(A&B:$P($G(^DD(A,B,0)),"^",2),1:"") ; ; DICGL(A) ;EF value=global root ending with ',' for file # A. QUIT $G(^DIC(A,0,"GL")) ;