PRC5CON ;WISC/PLT-IFCAP V5 STATION MERGE/CALM CODE SHEET CONVERSION ; 08/22/95 3:18 PM V ;;5.0;IFCAP;**27**;4/21/95 ;QUIT ; invalid entry ; EN ;start station merge/convert CALM code sheet to FMS N PRCIVER,PRCRI,PRCFIXV,PRCOPT,PRC5INST,PRCQ21,PRCDUZ Q1 D EN^DDIOL(" ") S PRCFIXV="IFCAP"_$P($T(+2^PRCINIT),";",3) S PRCIVER=$$IVER("IFCAP",PRCFIXV) I +PRCIVER'=5 D EN^DDIOL("Your site must install IFCAP v5 before running this patch routine.") G EXIT D EN^DDIOL(" "),EN^DDIOL("If your site has substations and you are not a Conversion III site, run"),EN^DDIOL(" Options 1 & 2 only.") D EN^DDIOL("If your site has substations and you are a Conversion III site, run "),EN^DDIOL(" Options 1, 2, 3 & 4.") D EN^DDIOL("If your site has no substations and you are a Conversion III site, run"),EN^DDIOL(" Options 3 & 4.") D EN^DDIOL("If your site has no substations and you are not a Conversion III site,"),EN^DDIOL(" DO NOT run ANY Options.") D EN^DDIOL(" ") D SC^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Select IFCAP V5 option","OM^1:Requests(1996-) Substation ENTER/EDIT;2:Purchase Orders(1996-) Substation ENTER/EDIT;3:Convert PO CALM Code Sheets(1996-) to FMS Documents;4:CALM Code Sheet Conversion Exception List","") G:X["^"!(X="") EXIT S PRCOPT=X I PRCOPT=3 D G:X["^"!(X="") Q1 S PRCQ21=Y G Q3 . D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Submit the File 442 Conversion & Generating FMS Doc. to the TASK MANAGER","O","") . QUIT I PRCOPT=4 G Q3 ; Q2 ;select auto/single D SC^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Select "_$P("REQUESTS^PURCHASE ORDER","^",PRCOPT)_" Substation Option","OM^1:AUTO PROMPT TRANSACTION #;2:MANUAL SELECT TRANSACTION #","") G:X["^"!(X="") Q1 S $P(PRCOPT,"^",2)=X Q3 D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Ready to run the selected option(s) '"_$TR(PRCOPT,"^","-")_"'","O","NO") G:X["^"!(X="")!(Y<1) Q1 I +PRCOPT<3,'$O(^PRC(411,"UP","")) D EN^DDIOL("No substations are in file, use substation ENTER/EDIT to add first.") G Q1 I +PRCOPT<3 D D EN^PRC5CON1:$P(PRCOPT,"^",2)=1,EN1^PRC5CON1:$P(PRCOPT,"^",2)=2 G Q1 . S PRCDD=$S(PRCOPT-2:410,1:442) . QUIT I PRCOPT=4 D EN1 G Q1 S PRCDUZ=DUZ I PRCQ21=1 D G EXIT . D EN^DDIOL("NOTE: Please schedule this task with a date '10/14/95'.") . D EN^DDIOL("IFCAP V5 CALM CODE SHEET CONVERSION SUBMITTED TO TASK MANAGER AT "_$$NOW^PRC5A) . S A=$$TASK^PRC0B2("EN^PRC5CON2~IFCAP V5 CALM CODE SHEET CONVERSION","PRCDUZ",1) . I A D EN^DDIOL("IFCAP V5 CALM CODE SHEET CONVERSION HAS TASK NUMBER "_$P(A,"^")) . QUIT D:DT>2951013 EN^PRC5CON2 I DT<2951014 D EN^DDIOL("It is too early to run the CALM code sheet conversion."),EN^DDIOL("Please run after 10/13/95.") EXIT ; QUIT ; EN1 ;calm code sheet conversion exception list S PRCRI(420.92)=$O(^PRCU(420.92,"B","PRCCALM","")) D:'PRCRI(420.92) I 'PRCRI(420.92) D EN^DDIOL("Nothing in file. You must run this list after Option 3 has completed") D . N L,DIC,FLDS,BY,FR,TO,DHD . S L=0,DIC=420.92,FLDS="4;""""",BY="@NUMBER",FR=PRCRI(420.92),TO=FR . S DHD="CALM CODE SHEET CONVERSION EXCEPTION LIST" . D EN1^DIP . QUIT QUIT ; ;prca=package name .01 in file 9.4, prcb=fix value .01 in file 420.92 IVER(PRCA,PRCB) ;get initial version # N A S A="",PRCRI(420.92)=$O(^PRCU(420.92,"B",PRCB,0)) I PRCRI(420.92) D . S A=$P(^PRCU(420.92,PRCRI(420.92),0),"^",2),A=$P(A,"/",2) . QUIT I A="" S PRCRI(9.4)=$O(^DIC(9.4,"B",PRCA,0)) I PRCRI(9.4) D . S A=$P(^DIC(9.4,PRCRI(9.4),"VERSION"),"^",1) . QUIT QUIT +A