PRCD3A ;WISC/PLT,DGL-Generate FUND FILE & REQUIRED TABLE for a new fical year ; [9/24/98 9:30am] V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. QUIT ;invalid entry ; EN N PRCA,PRCB,PRCC,PRCRI,PRCQT N A,B,C,X,Y,Z F S PRCQT=1 D LG1 QUIT:PRCQT["^" D:$P(PRCE,"^",2) LG2 QUIT EXIT QUIT LG1 S PRCD=1+$$DATE^PRC0C(+$H,"H"),$P(PRCD,"^",2)="NO" S PRCE=PRCD,$P(PRCE,"^",2)=0 Q1 S Y(1)="ENTER 4-DIGIT BEGINNING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR" D FT^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"For Beginning Budget Fiscal Year","O^4:4^I X'?4N K X",$P(PRCD,"^")) I X=""!(X["^")!'Y S PRCQT="^" G LG1X I PRCD-Y<-1 D EN^DDIOL("It is too early to generate fund/required table for this year.") G Q1 I PRCD-Y>1 D EN^DDIOL("It is too late to generate fund/required table for this year.") G Q1 S $P(PRCE,"^")=Y Q2 S X(1)="Note: All ACTIVE SINGLE-YEAR FUND CONTROL POINTS will be initialized" S X(2)=" to enable the new fiscal year FMS/820 RECORDS to post correctly." D YN^PRC0A(.X,.Y,"Ready to Generate the fund code & Required Table for "_$P(PRCE,"^"),"O","NO") I X=""!(X["^")!'Y S PRCQT="^" G LG1X S $P(PRCE,"^",2)=Y LG1X QUIT ; LG2 ; D FUND($P(PRCE,"^")) S PRCRI(420)=0,PFLG=0 F S PRCRI(420)=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420))) QUIT:'PRCRI(420) I PRCRI(420) W !,"Station: ",PRCRI(420) D . S PRCRI(420.01)=0 . F S PRCRI(420.01)=$O(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01))) QUIT:PRCRI(420.01)>9998!'PRCRI(420.01) D . . S X=$G(^PRC(420,PRCRI(420),1,PRCRI(420.01),0)) . . I X="" W !,"** No zero node exists for IEN ",PRCRI(420.01) S PFLG=PFLG+1 QUIT . . I PRCRI(420.01)'=(X+0) W !,"** IEN ",PRCRI(420.01)," does not match FCP ",$P(X,U,1) S PFLG=PFLG+1 QUIT . . I '$P(X,U,19) W !,$P(^(0),"^") D FCP(PRCRI(420),$E(PRCE,3,4),PRCRI(420.01)) . QUIT I PFLG>0 W !!,"** NOTE: There were ",PFLG," entries with errors.",!," Please contact IRM about these discrepancies.",!," See patch PRC*5*168 documentation for instructions.",! D EN^DDIOL("ALL DONE! ALL DONE! ALL DONE!") QUIT ; FCP(PRCA,PRCB,PRCC) ;set entry in file 420.141 ;prca=station #, prcb=fiscal year(2-digit), prcc=fcp # N PRCBBFY N A,B,C S PRCBBFY=$$BBFY^PRCSUT(PRCA,PRCB,PRCC,1) S C=$$ACC^PRC0C(PRCA,PRCC_"^"_PRCB_"^"_PRCBBFY) QUIT:$P(C,"^",6)'=$P(C,"^",7) S A=$$FMSACC^PRC0D(PRCA,C) S B=$$FIRST^PRC0B1("^PRCD(420.141,""B"","""_A_""",",0) I 'B S B=$$A420D141^PRC0F(A,PRCC) D EBAL^PRCSEZ(PRCA_"^"_PRCC_"^"_PRCB_"^1^0","C") QUIT ; FUND(PRCA) ;PRCA = BEGINNING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR (4-DIGIT) N PRCRI,PRCLOCK,PRCFUND,PRCBBFY,PRCEBFY D ICLOCK^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.14,") S PRCBBFY=PRCA-1 S PRCFUND="" F S PRCFUND=$O(^PRCD(420.14,"UNQ",PRCFUND)) QUIT:PRCFUND="" D . S PRCEBFY="" F S PRCEBFY=$O(^PRCD(420.14,"UNQ",PRCFUND,PRCBBFY,PRCEBFY)) QUIT:'PRCEBFY D .. S PRCRI("420.14A")=0 .. F S PRCRI("420.14A")=$O(^PRCD(420.14,"UNQ",PRCFUND,PRCBBFY,PRCEBFY,PRCRI("420.14A"))) QUIT:'PRCRI("420.14A") D AFUND(PRCRI("420.14A")) .. QUIT . QUIT D DCLOCK^PRC0B("^PRCD(420.14,") QUIT ; AFUND(PRCRI) ;ADD NEW FUND ENTRY N PRCA,PRCB N A,B,C S PRCA=^PRCD(420.14,PRCRI,0) ;fund with status 'O' not generated S A=$P(PRCA,"^",6),A=$G(^PRCD(420.1999,A,0)) QUIT:$P(A,"^",4)="O" S $P(PRCA,"^",3)=$P(PRCA,"^",3)+1,$P(PRCA,"^",4)=$P(PRCA,"^",4)+1 S PRCRI(420.14)=$O(^PRCD(420.14,"UNQ",$P(PRCA,"^"),$P(PRCA,"^",3),$P(PRCA,"^",4),"")) D:'PRCRI(420.14) . D EN^DDIOL(PRCRI_" "_$P(PRCA,"^")_" "_$P(PRCA,"^",2)_" "_$P(PRCA,"^",3)_" - "_$P(PRCA,"^",4)) . K X S X=$P(PRCA,"^") . S X("DR")="2///"_$P(PRCA,"^",3)_";3///"_$P(PRCA,"^",4)_";4.5///"_$P(PRCA,"^",7)_";4.7///"_$P(PRCA,"^",5)_";5///"_$P(PRCA,"^",6)_";1///"_$P(PRCA,"^",2) . S Y="" D ADD^PRC0B1(.X,.Y,"420.14;^PRCD(420.14,") W " ",$P(Y,"^") . S PRCRI(420.14)=+Y . QUIT D:PRCRI(420.14)&PRCRI REQ(PRCRI,PRCRI(420.14)) QUIT ; REQ(PRCA,PRCB) ;copy fund required table from fund code RID# PRCA to PRCB N PRCRI,PRCC S PRCRI(420.18)="" F S PRCRI(420.18)=$O(^PRCD(420.18,"B",PRCA,PRCRI(420.18))) QUIT:'PRCRI(420.18) D . S PRCC=$G(^PRCD(420.18,PRCRI(420.18),0)) QUIT:'PRCC . QUIT:$O(^PRCD(420.18,"UNQ",PRCB,$P(PRCC,"^",2),$P(PRCC,"^",3),"")) . W !,PRCC . S $P(PRCC,"^",1)=PRCB . W " *** ",PRCC . K X S X=PRCB . S X("DR")="1////"_$P(PRCC,"^",2)_";2////"_$P(PRCC,"^",3)_";3////"_$P(PRCC,"^",4) . S Y="" D ADD^PRC0B1(.X,.Y,"420.18;^PRCD(420.18,") W " ",$P(Y,"^") . QUIT QUIT