PRCB1D ;WISC/PLT-RESET FCP YEARLY FMS ACCOUNTING ELEMENT AND BBFY ACT CODE ; 03/14/94 2:06 PM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ;invalid entry ; EN N PRCRI,PRC,PRCZ,PRCDD,PRCDI,PRCQT,PRCB,PRCB1,PRCD,PRCD1,PRCSTU N A,B,C,X,Y F S PRCQT=1 D LG1 QUIT:PRCQT["^" D Q:PRCQT["^"&($G(PRCSTU)<2) . F S PRCQT=2 D LG2 QUIT:PRCQT["^" . QUIT EXIT QUIT ; LG1 K PRC S PRCDI="420;^PRC(420,;" D . S PRCSTU=0,PRCRI(411)=0 F S PRCRI(411)=$O(^PRC(411,PRCRI(411))) Q:'PRCRI(411) S:$D(^PRC(420,PRCRI(411),2,DUZ)) PRCSTU=PRCSTU+1_"^"_PRCRI(411) I 'PRCSTU D EN^DDIOL("Station access is not allowed") S PRCQT="^" G LG1X I +PRCSTU=1 S PRC("SITE")=$P(^PRC(420,+$P(PRCSTU,"^",2),0),"^") D EN^DDIOL("STATION: "_PRC("SITE")) G LG1E S X("S")="I $D(^PRC(420,+Y,2,DUZ))" D LOOKUP^PRC0B(.X,.Y,PRCDI,"ACEFNO","Select Station: ") S:X=""!(X["^") PRCQT="^" S PRC("SITE")=$P(Y,"^",2) LG1E S PRCRI(420)=+PRC("SITE"),PRCDI=PRCDI_PRCRI(420)_";" LG1X QUIT ; LG2 ; S $P(PRCDI,"~",2)="420.01;"_$P($P(PRCDI,"~"),";",2)_PRCRI(420)_",1,;" Q2 K PRCZ D EN^DDIOL($TR($J("",78)," ","-")) S X("S")="I ^(0)-9999" D LOOKUP^PRC0B(.X,.Y,PRCDI,"AEOQS","Select Fund Control Point: ") I Y<0!(X="") S PRCQT="^" QUIT K X S PRCRI(420.01)=+Y,PRC("CP")=$P($P(Y,"^")," ") S PRCDI=PRCDI_PRCRI(420.01)_";" ; Q3 S E="O^2:4^K:X'?2N&(X'?4N) X",Y(1)="Enter a 2 or 4 digit year." D FT^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"For Budget Fiscal Year",E,"") G:X["^"!(X="") Q2 S PRC("FY")=$P($$YEAR^PRC0C(Y),"^",2),PRCRI(420.06)=PRC("FY") S PRCD=$G(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),4,PRCRI(420.06),2)) ;I PRCD="" D EN^DDIOL(" The yearly FMS accounting elements are not in file yet.") G Q3 D DIS(PRC("SITE")_"^"_PRC("CP")_"^"_PRC("FY")) Q4 D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Reset the fiscal year "_PRC("FY")_" Suballowance Account","O","NO") G:X["^"!(X="")!(Y<1) Q2 S PRCZ(4)=Y Q5 ;D SC^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Select FMS SA-doc ACT code","OM^A:for suballowance account NOT in FMS yet;C:for suballowance account is in FMS","") ;G:X["^"!(X="") Q2 S Y="C" S PRCZ(5)=Y Q6 D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Ready to File","O","NO") G:X["^"!(X="")!'Y Q2 I '$P(PRCB1,"^",11) D EN^DDIOL("BBFY missing in FCP set up") G Q2 S A=$$FUND^PRC0C($P(PRCB1,"^",10),$P(PRCB1,"^",11)) I 'A D EN^DDIOL("Fund code "_$P(PRCB1,"^",10)_" with beginning year "_$P(PRCB1,"^",11)_" is not in fund file (420.14)") G Q2 S PRC("BBFY")=$$BBFY^PRCSUT(PRCRI(420),PRC("FY"),PRCRI(420.01),1) I $G(PRCZ(4))=1 D G:'$G(PRC("BBFY")) Q2 . S:$P(PRCD1,"^",10)="" $P(PRCD1,"^",10)=$P(PRCB1,"^",10) S