PRC0E ;WISC/PLT-FMS Document Inquiry Utility ;12/16/94 12:50 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ;invalid entry ; ;PRCA data ^1=txn type:description;txn type...,^2=select document text (see Q3) ; ^2=select document text (see Q3), ^status codes (option) ;PRCB=executed mumps codes ; with X given data ^1=station, ^2=txn type, ^3=document id, ^4=file 2100.1 record id EN(PRCA,PRCB) ;Display FMS document N PRC,PRCRI,PRCID,PRCTX,PRCF,PRCPT N GECSDATA S PRCPT=$S($P(PRCA,"^",2)]"":$P(PRCA,"^",2),1:"Obligation/Common Number: ") Q1 S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE G:'% EXIT Q2 ; D SC^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Select Transaction Type","OM^"_$P(PRCA,"^"),"") G:Y=""!(X="")!(X["^") EXIT S PRCTX=Y K X,Y Q3 ; D EN^DDIOL(" ") S X=$$SELECT^GECSSTAA(PRCTX,PRC("SITE"),$TR($P(PRCA,"^",3),"~","^"),"",$P(PRCA,"^",2)) I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) K DTOUT,DUOUT G EXIT G:'X Q2 S X=$P(X,U,2) D DATA^GECSSGET(X,0) I '$G(GECSDATA) D EN^DDIOL(PRCPT_" NOT found!") G Q3 S PRCRI(2100.1)=GECSDATA,PRCID=GECSDATA(2100.1,PRCRI(2100.1),.01,"E") D EN^DDIOL(" "),EN^DDIOL($J("FMS Document: ",15)_PRCID) D EN^DDIOL($J("Description: ",15)_GECSDATA(2100.1,PRCRI(2100.1),4,"E")) D EN^DDIOL($J("Status: ",15)_GECSDATA(2100.1,PRCRI(2100.1),3,"E")) D EN^DDIOL($J("Created: ",15)_GECSDATA(2100.1,PRCRI(2100.1),2,"E")) S X=PRC("SITE")_"^"_PRCTX_"^"_PRCID_"^"_PRCRI(2100.1) ;RESERVED FOR ERROR MESSAGE DISPLAY I $G(PRCB)]"" S Y=PRCB D . N PRCA,PRCB,PRC,PRCRI,PRCID,PRCTX,PRCF,PRCPT . X Y K GECSDATA,X,Y G Q3 ; EXIT K X,Y QUIT ; ; If this is a prior year transaction, ask if it should be an SO or AR ; PATDA = ien for document being processed ; PRCFATT = SO or AR ; PRCMSG = Flag indicating what prompt to use SOAR(PATDA,PRCFATT,PRCMSG) N PRCFCFY,PRCFY,PRCFX,PRCFZ,PRCMSGT,SD S SD=$G(^PRC(411,"A IFCAP-Wide Parameters","SO 2 AR Date")) ; FMS accrual date S PRCFCFY=$E(DT,1,3)+1700 ; CURRENT YEAR ; calculate the effective FMS fiscal year I $E(DT,4)=1 S PRCFCFY=PRCFCFY+$S(SD>0:DT>SD,1:1) ; if OCT,NOV,DEC, increment year if today is after the FMS accrual date S PRCFY="",PRCFX=0 ; get acctg pd/oblig date for the first SO.E transaction on this record F S PRCFX=$O(^PRC(442,PATDA,10,PRCFX)) Q:+PRCFX'=PRCFX S PRCFZ=$G(^PRC(442,PATDA,10,PRCFX,0)) I $P($P(PRCFZ,U),".",1,2)="SO.E" D Q . S PRCFY=$S($P(PRCFZ,U,13)]"":$P(PRCFZ,U,13),1:$P(PRCFZ,U,12)) . S PRCFY=$E(PRCFY,1,3)+1700+$E(PRCFY,4) S PRCFX=1 ; flag to assume document is prior year I PRCFCFY'>PRCFY S PRCFX=0 ; document will not require AR/SO calculation (either after 10/1 & before FMS accrual date or doc is current fiscal year) I PRCFX=0,PRCFCFY=PRCFY,DT'>SD,$E(DT,4)=1 G SOARA ; force user to be prompted if document is prior year (after 10/1 but not after FMS accrual date) I PRCFX=0 G SOARQ1 ; do not prompt user for this document ; ; calculate whether AR or SO should be used I PRCFX=1,$P($G(^PRC(442,PATDA,23)),U,6)'=0 S PRCFATT="AR" ; set txn type to AR if auto accrue flag is yes ; ; ask user SOARA S PRCMSGT=$S(PRCMSG=1:"SEND TO FMS AS AN: ",PRCMSG=2:"POST AGAINST AN FMS: ") D SC^PRC0A("",.Y,PRCMSGT,"AOM^AR:RECEIVER ACCRUAL DOCUMENT;SO:SERVICE ORDER DOCUMENT",PRCFATT) S PRCFATT=$P(Y,":",1) SOARQ K Y SOARQ1 Q