PRCFDE2 ;WISC/LKG-ENTER/EDIT CERTIFIED INVOICE ;7/19/95 14:32 V ;;5.1;IFCAP;;Oct 20, 2000 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. VENDOR ;Edit Vendor information N PRCFERR,I I '$G(PRCF("VENDA")) S X="Incomplete Vendor Information on PO/1358. Unable to Edit Vendor Data.*" D MSG^PRCFQ Q S (PRCFA("VEND"),DA)=PRCF("VENDA") G:$G(PRCF("NUVEND")) A D HILO^PRCFQ,INFO^PRCFAC3 K IOINHI,IOINLOW,IOINORM,PRCTMP D EDIT^PRCFAC31 I 'Y!($D(DIRUT)) W !!,"No further action is being taken on this Vendor.",! G VENDX A L +(^PRC(440.3,DA),^PRC(440,DA)):5 E W !,"Vendor information being edited by another user",! G VENDX K ^PRC(440.3,DA) S %X="^PRC(440,DA,",%Y="^PRC(440.3,DA," D %XY^%RCR A1 S DIE=440,DR=$S($P($G(^PRC(411,PRC("SITE"),0)),U,20):$S($D(^XUSEC("PRCFA VENDOR EDIT",DUZ)):"[PRCF FMS VENEDIT2B]",1:"[PRCF FMS VENEDIT2]"),1:$S($D(^XUSEC("PRCFA VENDOR EDIT",DUZ)):"[PRCF FMS VENEDIT1B]",1:"[PRCF FMS VENEDIT1]")) D ^DIE K DIE,DR,ORDER G:'$D(DA) A2 S X=$G(^PRC(440,DA,7)),PRCFERR=0 F I=3,7,8,9 I $P(X,U,I)="" S PRCFERR=1 Q I $G(PRCFERR) D G:Y=1 A1 . W !!,"Warning - Payment Information for this Vendor is Incomplete." . W !,"Payment information will have to be re-edited, if vendor is to be paid." . S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A")="Do you wish to re-edit the payment information now" . D ^DIR K DIR I '$G(PRCFERR) W ! D VEDIT^PRCHE1A(PRCFA("VEND"),PRC("SITE")) A2 L -^PRC(440.3,PRCF("VENDA")),-^PRC(440,PRCF("VENDA")) VENDX K DA,PRCFA("VEND"),DIRUT,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,%X,%Y S X="Returning to Payments Module.*" D MSG^PRCFQ Q CLSD1358(PODA,MSG) ;Determine if 1358, status Transaction Complete or ;Canceled, Totally Liquidated N PRCFX,PRCFY,PRCFZ Q:PODA'?1.N 0 Q:'$D(^PRC(442,PODA,0)) 0 S PRCFX=$O(^PRCD(442.5,"C",1358,"")) Q:PRCFX="" 0 I $P(^PRC(442,PODA,0),U,2)'=PRCFX Q 0 S PRCFX=$P($G(^PRC(442,PODA,7)),U),PRCFZ=$P($P($G(^PRC(442,PODA,0)),U,3)," ") I PRCFX]"",";40;105;"[(";"_$P($G(^PRCD(442.3,PRCFX,0)),U,3)_";") D Q 1 . W:MSG !,"Warning - This 1358 has been closed." . W:MSG !,"In order for this invoice to be paid, the ",PRCFZ," FCP Official will have ",!," to reopen this 1358 and maybe adjust its obligation amount." S PRCFY=$G(^PRC(442,PODA,8)) I $P(PRCFY,U)-$P(PRCFY,U,2)'>0 D Q 1 . W:MSG !,"Warning - This 1358 has already been totally liquidated." . W:MSG !,"In order for this invoice to be paid, the ",PRCFZ," FCP official must first do",!," an Increase Adjustment." Q 0