A=$$FUND^PRC0C($P(PRCD1,"^",10),PRC("BBFY")) . I 'A D EN^DDIOL("Fund code "_$P(PRCD1,"^",10)_" with beginning year "_PRC("BBFY")_" is not in fund file (420.14).") K PRC("BBFY") . QUIT S PRCLOCK=$P($P(PRCDI,"~",2),";",2)_PRCRI(420.01)_"," D ICLOCK^PRC0B(PRCLOCK,.Y) I 'Y D EN^DDIOL("This FCP File is in use, please try later!") G Q2 D FILE D DCLOCK^PRC0B(PRCLOCK) G Q2 ; FILE ;filing I $G(PRCZ(4))=1 D . ;delete old entry in file 420.141 . S C=$$ACC^PRC0C(PRC("SITE"),PRC("CP")_"^"_PRC("FY")_"^"_PRC("BBFY")) . S A=$$FMSACC^PRC0D(PRC("SITE"),C) . S B=$$FIRST^PRC0B1("^PRCD(420.141,""B"","""_A_""",",0) . I B D DELETE^PRC0B1(.X,";^PRCD(420.141,;"_B) . ;reset fiscal yearly accounting elements . D:'$D(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),4,PRCRI(420.06))) EBAL^PRCSEZ(PRCRI(420)_"^"_PRCRI(420.01)_"^"_PRCRI(420.06)_"^1^0","C") . S ^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),4,PRCRI(420.06),2)=PRCB ;add new entry if action code is 'C', delete if code is A S C=$$ACC^PRC0C(PRC("SITE"),PRC("CP")_"^"_PRC("FY")_"^"_PRC("BBFY")) S A=$$FMSACC^PRC0D(PRC("SITE"),C) S B=$$FIRST^PRC0B1("^PRCD(420.141,""B"","""_A_""",",0) I $G(PRCZ(5))="A",B D DELETE^PRC0B1(.X,";^PRCD(420.141,;"_B) I $G(PRCZ(5))="C",'B S B=$$A420D141^PRC0F(A,PRCRI(420.01)) QUIT ; ;PRCA data ^1=station, ^2=control point, ^3=fiscal year DIS(PRCA) ;display fms accounting data D ;get acc element from fcp . N Z . S Z("ST")=PRCRI(420),Z("CP")=PRCRI(420.01) . S PRCB=$$SUBALL^PRCSEZ . QUIT S PRCD=$G(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),4,PRCRI(420.06),2)) S PRCB1=$$ACC(PRCB),PRCD1=$$ACC(PRCD) S A=$P($G(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),5)),"^",8),$P(PRCB1,"^",11)=+$$DATE^PRC0C(A,"F") S $P(PRCD1,"^",11)=PRC("FY") W !,"CURRENT FCP ACCOUNTING ELEMENTS",?40,"FISCAL YEAR FCP ACCOUNTING ELEMENTS" S B=0 F A=11,10,9,4:1:8 S B=B+1,C=$P("BBFY~FUND~APPROPRI~A/O~PROGRAM~FCP/PRJ~OBJECT CLASS~JOB","~",B) W !,$J(C,12),": ",$P(PRCB1,"^",A) S:C="BBFY" C="FISCAL YEAR" W ?40,$J(C,12),": ",$P(PRCD1,"^",A) QUIT ; ACC(A) ;get external format of prca S:$P(A,"^",4) $P(A,"^",4)=$$NP^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.15,$P(A,""^"",4),",0,1) S:$P(A,"^",5) $P(A,"^",5)=$$NP^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.13,$P(A,""^"",5),",0,1) S:$P(A,"^",6) $P(A,"^",6)=$$NP^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.131,$P(A,""^"",6),",0,1) S:$P(A,"^",7) $P(A,"^",7)=$$NP^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.132,$P(A,""^"",7),",0,1) S:$P(A,"^",8) $P(A,"^",8)=$$NP^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.133,$P(A,""^"",8),",0,1) QUIT A ;