PRCFACPR ;WISC@ALTOONA/CTB-PURGE CODE SHEETS SYSTEM ;11-27-92/08:17 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. S PRCFASYS="FEE^FEN^RR^IRS^CLI^ISM^PRC" EN I $D(ZTQUEUED) G SCHEDULE A S U="^" F I=1:1 Q:$P($T(A+I),";",3)="" W !,$P($T(A+I),";",3,99) ;;This routine will delete LOG Code Sheets from the Code Sheet file ;;and Batch and Transmission records from the LOG Transmission Record File. ;;It will delete all reference to these code sheets, batches and transmission ;;records, except references maintained in the Code Sheet History section of ;;the Purchase Order file. Deletion is base on the transmission date of ;;the code sheet and date created for batch and transmission records. ;; S PRCF("X")="AS" D ^PRCFSITE G:'% OUT G B A1 W !!,"Enter an integer greater than 0, the system will compute the date",!,"prior to which all code sheets will be deleted for the station selected." G B B W !!,"Enter the number of days you wish to retain LOG Code Sheets: " R X:$S($D(DTIME):DTIME,1:300) G:X=""!(X="^") OUT G:X<1 A1 S X2=-(X) D NOW^PRCFQ S X1=X D C^%DTC S Y1=Y,(Y,PRCFA("KDATE"))=X D D^PRCFQ S PRCFA("DATE")=Y W ! S %A="I will now delete all LOG code sheets and associated records which were" S %A(1)="transmitted on or before "_Y_" for station "_PRC("SITE")_".",%A(2)="OK to continue",%B="" S %=1 D ^PRCFYN G:%'=1 OUT W $C(7) S %A="ARE YOU SURE",%B="With a response of 'YES', I will begin deleting the code sheets and transmission records NOW." S %=2 D ^PRCFYN G:%'=1 OUT D NOW^PRCFQ S PRCFA("QTIME")=%X S PRCFQ("FORCEQ")="",PRCFA("QION")=ION,ZTSAVE("PRCFASYS")="",ZTDESC="PURGE CODE SHEET AND TRANSMISSION RECORDS",ZTRTN="DQ^PRCFACPS",ZTSAVE("PRCFA*")="",ZTSAVE("PRC*")="" D ^PRCFQ OUT K %,%DT,%H,%I,D,DA,DIC,DIK,I,J,JX,K,PRCFA,TRANS,X,Y,Y1,Z,ZERO Q SCHEDULE ;ENTRY POINT AS SCHEDULED OPTION S PRCFA("QTIME")="Recurring",PRCFA("QION")="N/A" S PRC("SITE")=0 F I=1:1 S PRC("SITE")=$O(^PRC(411,PRC("SITE"))) Q:'PRC("SITE") I $D(^(PRC("SITE"),0)) S X=$P(^(0),"^",14) I X D C,DQ^PRCFACPS Q C S X2=-(X) D NOW^PRCFQ S X1=X D C^%DTC S Y1=Y,(Y,PRCFA("KDATE"))=X D D^PRCFQ S PRCFA("DATE")=Y Q