PRCEADJ ;WISC/CLH/LDB/PLT/SJG-CP 1358 ADJUSTMENTS ; 04/21/93 10:52 AM V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;Create increase/decrease adjustment EN N PRC410,PRC442,PRCS,DIE,DR,PRC,PRCS2,DIC,X,X410,X442,X1,X2,X3,X4,PRCSIP,Y,Y410,DIR,TRNODE,Z,Z410,PRCSOBN EN1 ; D EN^PRCSUT ; ask site, fiscal year, quarter, control point; set X & Z I '$D(PRC("SITE")) W !,$C(7),"You are not an authorized control point user.",! G OUT G OUT:'$D(PRC("QTR"))!(Y<0) S X410=X ; station-FY-FCP S Z410=Z ; station-FY-quarter-FCP ENA1 S DIC=410,Y="" D OROBL^PRCS58OB(DIC,.PRC,.Y) ; get obligation # from old 1358 I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) G OUT I Y<0 W $C(7),!!," Obligation number is required. Use '^' to exit this option.",! G ENA1 S Y410=Y S X442=X D NODE^PRCS58OB(+Y,.TRNODE) ; set up TRNODE array from data in 410 S X="0101"_$P(TRNODE(0),"-",2),%DT="X" D ^%DT S X2=$E(Y,1,3) ; FY of original 1358 S X="0101"_PRC("FY"),%DT="X" D ^%DT S X3=$E(Y,1,3) ; adjustment FY I X2_"-"_$P(TRNODE(0),"-",3)](X3_"-"_PRC("QTR")) D EN^DDIOL("Adjustments cannot be earlier than the original 1358's FY-QTR.") G ENA1 N POOBL S POOBL=$P($G(TRNODE(10)),U,3) I POOBL="" D EN^DDIOL(" Obligation number is required.") W ! G ENA1 N OBLSTAT S OBLSTAT=$$NP^PRC0B("^PRC(442,"_POOBL_",",7,1) I $G(OBLSTAT)=40 D EN^DDIOL(" Adjusting a closed 1358 request is not allowed.") W ! G ENA1 ENA2 N EXIT S EXIT=0 D FMSTAT(POOBL,.FMSDOC,.STATUS) I $D(STATUS),"AF"'[$E(STATUS,1) D I EXIT D MSG1,OUT G EN1 .Q:STATUS="CALM" .; S TMP=Y,%X="Y",%Y="TMP(" D %XY^%RCR K %X,%Y ; PRC*5*231 - saves Y earlier .K MSG W ! .S MSG(1)=" Note that one of the previous documents has not been processed in FMS." .S MSG(2)=" The adjustment to this 1358 cannot be obligated until the previous" .S MSG(3)=" document has been processed in FMS.",MSG(5)=" " .S MSG(6)=" FMS Document: "_FMSDOC,MSG(7)=" Status: "_STATUS .D EN^DDIOL(.MSG) K MSG .W ! D PROMPT .S:Y EXIT=0 I 'Y!($D(DIRUT)) S EXIT=1 .Q ;The following lines commented out by PRC*5*231 - Y doesn't need to be restored ; I $D(STATUS) S:"AF"[$E(STATUS,1)!(STATUS="CALM") EXIT=1 ENA3 ; I $D(EXIT) I 'EXIT S Y=TMP,%X="TMP",%Y="Y(" D %XY^%RCR,MSG2 K TMP,%X,%Y S PRC442=$P($G(TRNODE(10)),U,3) S PRCSOBN=$$BAL^PRCH58(PRC442) ; get obligation# from file 442,node 8 I PRCSOBN'=-1 W !," Original Obligation Amount: $ ",$FN($P(PRCSOBN,U),",P",2) I PRCSOBN'=-1 D .W ?46,"Service Balance: $ ",$FN((+PRCSOBN-$P(PRCSOBN,U,3)),",P",2),! .W ?4," Fiscal's 1358 Balance: $ ",$FN(+PRCSOBN-$P(PRCSOBN,U,2),",P",2),! S Y=Y410,X=X410,X1=X,Z=Z410 D EN1^PRCSUT3 Q:'X S X1=X D EN2^PRCSUT3 Q:'$D(X1) S X=X1 ; add data to record in 410 W !,"This transaction is assigned transaction number: ",X L +^PRCS(410,DA):0 I $T=0 D EN^DDIOL("File in use.... Please try again later") D KILL G EN1 I $D(^PRC(420,PRC("SITE"),1,+PRC("CP"),0)) S:$P(^(0),U,11)="Y" PRCS2=1 S PRC410=DA S PRCSIP=$S($D(PRCSIP):PRCSIP,1:"") D ADJ^PRCS58OB(DIC,DA,PRCSIP,.X4) K PRCSOBN D ADJ1^PRCS58OB(DA,X,Y410) D ADJ2^PRCS58OB(.PRC,X442,DA) L -^PRCS(410,DA) S DIR("A")="Enter another increase/decrease adjustment" S DIR(0)="YO",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="Yes to enter an adjustment, return or '^' to quit" D ^DIR I Y D KILL G EN1 OUT K DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT KILL K PRC410,PRC442,PRCS,DIE,DR,PRC,PRCSL,PRCS2,DIC,X,X410,X442,X1,X4,PRCSIP,Y,Y410,DIR,TRNODE,Z,Z410,PRCSOBN K DA,FMSDOC,STATUS,TMP QUIT ; ASK ; entry point from other options S DIR(0)="YO" S DIR("A")="Do you want to enter an increase adjustment at this time" S DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("?")="Yes to enter an increase adjustment, return or '^' to quit" D ^DIR I 'Y&'$D(DIRUT) W !!,"No action can be taken with this authorization amount now.",! K DIR Q K DIR,DIC,X,Y I $D(DIRUT) Q G EN ; FMSTAT(POOBL,FMSDOC,STATUS) ; Check status of prior FMS Documents N LOOP,NODE S LOOP=0,(FMSDOC,STATUS)="" F S LOOP=$O(^PRC(442,+POOBL,10,LOOP)) Q:LOOP'>0 D .S NODE=^PRC(442,+POOBL,10,LOOP,0) .I $E(NODE,1,2)="SO"!($E(NODE,1,2)="AR") D ..S FMSDOC=$P($G(^PRC(442,+POOBL,10,LOOP,0)),U,4) ..S STATUS=$$STATUS^GECSSGET(FMSDOC) ..Q .I $E(NODE,1,6)?3N1"."2N S STATUS="CALM" Q PROMPT ; S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")=" Do you wish to create the adjustment to this 1358" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")=" Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to create the adjustment." S DIR("?",1)=" Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' to exit." D ^DIR K DIR Q ; MSG1 W ! D EN^DDIOL(" No further action taken on this adjustment.") W ! Q MSG2 W ! D EN^DDIOL(" Returning to creating the 1358 adjustment...") W !! Q