PRCFAC31 ;WISC/SJG-CONTINUATION OF FISCAL VENDOR EDIT ;12/12/94 15:52 ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ;; GET(VEN) ; Retrieve Vendor Payment Information from File 440 N DA,DIC,DIQ,DR S DIC=440,DA=VEN,DIQ="PRCTMP(",DIQ(0)="IEN" S DR=".01;17;17.2;17.3;17.4;17.5;17.6;17.7;17.8;17.9;18.3;34;35;36;45" D EN^DIQ1 QUIT ; DISPLAY(VEN) ; Display Vendor Payment Information I $D(IOF) W @IOF D HDR^PRCFAC3 W !,IOINHI,"Payment Information",IOINORM,! W !?2,IOINHI,"Vendor Name: ",IOINORM,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,.01,"E")) W !,IOINHI,"Vendor Number: ",IOINORM,VEN W ?40,IOINHI,"Non-Recurring/Recurring: ",IOINORM,$S($G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,36,"I"))="N":"NON-RECURRING",1:"RECURRING") W !!,IOINHI,?17,"FMS Vendor Code: ",IOINORM,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,34,"E")) W !,?5,IOINHI,"Alternate Address Indicator: ",IOINORM,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,35,"E")) W !!,?5,IOINHI,"Address: ",IOINORM I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.3,"E")) W ?14,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.3,"E")),! I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.4,"E")) W ?14,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.4,"E")),! I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.5,"E")) W ?14,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.5,"E")),! I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.6,"E")) W ?14,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.6,"E")),! I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.7,"E")) W ?14,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.7,"E")) I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.8,"I")) D .W ", " .W $P(^DIC(5,PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.8,"I"),0),U,2) .Q I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.9,"E")) W " ",$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.9,"E")),!! I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17,"E")) W !?5,IOINHI,"Payment Contact Person: ",IOINORM,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17,"E")) I $D(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.2,"E")) W !?22,IOINHI,"Phone: ",IOINORM,?14,$G(PRCTMP(440,VEN,17.2,"E")),! Q EDIT ; Prompt to edit W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Edit the payment information on Vendor record",DIR("B")="YES" S DIR("?")="Enter 'NO' or 'N' or '^' to exit this edit session." S DIR("?",4)="Enter 'YES' or 'Y' or 'RETURN' to continue." S DIR("?",1)="If the payment information on the Vendor record is changed," S DIR("?",2)="a Vendor Request will be sent to FMS.",DIR("?",3)=" " D ^DIR K DIR W ! Q