PRCBR2 ;WISC@ALTOONA/CTB-ENTER CEILING TRANSACTION BY FISCAL ;12/28/94 09:24 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ENC ;ENTER CEILING TRANSACTION D EN G:'% EXIT S X1=X,X=$$BBFY^PRCSUT(PRC("SITE"),PRC("FY"),PRC("CP")) G EXIT:'X S X=X1 D EN1^PRCSUT3 S X1=X D EN2^PRCSUT3 S X=X1 D W,LOCK^PRCSUT G:PRCSL=0 ENC S DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIE=DIC,DR="[PRCSENC]" D ^DIE,ERS410^PRC0G(DA_"^O") D . N A,B,X,Y,XMY . D NAMES^PRCBBUL . S X(1)="CP: "_PRC("CP")_" QTR: "_PRC("QTR")_" REF #: "_$P($G(^PRCS(410,DA,4)),"^",5)_" AMT: "_$P($G(^(4)),"^",3) QUIT:'$P($G(^(4)),"^",3) . S X(2)="COMMENT:" . S A=2,B=0 F S B=$O(^PRCS(410,DA,"CO",B)) QUIT:'B S A=A+1,X(A)=$G(^(B,0)) . D:$O(XMY("")) MM^PRC0B2("Place a Ceiling Transaction","X(",.XMY) . QUIT L @("-"_DIC_DA_")") S T(1)="Ceiling" D W3 G:%'=1 EXIT W !! G ENC W W !!,"This transaction is assigned transaction number: ",X Q Q W2 W !!,"You are not an authorized control point user.",!,"Contact your control point official" R X:5 G EXIT W3 W ! S %A="Would you like to enter another "_T(1)_" transaction",%B="",%=1 D ^PRCFYN Q:%'=0 EXIT K DA,DIC,DIE,DR,PRCF,PRCS,PRCSL,X,X1 Q EN ;CREATE NEW TRANSACTION NUMBER D EN1^PRCBSUT K C1,DA,DIC Q QDEV ;ask devide I '$$TM^%ZTLOAD D G OUT . W !,"The DHCP system job 'TASK MANAGER' is not running." . W !,"The release of these transactions cannot be queued." . W !,"Please call site manager to start the TASK MANAGER and try later." . QUIT D DEV G:POP OUT^PRCBR QUE ;queue release as a background job I '$D(^PRCF(421,"AL",PRCF("SIFY"),1)) W !,"No transactions have been selected for release at this time.",!! G OUT D NOW^%DTC S PRCFTIME=%,ZTRTN="^PRCBR1",ZTSAVE("PRCFTIME")="",ZTSAVE("PRCF*")="",ZTSAVE("PRC*")="",ZTSAVE("PRCB*")="",ZTDESC="RELEASE BUDGET TRANSACTIONS",ZTDTH=$H,ZTIO=ION_";"_IOST_";"_IOM_";"_IOSL D ^PRCFQ ;CHANGED "ZTIO=IO"-TEN OUT S X="BUDGET RELEASE" D UNLOCK^PRCFALCK KILL K %,%X,D,FAIL,J,K,PRCF,Y,RUN Q ; REL ;reader help W !!,"If you answer 'NO', you will have to release these transactions at a later time." W !,"By answering 'YES', the transaction(s) selected will be released and posted to",!,"the Control Point(s) now. If you answer 'YES', you will NOT be able to",! W "'^' to quit or access your CRT will this job is running.",!,"This job must run to completion." Q ; DEV ;device selection W ! S %ZIS="N",IOP="Q",%ZIS("A")="Select DEVICE: ",%ZIS("B")="" D ^%ZIS I POP W "Try releasing transaction(s) at a later time" Q I IO=$G(IO(0)) W !,"You cannot select your home device.",$C(7),! G DEV I IOST'?1"P".E W !,"You must select a printer device.",$C(7),! G DEV I $G(IO("Q"))'=1 W !,"You must select a printer device for queuing",$C(7),! G DEV Q ; REL1 ;reader help from ^PRCBE W !!,"Answer 'YES' if this transaction is complete and ready to be released to",!,"the Fund Control Point." W !!,"Enter 'NO' if you want to edit this transaction at a later time.",!! Q ; ;A=file 421 ri FCPVAL(A) ;EF valid fcp in file 421, EF value=1 if invalid N B,C,Z S B=$G(^PRCF(421,A,0)),C=$P(B,"^",22) D I Z="",C S B=$G(^PRCF(421,C,0)) D . S Z=$$FCPVAL^PRC0D("^"_$P(B,"-")_"^"_(+$P(B,"^",2))_"^"_$P(B,"-",2)_"^"_(+$$DATE^PRC0C($P(B,"^",23),"I"))) . D:Z EN^DDIOL(" Transaction "_$P(B,"^")_" has an invalid set-up FCP "_$P(B,"^",2)) QUIT Z ;