PRC182 ;WISC/REW/Displays list of temporary transaction with no FORM TYPE ;;5.0;IFCAP;**182**;4/21/95 ; ; LIST ; S (COUNT,LOOP)=0 S MSG="Now searching for temporary transactions with missing 'Form Type'." D MES^XPDUTL(MSG) F S LOOP=$O(^PRCS(410,LOOP)) Q:LOOP="" D . S TRAN=$G(^PRCS(410,LOOP,0)) . I $P(TRAN,"^",3)]"",$P(TRAN,"^",4)="" D . . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . . I (COUNT=1) D . . . S MSG="The following transaction(s) require a valid 'Form Type':" . . . D BMES^XPDUTL(MSG) . . . D MES^XPDUTL(" ") . . S MSG="Station "_$J($P(TRAN,"^",5),5)_", FCP " . . S MSG=MSG_$J($P($P($G(^PRCS(410,LOOP,3)),"^",1)," ",1),7) . . S MSG=MSG_", Transaction '"_$P(TRAN,"^",3)_"'" . . D MES^XPDUTL(MSG) D BMES^XPDUTL("Search complete.") S MSG="Total of "_COUNT S MSG=MSG_" temporary transactions are missing 'Form Type' entries." D MES^XPDUTL(MSG) Q