PRC5B7 ;WISC/PLT-IFCAP post install routine defined in package file ;10/31/94 3:40 PM V ;;5.0;IFCAP;**27**;4/21/95 ; ;invoke by the post initial installation field of package file. EN ; D EN^DDIOL("IFCAP V5 RECONVERT FND/CPF-DOCUMENT STARTS at "_$$NOW^PRC5A) D FND^PRC5B1 ;convert fms FND document (add fund code in file 420.3) ;RESET FND-DOC CONVERTED START/ENDING TIME TO BE NIL D . N PRCRI . S PRCRI(420.92)="" . F S PRCRI(420.92)=$O(^PRCU(420.92,"B","CPF",PRCRI(420.92))) Q:'PRCRI(420.92) S PRCA=^PRCU(420.92,PRCRI(420.92),0),$P(PRCA,"^",5,6)="^",^(0)=PRCA . QUIT D CPF^PRC5B1 ;convert fms CPF document (fill-in fms field for file 420) D EN^DDIOL("IFCAP V5 RECONVERT FND/CPF-DOCUMENT ENDS at "_$$NOW^PRC5A) QUIT ; START(PRCAFC) ;restart 442 conversion with options ;PRCAFC=1 if mo/so only and deleting fcp yearly accounting elements ; =2 if not including mo/so ; =3 if mo/so only ; ='ALL' if reconvert all (including mo/so) ;deleting fcp yearly accounting elements D:PRCAFC=1!(PRCAFC="ALL") FCPFY,EN^PRC5B7A QUIT ; FCPFY ;delete all fcp fiscal yearly accounting elements N PRCRI,PRCY S PRCRI(420)=0 F S PRCRI(420)=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420))) Q:'PRCRI(420) D . S PRCRI(420.01)=0 . F S PRCRI(420.01)=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01))) Q:'PRCRI(420.01) D .. S PRCFY=11 .. F S PRCFY=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),4,PRCFY)) Q:'PRCFY I $D(^(PRCFY,2)) K ^(2) .. QUIT . QUIT QUIT ; ; CONVALL ;convert all 442 and generate mo/so S PRCAFC="ALL" QUIT ; NEWMOSO ;build mo/so and delete fcp yearly accounting elements S PRCAFC=1 QUIT QUIT ; BOC ;reconvert boc with no mo/so S PRCAFC=2 QUIT ; REMOSO ;rebuild mo/so only without deleting fcp yearly account elements S PRCAFC=3 QUIT ; SPFCP() ;checkactive supply/general post fcp accounting elements N PRCRI,PRCA,A S PRCA="" D EN^DDIOL(" ") S PRCRI(420)=0 F S PRCRI(420)=$O(^PRC(420,"AD",1,PRCRI(420))) Q:'PRCRI(420) D . S A=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,"C","GPFS FMS CONVERSION",0)) . I A,'$D(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,A,5)) S A="" . S PRCRI(420.01)=0 F S PRCRI(420.01)=$O(^PRC(420,"AD",1,PRCRI(420),PRCRI(420.01))) QUIT:'PRCRI(420.01) I '$P($G(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),0)),"^",19),'A S PRCA="*" W PRCRI(420),"-",PRCRI(420.01)," " I PRCA["*" D EN^DDIOL("The above 'station-fcp' GENERAL POST fund control points have active status and the dummy 'GPFS FMS CONVERSION' has no ACCOUNTING ELEMENTS") D EN^DDIOL(" ") S PRCRI(420)=0 F S PRCRI(420)=$O(^PRC(420,"AD",2,PRCRI(420))) Q:'PRCRI(420) D . S PRCRI(420.01)=0 F S PRCRI(420.01)=$O(^PRC(420,"AD",2,PRCRI(420),PRCRI(420.01))) QUIT:'PRCRI(420.01) I '$P($G(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),0)),"^",19),'$D(^(5)) S:PRCA'["#" PRCA=PRCA_"#" W PRCRI(420),"-",PRCRI(420.01)," " . I PRCA["#" D EN^DDIOL("The above 'station-fcp' SUPPLY FUND control points have active status and have no ACCOUNTING ELEMENTS.") I PRCA]"" D EN^DDIOL("You must correct this before you run option 3 or 4.") QUIT PRCA ; CEIL96 ;reset 1 to 4 qtr code sheet released? field from PRC5B N PRCRI,PRCA,PRCB,PRCC N A S PRCRI(420)=0 F S PRCRI(420)=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420))) QUIT:'PRCRI(420) D . S PRCA=PRCRI(420)_"-"_96,PRCB=PRCA F S PRCB=$O(^PRCF(421,"B",PRCB)) QUIT:PRCB-PRCA!'PRCB S PRCRI(421)=$O(^(PRCB,"")) I PRCRI(421),$P(PRCB,"-",3) D:$D(^PRCF(421,PRCRI(421),0)) .. S PRCC=^PRCF(421,PRCRI(421),0),A=$P(PRCC,"^",2),A=$P(A," ") .. S PRCC=$$BBFY^PRCSUT(PRCRI(420),$P(PRCB,"-",2),A,1) .. S $P(^PRCF(421,PRCRI(421),0),"^",23)=PRCC-1700_"0000" .. I $D(^PRCF(421,PRCRI(421),4)) F PRCC=1:1:4 S $P(^(4),"^",PRCC)="" .. QUIT . QUIT QUIT