PRC5A ;WISC/PLT-IFCAP pre-install routine defined in package file ;9/13/00 17:46 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;invoke by the pre-initial installation field of package file. EN ;called from routine prcinit[1] D EN^DDIOL("IFCAP PRE-INIT STARTS at "_$$NOW) D DESCRIP^PRC5INS1(410,443.99) ;remove ifcap dd field descriptions ;remove erroneous computed field nodes of Free-Text field K ^DD(420.01,2,9.01),^(9.1),^(9.2) K ^DD(420.01,3,9.01),^(9.1),^(9.2) ;Delete discontinued fields S DIK="^DD(443.6,",DA(1)=443.6 F DA=.4,8.4 D:$D(^DD(443.6,DA)) ^DIK K DA,DIK ;kill erroneous index nodes K ^DD(442.8,0,"IX","AE",442.8,.01) ;kill old "NM" nodes where name change K ^DD(420.11,0,"NM","SUBACCOUNT") F X="PRCO EDI RE-TRAN^PRCHPC PO","PRCHPM CS RETRANSMIT BATCH^PRCHPM CS TRANSMISSION MENU" D UNLINK($P(X,"^"),$P(X,"^",2)) D ^PRCIPR1A ;delete option/routine/template(s) D EN3^PRC5C1 ;reindex special fcp in file 420 ;add entry in file 420.92 if not defined I '$O(^PRCU(420.92,"B",PRCFIXV,"")) D . N PRCRI,A . S A="",PRCRI(9.4)=$O(^DIC(9.4,"B","IFCAP",0)) I PRCRI(9.4) S A=$P(^DIC(9.4,PRCRI(9.4),"VERSION"),"^",1) . S A=A_"/"_$P($T(+2^PRCINIT),";",3) . S X=PRCFIXV,X("DR")="1////"_A_";2.6///^S X=""N""" . D ADD^PRC0B1(.X,.Y,"420.92;^PRCU(420.92,") . I Y=-1 K Y I Y W !,"ERROR TRAP! CALL IRM/ISC SUPPORT." . QUIT D EN^DDIOL("IFCAP PRE-INIT ENDS at"_$$NOW) QUIT ; ; NOW() ;ev value date@time of now N %H,Y,X,% S %H=$H D YX^%DTC QUIT Y ; UNLINK(A,B) ;Remove Option from Menu ;A: Option to remove; B: Menu N X,DA S X=$O(^DIC(19,"B",A,0)) Q:X'?1.N S DA(1)=$O(^DIC(19,"B",B,0)) Q:DA(1)'?1.N S DA=$O(^DIC(19,DA(1),10,"B",X,0)) Q:DA'?1.N S DIK="^DIC(19,"_DA(1)_",10," D ^DIK K DIK Q