[628] | 1 | PRCB1E ;WISC/PLT-QUARTERLY CARRY FORWARD ; 03/01/96 1:27 PM
| 2 | V ;;5.1;IFCAP;**64,72**;Oct 20, 2000
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | QUIT ;invalid entry
| 5 | ;
| 6 | EN ;quarterly carry forward
| 8 | N A,B,C
| 9 | S PRCQCD=1 ;over lapping days
| 10 | Q1 ;station
| 11 | S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE G:'% EXIT
| 12 | S PRCRI(420)=+PRC("SITE")
| 13 | Q2 S B="O^1:Carry forward Outstanding Requests;2:Carry forward balances for all control points;3:Carry forward balances for a single control point"
| 14 | K X,Y S Y(1)="^W ""Enter an option number 1 to 3."""
| 15 | D SC^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Select Number",B,"")
| 16 | S A=Y K X,Y
| 17 | G EXIT:A=""!(A["^")
| 18 | S PRCOPT=+A
| 19 | I PRCOPT=1 G Q4
| 20 | I "12"[PRCOPT G Q4
| 21 | Q3 ;select control point
| 22 | S PRCDI="420;^PRC(420,;"_PRC("SITE")
| 23 | S $P(PRCDI,"~",2)="420.01;"_$P($P(PRCDI,"~"),";",2)_PRCRI(420)_",1,;"
| 24 | S X("S")="I ^(0)-9999"
| 25 | D LOOKUP^PRC0B(.X,.Y,PRCDI,"AEOQS","Select Fund Control Point: ")
| 26 | I Y<0!(X="") S PRCQT="^" G Q2
| 27 | K X S PRCRI(420.01)=+Y,PRC("CP")=$P($P(Y,"^")," ")
| 28 | Q4 ;fiscal year - quarter
| 29 | S A=$P($G(^PRC(420,PRC("SITE"),0)),"^",9),A=$$DATE^PRC0C(A,"I")
| 30 | S PRCA=$P(A,"^")_"-"_$P(A,"^",2)_"^"_$P(A,"^",7)_"^"_$P(A,"^",8)
| 31 | S A=$$DATE^PRC0C($P(PRCA,"^",3)+100,"H"),A=$$QTRDATE^PRC0D(+A,$P(A,"^",2))
| 32 | S B="" F C=$P(A,"^",8):1 S:C-3#7'=6&(C-3#7) B=B+1 Q:B=PRCQCD
| 33 | S $P(PRCA,"^",4,5)=$P($$DATE^PRC0C(C-1,"H"),"^",7,8)
| 34 | D EN^DDIOL(" "),EN^DDIOL("The oldest OPEN quarter in file is "_$P(PRCA,"^",1)_".")
| 35 | S E="O^4:6^K:X'?2N.1""-"".1N&(X'?4N.1""-"".1N)!($P(X,""-"",2)<1)!($P(X,""-"",2)>4) X",Y(1)="Enter a 2 or 4 digit year followed by a '-' and quarter #, like 88-3 or 1988-3"
| 36 | D FT^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"For Budget Fiscal Year - Quarter (YY-Q)",E,"")
| 37 | G:X["^"!(X="")!(Y'?2.4N.1"-".1N) Q2
| 38 | S $P(Y,"-")=+$$YEAR^PRC0C($P(Y,"-"))
| 39 | I "1"[PRCOPT,Y]$P(PRCA,"^")!(Y=$P(PRCA,"^")&($H-1<$P(PRCA,"^",5))) S A="You must close quarter "_$P(PRCA,"^")_" first after "_$E($P(PRCA,"^",4),4,5)_"/"_$E($P(PRCA,"^",4),6,7)_"/"_$E($P(PRCA,"^",4),2,3) D EN^DDIOL(A) G Q4
| 40 | I "23"[PRCOPT,Y]$P(PRCA,"^")!(Y=$P(PRCA,"^")) D EN^DDIOL("You may only rerun closed quarters. That is any quarter before "_$P(PRCA,"^")) G Q4
| 41 | I "1996-1"]Y D EN^DDIOL("Carry forward can not be run for any quarters before '96-1'.") G Q4
| 42 | S $P(PRCOPT,"^",2)=Y,$P(PRCOPT,"^",3)=PRCRI(420),$P(PRCOPT,"^",4)=$G(PRCRI(420.01))
| 43 | I $P(PRCOPT,"^",2)["-4",$P(^PRC(411,PRC("SITE"),0),"^",25)'="Y" D EN^DDIOL("The outstanding requests are not carried forward to the new fiscal year.")
| 44 | Q5 D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Ready to Run","O","NO")
| 45 | I X["^"!(X="")!'Y S PRCOPT=$P(PRCOPT,"^") G Q4
| 46 | D CF
| 47 | EXIT QUIT
| 48 | ;
| 49 | ;
| 50 | CF ;start carry forward
| 51 | N PRCDUZ
| 53 | I +PRCOPT=1 S ZTDESC="IFCAP Carry Forward Outstanding Requests from Qtr "_$E($P(PRCOPT,"^",2),3,999)
| 54 | I +PRCOPT=2 S ZTDESC="IFCAP Carry Forward Balances for All CP'S from Qtr "_$E($P(PRCOPT,"^",2),3,999)
| 55 | I +PRCOPT=3 S ZTDESC="IFCAP Carry Forward Balances for a Single CP from Qtr "_$E($P(PRCOPT,"^",2),3,999)
| 58 | D ^PRCFQ
| 59 | QUIT