PRCB1G ;WISC/PLT-IFCAP CURRENT DETAIL OCCRUAL ;12/2/97 14:03 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ;invalid entry ; EN ;year to date detail accrual N PRCA,PRCB,PRCQCD,PRCOPT,PRCRI,PRCDI,PRCDUZ,PRC,PRCDES,PRCTD N A,B,C Q1 ;station S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE G:'% EXIT S PRCRI(420)=+PRC("SITE"),PRCOPT=1 Q4 ;prompt fiscal year S A=$$DATE^PRC0C("T","E"),PRCTD=$P(A,"^",1,2) S E="O^2:4^K:X'?2N&(X'?4N) X",Y(1)="Enter a fiscal year in format: YY OR YYYY. For example: 96 or 1996" D FT^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"For Fiscal Year",E,$P(PRCTD,"^")) G:X["^"!(X="")!(Y'?2.4N) EXIT S:Y?2N Y=$$YEAR^PRC0C(Y) I Y>PRCTD D EN^DDIOL("Too early to run this report") G Q4 S A=$$QTRDATE^PRC0D(Y,$S(+PRCTD=Y:$P(PRCTD,"^",2),1:4)),PRCA=A W " Fiscal Year: ",$P(PRCA,"^") S $P(PRCA,"^",11)=$P(PRCA,"^",8)_"-"_PRC("SITE") I $O(^PRCH(440.6,"ST","N~",0)) D EN^DDIOL("Warning: An unregistered card exists in your file. Contact the P.C. Coordinator.") Q5 D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Ready to Print","O","NO") I X["^"!(X="")!'Y G Q4 D ACCR D EN^DDIOL(" "),EN^DDIOL(" ") G Q4 ; EXIT QUIT ; ; ACCR ;start accrual N PRCDUZ S PRCDUZ=DUZ S ZTDESC="IFCAP YTD Detail Accrual for Fiscal Year: "_$P(PRCA,"^") S PRCDES=ZTDESC S ZTRTN="TMEN^PRCB1G1" F A="PRCOPT","PRCA","PRCTD","PRCDUZ","PRCDES","DUZ*" S ZTSAVE(A)="" D ^PRCFQ QUIT ;